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Woman moving dirty plates onto MY table...

147 replies

elodie2000 · 27/11/2016 22:55

In cafe today (with friend) sat at one side of a table for 4.
There was another table for 4 next to us which had plates/ wrappers/ teacups on it waiting to be cleared.
A woman and her DH came along and cleared the stuff off the table next to us onto the side of ours before sitting down.
AIBU to think WTF? They had a nice clean table for 4 between the two of them and we aquired a load of dirty plates next to us.
was I wrong to get up and put it all back on their table?
Still cross now...

OP posts:
MrsKoala · 28/11/2016 04:49

Its a sort of trough/channel dug into the ground to create an invisible border on land so a fence doesn't spoil the view. Often dug around stately homes.

80sWaistcoat · 28/11/2016 08:04

She was probably hungry, it's the kind of thing I do when focussed and hungry, then wake up in a cold sweat at 3am!

Olddear · 28/11/2016 08:30

Stop funding hate? Eh?

Arfarfanarf · 28/11/2016 08:57

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elodie2000 · 28/11/2016 09:05

Stop funding hate? Boycott JL? I understand the campaign but in reality that would mean not buying anything ever again. Sadly, there is no such thing as a truly ethical business.

OP posts:
Gutted2016 · 28/11/2016 09:11

You should have tipped the table over. Grin I would love to do that, just once!

Southallgirl · 28/11/2016 09:25

That's happened to me in a Chinese café I frequent. Woman + 3 sitting at next table swung around with their dirty plates and plonked them onto mine. She obviously thought that as I was sitting alone and had more room that was in order! I called her a dirty bitch, and the café owner quickly hurried and removed the plates.

PlumsGalore · 28/11/2016 09:27

This isn't the first time I have read something similar on MN, there really must be an awful lot of people out there that actually think this is OK.

CryingShame · 28/11/2016 09:34

The thing with the seagulls and bread. Works a treat if you're in a caravan / camper van and the neighbours didn't read the bit on thesite details about it being a quiet site and no noise after 10 or 11pm. Just saying.

I can kind of, just about see their rationale, in terms of the table only having 2 occupants, but by the same rationale they could have stacked the paltes and kept them on their own 4-person tabe, occupied by 2 people. Confused

She engaged her arms without engaging her brain. Out of interest, how long did he plates stay with her until they were cleared?

FurryLittleTwerp · 28/11/2016 09:36

I want to know what Jelly's holiday neighbours did that warranted the -impressive-sounding-- acts of revenge.

We used to make giant sand sculptures on the beach when DS was little - diggers, locomotives etc. Never thought of a giant cock & balls probably just as well Grin

PatMullins · 28/11/2016 09:38

I want this to happen to me just so I can say something Grin

WouldHave · 28/11/2016 09:45

Wearing salmon chinos is unreasonable in itself. This says it all:

petitpois55 · 28/11/2016 09:51

Well done OP. Just waiting on someone to come on to say the poor women could have had mental health problems, and not only should you have left the dirty dishes on your table, but you should have offered to buy her lunchGrin

WouldHave · 28/11/2016 09:55

petitpois: ODFOD.

HeyRoly · 28/11/2016 10:00

I for one thought petitpois was spot on Grin

Floggingmolly · 28/11/2016 10:19

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ToastDemon · 28/11/2016 10:25

PatriciaBateman you have a very apt username Grin

ZbZb · 28/11/2016 10:25

I would have done the same OP. No drama and no agnst'ing for hours about it afterwards. The only bit where you are being unreasonable is asking if you are being unreasonable.

....and, yes, I'm suprised no one has suggested you offer her a crime egg yet because you just can't know what awful hardships she might be having to put up with 😂

Abraiid2 · 28/11/2016 10:26

If we boycott every single company that's ever advertised in the Mail we will not be able to buy much at all. God knows, JL have annoyed me at times with their appalling white goods delivery service and a huge overcharge on an expensive blind (they radically over calculated th fabric required and left me with enough to make a quilt), but this campaign is silly,

LivingOnTheDancefloor · 28/11/2016 10:45

Ha it happened to me once, I did put all the dishes back to their table straightaway, they mumbled something like "oh we thought it was yours".
Small victories

2kids2dogsnosense · 28/11/2016 10:49

I'm suprised no one has suggested you offer her a crime egg yet

crime egg

Best autocorrect ever!

Oldbutstillgotit · 28/11/2016 10:55

Happened to me last week in Costa; 2 friends and I were chatting at table for 4 when couple sat down at table next to us and started moving dirty cups etc on to our table ! One of my friends asked what they were doing and woman replied saying they needed space for their cups etc ! Friend and I picked everything up and plonked it back on their table ! Waitress scurried over but the couple spent their time glaring at us !


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AwaywiththePixies27 · 28/11/2016 11:02

^Are people so really unaware*

No. They're just entitled twats and do it simply because they can. (even though they shouldn't but humans are weird sometimes). I'd have asked her straight out what she was doing whilst also informing her you're not the waiting staff.

Southallgirl · 28/11/2016 11:54

Oldbutstill Waitress scurried over but the couple spent their time glaring at us

There are SO many morons around, aren't there? You had 3 at your table and there were 2 at theirs so ...... I cant even finish the sentence, because the excuse I gave for when this happened to me does not make sense in your situation. And they had the temerity to glare at you as well! They are fuck-ups.

BigbyWolf · 28/11/2016 12:06

Stop funding hate? Boycott JL? I understand the campaign but in reality that would mean not buying anything ever again.

I don't know why but that comment made me properly laugh out loud!

Well done for having the balls to plonk the lot back on to her table OP. I'd probably be too cowardly to do it but if I find myself in a similar situation in the future, I might just think of this thread to inspire me to grow a pair and do the same.

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