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To ask for you to talk to me about exercise

159 replies

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 16:44

I am fat.

I was A Nice Size until Dc1 then put on weight and thought I was huuuuuuge.

I lost it. Then it slowly went on after DC2. By the time I had DC3 I was pretty fat. Now I'm really, properly fat.

I've committed to lose it (long story which I won't go into but I've just been told off by my own child Hmm) but I'm wondering about exercise.

The problems are, firstly I am big enough for exercise to hurt a bit. I don't mean normal aches and pains but actually 'shit, ow, I can't move.'

I hate swimming. Don't mind the sea or lakes or rivers but bobbing up and down in a pool is not for me. And you get wet. And cold. And hungry.

I can't run, I really can't. Even when I was quite young and healthy and energetic I couldn't run.

So, any ideas people? Not Zumba or aerobics ... I'm as coordinated as a seal on ice and as flexible as a paving slab so yoga/Pilates are out.

OP posts:
MsJamieFraser · 05/11/2016 17:52

OP is there a gym near you that does aqua fit, I love it, I do it 4 times a week plus classes, however aqua fit for me means the time between the classes I'm not carrying my own body weight (I'm not big, but I am over weight now) it also cools me down while putting 150% into the work out.

Sirzy · 05/11/2016 17:53

They wouldn't make you run.

ribena71 · 05/11/2016 17:56

I had never exercised in my life but, after crying to the nurse at my local surgery about how fat and lazy I was, I forced myself to join the gym. I felt so embarrassed the first time I went about how unfit I was, but the instructor who sorted out my routine assured me there was always going to be someone less fit than me! At first, I couldn't do anywhere near the full set of exercises he gave me but over time built up to doing a full workout. I have now lost five stone and actually enjoy going to the gym. If you'd asked me 18 months ago if I'd ever enjoy exercising I would've laughed in your face but it really does become a little bit addictive once you start to see the changes in your body!

Some gyms offer a pay as you go type thing, so you don't have to commit long term unless you want to. Might be worth a try? Smile

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 17:57

I really don't like swimming, in pools, of any description.

I've just looked up park run online and honestly it looks like my dreams of where I die and go to Hell.

OP posts:
BackforGood · 05/11/2016 17:57

What about starting by dancing around your house?
No, seriously. Put on your favourite music and make yourself dance without stopping for....10mins to start(?) then build up from there, until you feel a bit more ready to join a class

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 18:01

I sound a bit pathetic but I can't. :) I am a bad, bad dancer. I'm very self conscious and I just can't move freely.l

I think this is the heart of the problem, that a lot of the things people do to exercise by accident I either can't do or derive no pleasure from.

OP posts:
Redrocketship · 05/11/2016 18:02

Another vote for walking here. Not strolling, proper brisk walking without slowing down preferably with some uphill portions.

Also, get a Fitbit and make sure to do 10,000 steps a day. I wasn't overweight, just unfit, but I've lost nearly 8lbs just from doing 10k steps a day and exercising 5 times a week. Usually 3 x 2 mile walks and 2 dancing around to music at home sessions!

BackforGood · 05/11/2016 18:09

Sorry, I thought you had indicated it was that you didn't want to go to a dance class.
Agree with other then - walking - at a decent pace, swing your arms a bit as you go, and try to stick to it.
Run up and down stairs whenever you can - even if you just do it in your house when you have 30seconds to spare.

Eolian · 05/11/2016 18:11

You need to accept that you may hate it at first, whatever it is! If you are overweight and unfit (as I was when I first started exercising), then any form of exercise that is vigorous enough to make you lose weight is going to be uncomfortable at the least. If you are self conscious you will find it embarrassing to exercise in public. What you need to do is DO IT ANYWAY!

If you are looking for someone to come up with a magical form of exercise that you will like, find relatively easy and look miraculously cool doing it and will make you lose lots of weight or get really fit... I'm afraid you'll be waiting a long time.

I picked running. I had always loathed it and been utterly unable to do it, even as a teenager. At first I couldn't run more than a few metres without thinkjng I was going to die! I've since run 5k and 10k races and nearly made it to half marathon distance.

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 18:15

I think what I want, is to feel how I used to feel.

I'm actually struggling so much and when people try 'tough love' it just makes me feel like crying.

OP posts:
Sirzy · 05/11/2016 18:20

Well what made you feel how you used to feel?

You do seem to be putting up barriers to exercise at The moment. You need to decide what you want me - to feel how you want to feel or to stay in your comfort zone? To feel how you want you will need to step out of that comfort zone. It's not an easy step to make but when it comes to weight loss and fitness it's the only way to change

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 18:21

I guess I might just be better focusing on diet.

OP posts:
Believeitornot · 05/11/2016 18:23

How much are you eating?

What about getting a step counter to wear all the time?

Also I would try very short exercise routines at home. these were the things that got me back in to exercise again. I started off doing the moves for 20 secs at a time. And yes it hurts because it your body is getting used to it (well depending on the pain of course).

Minesril · 05/11/2016 18:25

I second weights. I go to a kettlebell class once a week which i love. I pay in advance for 7 sessions which i find is a great incentive to actually go!
I also find i do much more of a workout at the class than at home. On my own i can only manage about ten minutes before collapsing on the sofa, whereas the class is 45 mins!

ArthurShelbysTash · 05/11/2016 18:40

I agree with cycling. Yes, it's dark and wet but actually once you get out there it's fine if you have the right clothing. I bought my bike off eBay for a few quid and have built up over the last few months. I now cycle 8 miles to work and back a few times a week as well as the school run most days.

I've lost 3 stone in 2 years by making a few changes to my diet and slowly increasing my cycling. I have a little computer that shows my mph - I find I push myself to go faster if I can monitor my my speed.

I did struggle with a tender arse for a few weeks to begin with but it soon toughens up!

maybeshesawomble · 05/11/2016 18:44

Have you tried spinning? As you set the resistance on your bike yourself you can work at any level. It is low impact and many studios/gyms have spin classes that are practically in the dark with disco style lighting Star🚴‍♀️

maybeshesawomble · 05/11/2016 18:45

Not sure why the female symbol popped up there!! Blush

Kikibanana86 · 05/11/2016 18:50

I've lost four stone the past 18 months by making gradual changes to what I eat.

Have only exercised a few times,I bought a treadmill which I loved and used every day for a month but it broke and I've not used it since.

I'm generally a busy person as I work, go to college and have 5 kids so I'm not sitting on my arse all day.

Just stay active and eat properly and it will fall off.

hollinhurst84 · 05/11/2016 18:59

I do
Walking whilst playing Pokemon go Wink
Aerial hoop
Pole fitness
Spin class
Heavy weights

And I'm not thin by any stretch of the imagination! Aerial hoop is probably my favourite

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 19:01

Love the idea of aerial hoops but I know I just couldn't do it.

OP posts:
PNGirl · 05/11/2016 19:01

I do Jillian Michaels 6 days a week for 20 minutes (30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, 6 Week 6 pack). I've lost a dress size in 2 months. No, it isn't social, but it means I don't have the excuse that it's cold and dark, it's free and I can do it before my morning shower.

PNGirl · 05/11/2016 19:02

Oh, it's cardio, strength and ab intervals with hand weights.


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hollinhurst84 · 05/11/2016 19:04

That's the thing though - neither could I!
My first pole fitness lesson I laughed all the way through and couldn't lift myself up at all. Decided I was shit but it was fun. Then I sort of got it, it's technique rather than strength
Same with aerial hoop, I couldn't get on the hoop, so we used a lower one

TaraCarter · 05/11/2016 19:04

Electronic drum kit and a drumming simulation game such as Rock Band. You'll be sitting down, but you'll get totally out of breath.

Or, martial arts:

missbishi · 05/11/2016 19:05

I guess I might just be better focusing on diet.

Sorry but you need to exercise too. It helps tighten the skin up and it is so beneficial, especially for the heart.

Do your legs work? If so, you can walk. Get some music on your phone, pop in your earphones and walk.

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