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To ask what you spend on party bags?

201 replies

Nicpem1982 · 31/12/2016 21:13

I'm having my dds 3rd birthday party at our local zoo.

We're expecting around 20 children aged 2-6.

Dh says I need to set a reasonable budget for party bags I thought about 4 pounds each as the venue is providing an activity pack and we've paid additional for face painting for each child.

I'd like them to be animal themed as per the party.

What do you spend on party bags per child?

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Nicpem1982 · 08/01/2017 19:06

It's nice- yeah they were very generous with them.

I think perhaps the 2 mums got a bit carried away and caught up in the whole children's party thing which is easily done and harmless in the grand scheme of things.

They work together and are quite competitive at work (all in good fun) so I think some of it may have spilt over

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