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I'm not am I?! (Christmas one sorry, and it's long)

122 replies

lastqueenofscotland · 19/12/2016 20:11

This year we are doing Christmas at my sisters, which is a small cottage in a remote location (highlands of Scotland remote).
We usually end up with a few waifs and strays and have ended up with more than usual. So we have Booked cabs for those from a nearby town to go home in the evening and those from other remote villages who will struggle if they have been drinking to get home can stay.

One of the people coming is from the town, and is a friend of my sisters and is an Aussie who can't get come for Christmas, she lives nearby my mums brother. Excellent.
Also nearby is a girl me and my sister went to school with, who has sort of guilt tripped us into having her, she has family to spend it with but she had a minor argument with one of them 89472 years ago so doesn't want to see them... Initially she asked me if she could come and I said id need to speak to my sister it's her house etc, she got cross saying we'd invited som random Aussie but not her, an old friend etc. My sister said sod it for the sake of keeping the peace well have her.

However she is continuing to be difficult, I was going to pick up her, my uncle and the other girl from the town where they all live at noon after my uncle would have been to church.
She has turned round and said well she is going out on Xmas eve and might not be awake By then and maybe wants to see her family so she'll let me know on the day when I can come and get her. Hmm and we can have dinner when she gets there... More Hmm

Then there was the kick off when she couldn't stay... There is a cab booked and paid for and literally NO room in the house. Again apparently it's unfair Hmm

AIBU to say she's getting picked up at noon. We are having dinner when we are having dinner and no she really can't stay there is NO ROOM.

She's 30odd ffs Xmas Angry

OP posts:
Dozer · 20/12/2016 04:52

What a PITA, hope your sister agrees to uninvite her. If she does come she'll just be a drain!

AmserGwin · 20/12/2016 09:19

Hopefully she won't reply, and you can go without her

GinIsIn · 20/12/2016 09:22

Xmas Shock I think if she says one more thing, I'd be conveniently 'forgetting' to pick her up at all....

DaintySong · 20/12/2016 09:58

Still can't believe how cheeky some people can be! I wouldn't want to spend Christmas with a person like that, would avoid helping her get there.

SparklyMagpie · 20/12/2016 10:02

I'd definitely want her uninvited!

Can't believe the cheek of some people. Who does she think she is she gets to dictate when she'll be picked up and when you all have dinner when she wasn't even really invited in the first place

I hope she doesn't go haha

pklme · 20/12/2016 10:16

I do hope she doesn't come...

pklme · 20/12/2016 10:17

In fact, message her and say how nice it is that she has been able to make other plans.

MadameCholetsDirtySecret · 20/12/2016 10:23

Don't knock on her door, either hoot your horn - just once, we don't want you to be antisocial to her poor neighbours, or text when outside to say you are waiting. If you knock and she isn't ready, it will be bloody hard to do anything other than wait the hour or so I imagine she will take to get ready.

LumelaMme · 20/12/2016 10:56

Another one saying, pick her up from a previously agreed location and make it clear you'll only wait 5 minutes because you have to cook/walk the dog/put your feet up.

And if she's not there, just go. No faffing around. Some people are incredibly self-centred, and she's one.

scampimom · 20/12/2016 11:30

YABU - she's offered to grace you with her booze-sodden bleary-eyed presence and you can't even be bothered to let all your family and friends sit by going hungry while she finds the time to crawl out of her mascara-streaked pit? You are sooooooo selfish! And all you're doing to ensure she gets home warmly and safely and quickly is paying for a cab??? Where's the fur-lined horse-drawn carriage and footmen FFS?

ArgyMargy · 20/12/2016 11:46

I'm so thankful that I don't know anyone like this. How does anyone grow up to be like this? Seriously- just how?

BitOutOfPractice · 20/12/2016 13:18

Crikey! She's rude.

I'm kind of hoping for your sake that she takes umbrage and doesn't cone. Sounds like a nightmare

trevortrevorslattery · 20/12/2016 13:59

toastyarmadillo how did you get to be placemat king? Grin
fab autocorrect!


OhSuckItUpDucky · 20/12/2016 14:20

God , if she's like this now what's she going to be like on the day

EnglishNotBingo · 20/12/2016 15:05

I find that most people tend to tiptoe around the most difficult person in the room.

My friend I referenced upthread is notoriously late. I don't mean twenty minutes here and there etc, i mean LATE. As in turned up a full three hours late to her own mother's 70th birthday celebrations (a sit down meal) then got really angry and flounced because we had finally given up on her and had begun our starters.

Boundaries need to be set with people like this.


EnglishNotBingo · 20/12/2016 15:05

sorry for the random sh on the end there.

Jiggl · 20/12/2016 15:13

I can see why her family have fell out with her. She is going to be a right pain in the hole if she does turn up.

PollytheDolly · 20/12/2016 16:47

She'd be done as far as I'm concerned.

Shove it up your arse you self centred, ungrateful, bossy bitch.

Or words to that effect.

CoraPirbright · 20/12/2016 17:48

I would def rescind the invitation. Takes entitlement to a whole new level!

Has she replied yet OP?

midsummerwoods · 20/12/2016 17:50

I'm going to go against the tide here.

YABU for referring to guests as "waifs and strays."

Scribblegirl · 20/12/2016 17:57

midsummer Op is definitely not being unreasonable.

And 'waifs and strays' is a perfectly valid way of referring to the odd people picked up by a group! It's not like the Victorian era when it was a derogatory term for poor orphans Hmm

Stickerrocks · 20/12/2016 17:58

Why midsummerwoods?


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Janey50 · 20/12/2016 18:01

And yet another example of someone who thinks the entire universe revolves around them.....

ParadiseCity · 20/12/2016 18:01

Sounds like you've invited my cousin! Tell her to fecking grow up.

RuggerHug · 20/12/2016 18:09

What the hell? not place marking for the reply no not at all

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