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To ask what you spend on party bags?

201 replies

Nicpem1982 · 31/12/2016 21:13

I'm having my dds 3rd birthday party at our local zoo.

We're expecting around 20 children aged 2-6.

Dh says I need to set a reasonable budget for party bags I thought about 4 pounds each as the venue is providing an activity pack and we've paid additional for face painting for each child.

I'd like them to be animal themed as per the party.

What do you spend on party bags per child?

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Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 20:26

Heir - activity pack is a puzzle/colouring sheet and a multi coloured pencil thing I think.

I know I'm going to get shot down for this but re cake - I just can't let her have a supermarket cake I bake it myself and have baked all my nieces and nephews cakes it goes against the grain for a supermarket cake it's almost like a family tradition that there's a home made cake

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bigkidsdidit · 05/01/2017 20:26

I like spending a bit of money on parties and I think if you have it, why not. It's fun. I think your party sounds great.

However, I think your planned party bag sounds a bit Over the top and might rub a few people up the wrong way (unless your group of friends all go all out)! I would do activity pack + a nice cupcake each I think.

MsAdorabelleDearheartVonLipwig · 05/01/2017 20:27

No Aeroflotgirl the Farm party. Never mind.

toots111 · 05/01/2017 20:31

Where I live people tend to do nice party bags whether the party is at home or a venue. My daughter loves the tat :)

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 20:31

Big - we have had a mix of party bags in the past from a slice of cake and home printed colouring sheets to personalised tshirts printed for a Diwali celebration each friend/family member has done various budgets depending on theme and their finances at the time. I don't think it'd rub anyone up the wrong way but may reduce the play doh and cutters to one of each tho instead of multiple.

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Limewithorange · 05/01/2017 20:34

Parents like books. We've had 4 books as presents last year and have had to re gift them. So I'm no longer doing books even though my mr men collection has gone down well on both occasions. Parents hate sweets in party bags as it's always cheap shit with sugar and chemicals etc etc so I confiscate them immediately and replace with a lolly. However I have to say my child and his friends love love love a well stocked party bag. Yes some of its tat but mostly it's fun treasure box stuff. So I will be doing party bags to remember along with a home made Batman cake.

Aeroflotgirl · 05/01/2017 20:35

Farm party was £10 ph X 14 kids= 140. Party bags included in the price ph. So on top of that £12 cake= £152

Heirhelp · 05/01/2017 20:37

I think it is lovely that you make her cake. I would still be tempted to make a tray bake at home to have already cut and wrapped in addition to her main cake to make life easier.

inappropriateraspberry · 05/01/2017 20:37

I'd just put in 1 cutter, 1 pot of play doh and a packet of buttons. It'll be plenty for them to enjoy!

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 20:40

Lime- we love books in this house I've ordered some animal/zoo themed stories as they're a nice addition to the bed time story routine.

Heir - the cakes lovely the clean up operation after is awful 😂 I could do a plain cake iced in a similar colour and pre cut it that's genius

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OverAndAbove · 05/01/2017 20:41

It's funny how one person's tat is another person's "well thought out party bag", and vice versa Grin

I have girls and they get to have a say, so party bags in our house tend to contain lip balm and nail varnish. And sweets. And more sweets. The ones with books in rarely go down well - half the pack is usually rubbish and everyone and you can see the kids itching to swap. And whilst I do think the ones with seeds and compost are a nice idea, we've NEVER planted the seeds (and we have an allotment so we do seeds!)

I think at age 3 the best option is probably a small sticker book of a recognised brand (Disney princess, paw patrol or whatever). Poundland is your friend.

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 20:43

Inappropriate- I've ordered the books already 5 copies of 4 different titles all animal/zoo themed. Mixed titles as a few friends have multiple children so wanted to avoid 3 copies of the same book

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Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 20:46

Over - my dd would squeal with delight at lip balm and nail polish in a make up bag but I have a couple of years before that's a thing I think 😂 Can't wait love the cute opi minis you can et in tk maxx

I've not ordered a bulk pack of books I've chosen a few single titles and bought multiples of them

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OverAndAbove · 05/01/2017 20:58

It won't be long, believe me Wink There'll be bad parents like me dishing out the inappropriate stuff...

Books you've chosen yourself sounds MUCH better than a book people pack. The party sounds excellent actually; I bet they all have a blast!

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 21:00

Over - grandma beat you to it opi Minnie's mouse Mini opi nail polish and mini Lancôme juicy tubes in her stocking this year 😂😂😂 bring it on

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SixtyDegreesNorth · 05/01/2017 21:07

I have an overall budget of £100 per birthday. Three DC.

How I spend the money depends on the venue etc. A pool party or soft play will eat up most of the budget, so I have done party bags on as little as £1 a head for 35 guests. For a Spa Party at home with just 10 guests I was able to allocate about £5 per person and with careful spending did an incredible party bag.

I agree with other posters about giving the minimum for your awesomely generous party - cake, balloon, little bag of sweets. Plenty. Spend the rest on Prosecco as you will need it.

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 21:09

Sixty - 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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PotatoVegetable · 05/01/2017 21:19

Bloody hell, I must live in an alternate universe. Or Yorkshire as we call it.

Nicpem1982 · 05/01/2017 21:20

Potatoe - why??

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MrGrumpy01 · 05/01/2017 21:33

It depends how many are coming but less than £1 and I'm happy.

This year I am doing a 'class party' for my youngest 5th. I say class as she only wants girls so I'm inviting all the girls from her year.

I got some lip balms and erasers in the Claire's 5 for £5 sale (1 of each per bag) I got 28 bags of Haribo in a post Christmas sell off for £1.50 and selection boxes that I'll split down also for £1.50. So roughly 24 bags done for £8.

Last year I did a Lego party for Des and they got a mixels set which was also an activity. But there was only 6 and I picked them up cheap.

Dd's party is £79 for the venue (bouncy castle) then food on top. Doing bags to keep cost down as you don't need to cater for children taking 5 of everything and eating 1. No decs. Tableware I got half price and also just picked up a whole load of plates from freecycle.

So all in i think £5 is a lot on a party bag and a bit too much 'stuff'

MsAdorabelleDearheartVonLipwig · 05/01/2017 21:40

Today 14:25 Aeroflotgirl

No op, Ive never spent anything like that on a party. Last year ds turning 4 had a farm party £13 ph x 14 plus cake=£12 (M&S) chocolate cake, and party bags where included in the farm price. Was about £140.

Sorry, I was going by your original post.

Anyway... Grin

SimplyNigella · 05/01/2017 22:03

Walking animal helium balloons would be great for a zoo party, I wanted to do them for DS this year but got a bit carried away on Ali Express with Play-Doh cutters, finger puppets and stickers so the balloons would have been OTT.

We have DS's party this weekend, we are hiring the hall of a local leisure centre with bouncy castle and soft play equipment. That's about £80, then I've spent about £2-3 per child on food and drink (thank you Costco) and about £2-3 on party bags. I've invited all of nursery plus family friends, there will be somewhere between 20 and 30 pre schoolers and I am so pleased it isn't in my house.


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Nicpem1982 · 06/01/2017 06:56

Simply - We can't have too many balloons in the party room as there's a parrot that lives in there that all the children can meet and talk to and he's freaked out by balloons. So the venue has asked that we limit balloons to a bunch on the party table as that's away from the parrot

OP posts:
SimplyNigella · 06/01/2017 07:27

That's a shame, poor parrot!

Nicpem1982 · 06/01/2017 07:35

I know! He's a sweetheart too

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