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"because you're weird"

83 replies

Auti · 24/11/2016 22:02

from my 9yo DD

this isnt really an AIBU, I just didn't know where to put this-she said that less than hour ago.

I have Aspergers and daily feel useless and like a failure. Im used to that.

However DD saying Im weird really hurts like fucking hell.

As you where

OP posts:
Looneytune253 · 25/11/2016 12:45

Ahhhh bless. We've always used the word weird to describe ourselves. We embrace being different. As my daughter has grown up (possibly has aspergers too) she loves being weird and doesn't even flinch when she gets called that. She is very different. It's all a state of mind. Embrace the weirdness lol.

QueenOfMyDomain · 25/11/2016 12:55

I've been called weird many times over the years, usually well meaning. I suspect i have Aspergers too. It really hurts, because when you are desperate to fit in and have friends like everybody else and not get stressed at crowds, loud noises, lots going on etc its just another reminder that you're not like everybody else. I get it :-(

I would talk to your daughter honestly and explain how much it hurts.

MariePoppins · 25/11/2016 13:01

I agree with Toast
Its hard to hear 'you are weird' when you have good reasons to feel weird.

However, being in that place (though not because of AS), I have learnt that its easier to embrace that weirdness.
I hope that the link provided by other posters before me will be helpful too.

ShoopyShoopyDoopDoop · 25/11/2016 16:22

Yes Toast. That is it exactly.

MLGs · 25/11/2016 18:05

I think all kids find their parents weird.

Then again I am weird so what do I know?

lljkk · 25/11/2016 19:41

This is what kids do... they adore you when they are small & are brutal when they realise that you aren't a God after all. It's not personal... well it is, but it's also something they can't help. A normal phase.

You know that old MN saying .... " Did you INTEND to be so rude? "

JollyHockeyGits · 25/11/2016 21:28

I'm pretty sure I called my parents weird when I was little, even though they are as normal as people get. I just didn't understand that other people aren't really as 'normal' as I thought they were and that we weren't as 'weird' as I thought we were. I hope that makes some sort of sense...

maggiethemagpie · 25/11/2016 22:00

Someone once told me 'we're all weirdos pretending to be normal' and it stuck with me.

I'm bloody weird, but it's only since I've learned to not really give a shit about being weird that it's stopped being a big deal.

And when I don't care about it, I think others pick up on that and they don't care all that much either.

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