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To ask what you spend on party bags?

201 replies

Nicpem1982 · 31/12/2016 21:13

I'm having my dds 3rd birthday party at our local zoo.

We're expecting around 20 children aged 2-6.

Dh says I need to set a reasonable budget for party bags I thought about 4 pounds each as the venue is providing an activity pack and we've paid additional for face painting for each child.

I'd like them to be animal themed as per the party.

What do you spend on party bags per child?

OP posts:
00100001 · 05/01/2017 18:39

Wait... do none of you go to the park in the winter then? Confused

bigkidsdidit · 05/01/2017 18:43

Not for a party, no. I live in Scotland, chances of rain are 99% 😀

Our parties are usually £300 ish including food and soft play etc for 25 ish children. I don't think that's too bad.

Aeroflotgirl · 05/01/2017 18:46

001 no not if the weather is cold and wet, certainly not to sit out and picnic in such weather!

Aeroflotgirl · 05/01/2017 18:47

In Dec/Jan/Feb it is mostly cold and damp.

dibs1973 · 05/01/2017 18:50

In the past i purschased a book collection from the book people, worked out at about £1 per book, and then got some animal bars and designed my own wrapper incorporating the theme and a thank you from the birthday girl x

Aeroflotgirl · 05/01/2017 18:51

Would rather save up to give ds an indoor party. We have small ones 10-15 kids, and I do party bags on the cheap so not too bad, so this Jan party £150, plus £15 for party bags, and £12 for cake not too bad. I wod not like the mess at home thanks of a bunch of 4/5 year olds.

Newtssuitcase · 05/01/2017 18:53

£1.50. A book from a set (generally £1 per book) plus a mini bag of haribo/mini mars and a piece of cake.

£10 a bag is crazy!

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 18:54

001 - we go to the park in every weather we were there a few days ago an drew had to wipe the frost from the swings it was super fun but would I picnic and have a party in this weather - no thank you 😊

OP posts:
Oriunda · 05/01/2017 18:57

Currently planning a joint party for my son/friend. Potentially 50 invitees. I've managed to get the party bag - contents and actual bag - for £1.11 each so far. Was aiming for £1 though. Books from Book People, small piece of tat and I'll add another bit of tat from my 'recycled tat' bucket (i.e. anything I manage to salvage from son's party bags goes into my bucket). He goes to a lot of parties so I've lots of tat! Prob stick in a pack of sweets and a homemade cupcake. I'm not slicing and wrapping 50 bits of cake at the party!

BathshebaDarkstone · 05/01/2017 19:02

£4. I probably would spend more if there were more choice of things to put in them. Xmas Smile

Geobaby · 05/01/2017 19:27

One year I did a Cardboard pot (the compostable ones for seedlings), a little bag of compost and a sunflower seed; slice of cake; book people book. This went down really well. Last year I made 20 space and science themed pencil cases and put a balloon, 10p Haribo, pencil and bouncy ball in. The kids loved them.

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 19:29

Geo - that's a really cool idea :) love this

OP posts:
tighterthanscrooge · 05/01/2017 19:29

I actually bought supplies for my DDs party bags this afternoon! I bought everything in Poundland, multipacks of balloons, dinosaur figures, bubble wand things, Freddo bars and glow sticks
Cost about £8 all together and we've got 10 children coming so 80p each plus a slice of cake Grin

SlowSwimmingMom · 05/01/2017 19:41

Last couple of years I have bought Superhero copy Lego characters from eBay - you can get 16 individual character - Batman/Hulk/ Spiderman/WonderWoman etc etc for about £8 from Chine - not genuine Lego but the kids don't give a hoot about that. Pop one into each party bag with some sweets and cake and they're delighted.

Heirhelp · 05/01/2017 20:04

This thread is an eye opener. Two birthday parties per child. I am dreading the birthday party stage.

When is the activity pack used/given out? Is it not suppose to replace the party bag? I only have a pfb baby so I will probably change but I don't like the idea of all those sweets.

MsAdorabelleDearheartVonLipwig · 05/01/2017 20:04

Aeroflotgirl £13 x 14 people plus £12 cake is £194 not £140!

I'd just do a little soft toy, some bubbles, some sweets and a bit of cake. They're only little and will not be remotely interested in a book they can't read.

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 20:07

Heir- i got carried away and did 2 parties for my dd I have however this year seen the error of my ways. I don't like too many sweets so a small pack of buttons is my limit.

Activity pack is at the end of the party to take home

OP posts:
Aeroflotgirl · 05/01/2017 20:09

MsAdorable, the actual party is £10 X 14= 140, and on top of that cake and party bag, which bumps it up to £195

Heirhelp · 05/01/2017 20:10

In that case the activity pack is the party bag. I think you will look odd giving out two party bags.

sailawaywithme · 05/01/2017 20:14

I agree that two bags going home is odd. If there's an activity bag going home why are you putting something else as well? Also, perhaps I misunderstood but did your child have two birthday parties each year? As opposed to one?

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 20:18

Yes sail she did you haven't mis understood like I said I got carried away

I don't think there's much in the activity packs tbh so would like to add some thing a bit more substantial

OP posts:
Alibobbob · 05/01/2017 20:19

I think if the venue are doing an activity pack your basically sorted.

One year I did a sweet bag and the choice of a cake mix or a grow your own seedling with pot which proved quite popular.


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blinkineckmum · 05/01/2017 20:21

Just done the online shop for the party food and decorations. Including cake comes in at £50 so more than I thought. Makes the whole party £140. Plus about £50 on presents. Kids are expensive!

Heirhelp · 05/01/2017 20:21

What is in the activity bag? From remembering my nieces parties and her opening gifts your party bag sounds more like a gift.

I really don't think you need to give anything else other than the activity pack and a piece of cake. (Buy and supermarket one and cut it and wrap at home so it is all ready). A party bag is a token gesture similar to wedding favours.

yummymummycleo · 05/01/2017 20:24

Yes thought it might be. Didn't think of the mud! Dh is very precious about the floor so best not.

Know what you mean about tidying up when it's in your home. We had ds 1st and 2nd birthday at home I said never again but in bit of dilemma about dd 2nd birthday as she's not got many friends there's only 9 to invite, if we even have a party, so seems silly to pay out for something.

Sick of soft play parties, bouncy castle in hall ended up being quite expensive and think she's too young for my other ideas

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