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Business meeting in Waitrose cafe

250 replies

whoneedswings · 01/02/2017 11:28

I'm currently sat in Waitrose cafe enjoying my free coffee with my 6 month old (I find it useful to feed him here whilst we're out shopping.) It's very busy so I've plonked myself on a chair on the edge of someone's table. Done this many times, just finding a bit awkward today as these people are discussing private financial matters and conducting some sort of meeting. They don't even have any coffee or food (so I'm not rushing them) just feel maybe it's a bit U to be continuing their business in a very small busy cafe. Or is it me?

OP posts:
LALALALALAND · 01/02/2017 20:53

It bloody annoys me. I am a self employed contractor. I don't meet clients in starbucks etc

Worst was the lounge in a 5 star london- a man held interviews for staff all day ( I popped in and out but he was always there) . By the end I was tempted to go up and say - don't work for him he is a lying XXXXX.

tanfield90 · 01/02/2017 21:06

I've come across this sort of thing several times in the likes of Costa and Caffe Nero, although not recently, I concede. The participants have two things in common; papers on every available inch of space and talking as loudly as possible.

londonrach · 01/02/2017 21:12

You not allowed to sit in waitrose cafes with just a free drink now, you need to buy food. Free drink is take away only now. (misses point)

darksideofthemooncup · 01/02/2017 21:17

Oh god I hate it when reality people really mean it when they sing. Cringe

StealthPolarBear · 01/02/2017 21:17

She did buy food.

darksideofthemooncup · 01/02/2017 21:17

Oh god wrong thread!!

darksideofthemooncup · 01/02/2017 21:18

Just pretend I'm not here Grin

ChocoChou · 01/02/2017 21:31

Haha darkside

CaraAspen · 01/02/2017 22:19


It bloody annoys me. I am a self employed contractor. I don't meet clients in starbucks etc

Worst was the lounge in a 5 star london- a man held interviews for staff all day ( I popped in and out but he was always there) . By the end I was tempted to go up and say - don't work for him he is a lying XXXXX."

Brilliant. Wish you had. I can't stand it that people use public spaces which are supposed to be for people socialising - or relaxing - to have their meetings.

CaraAspen · 01/02/2017 22:21


I've come across this sort of thing several times in the likes of Costa and Caffe Nero, although not recently, I concede. The participants have two things in common; papers on every available inch of space and talking as loudly as possible."

Yep. They love doing it on trains too - basically anywhere where is a captive audience. So impressive...

CaraAspen · 01/02/2017 22:21


I've come across this sort of thing several times in the likes of Costa and Caffe Nero, although not recently, I concede. The participants have two things in common; papers on every available inch of space and talking as loudly as possible."

Yep. They love doing it on trains too - basically anywhere where there is a captive audience. So impressive..."

AwaywiththePixies27 · 02/02/2017 06:43

Interesting thread. Where I am. There's nothing worse than nursing the ijch of coffee you've got left fir the next 60minutes when others are waiting to be seated. That being said though, our local cafe is a greasy spoon. Small with lovely staff and the staff do move you on if they are busy and someone is still nursing a seemingly empty cup an hour later. With a polite "have you finished? May we have this table please?".

I live a way from a Waitrose but I love going with my gran. From my experience, it's never not been busy so can understand OP squeezing in on the end.

No I don't think the group shouldn't have a business meeting there. They're entitled to use the cafe too. It may be possible they had already finished their food and drink but hadn't finished discussing we what they'd met up for. As long as they're not openly discussing client details or nuclear codes I don't see the harm. It's rather common nowadays I thought. I once had a job interview in a costa coffee shop.

AwaywiththePixies27 · 02/02/2017 06:46

Blush excuse the typos.

mambono5 · 02/02/2017 08:52

I can't stand it that people use public spaces which are supposed to be for people socialising - or relaxing - to have their meetings

Why on earth do the topics discussed have an effect on you? How can it possibly matter to you if I am discussing my weddings with some girlfriends or my department budget with my colleagues?

People speaking loudly in trains are more than annoying, but are they worst because they are talking about sales, or because they are discussing a football match or the latest stag night?

Seriously, what is it to you?

Trifleorbust · 02/02/2017 08:54

I've just read this open mouthed. YOU have sat at THEIR table and you want THEM to stop THEIR conversation and leave?

Am I on glue?

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 02/02/2017 09:21

It wasn't their table. It was Waitrose's table. OP had as much right to sit there as the other two, more in fact, as she had just purchased food and they had finished.

Read all the OP's posts and you will see quite plainly that she was just wondering why they would have a meeting about confidential financial stuff in such a crowded public place. Clearly this has touched a nerve amongst many who do similar stuff all the time and are not pleased to be told that others find it annoying or inappropriate.

mambono5 · 02/02/2017 09:27

clearly this has touched a nerve amongst many who do similar stuff all the time

Not really, just wondering why "business subjects" bother people so much more than discussions about private matters, may they be neighbours fights, giving birth or your latest sex fling. Still waiting for an explanation.

Is it because some posters like to eavesdrop and feel left out and out of their depth when someone talks about work?

NightWanderer · 02/02/2017 09:27

Yes. The OP walked into the Waitrose cafe at the busiest time of day. Demanded a free coffee, even though she didnt buy any food. Sat down at the table where they were having a business meeting without asking. She then glared at them and demanded they leave immediately as she wanted the table. She had a huge buggy that she parked in the disabled space and she farted really loudly. So entitled.


NavyandWhite · 02/02/2017 09:30

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Trifleorbust · 02/02/2017 09:32

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g: So you would walk into a restaurant and seat yourself at someone's table? No, you wouldn't. It is bloody rude. If she asked could she sit down, fine, but she has no right complain about the content of their conversation .

BarbaraofSeville · 02/02/2017 09:44

^Not really, just wondering why "business subjects" bother people so much more than discussions about private matters, may they be neighbours fights, giving birth or your latest sex fling. Still waiting for an explanation.

Is it because some posters like to eavesdrop and feel left out and out of their depth when someone talks about work^

No we bloody don't feel out of our depths FFS, it's the very real risk of confidential information getting into the wrong hands. What if the OP had been a business rival or regulator for example?

Many people work with very sensitive information that is not appropriate to be released to clients, suppliers, regulators, the government, customers etc etc.

Lots of companies will employ 'spies' for want of a better word to try and find out confidential or business sensitive information from rivals and by shouting about it in public, some people are making it very, very easy for them.

Trifleorbust · 02/02/2017 09:54

The confidentiality of their discussion is their problem. Why would this bother the OP?


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NavyandWhite · 02/02/2017 09:56

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

eurochick · 02/02/2017 10:08

I'm not sure many of the hundreds of coffee shops in the City would survive without people conducting business in them. It's perfectly normal. I meet business contacts this way several times a week. Although elsewhere there is a more varied population I'm sure cafes are very happy the local business people meet there.

spidey66 · 02/02/2017 10:09

If it's now rude to ask to join a table because there's none left, well I'm rude Confused. I don't think so! I often do it.

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