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To ask for you to talk to me about exercise

159 replies

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 16:44

I am fat.

I was A Nice Size until Dc1 then put on weight and thought I was huuuuuuge.

I lost it. Then it slowly went on after DC2. By the time I had DC3 I was pretty fat. Now I'm really, properly fat.

I've committed to lose it (long story which I won't go into but I've just been told off by my own child Hmm) but I'm wondering about exercise.

The problems are, firstly I am big enough for exercise to hurt a bit. I don't mean normal aches and pains but actually 'shit, ow, I can't move.'

I hate swimming. Don't mind the sea or lakes or rivers but bobbing up and down in a pool is not for me. And you get wet. And cold. And hungry.

I can't run, I really can't. Even when I was quite young and healthy and energetic I couldn't run.

So, any ideas people? Not Zumba or aerobics ... I'm as coordinated as a seal on ice and as flexible as a paving slab so yoga/Pilates are out.

OP posts:
SheepyFun · 05/11/2016 17:14

You've already said you cycled in the past - could you give that a go again? It's kinder on joints than walking/running. Could some of the journeys you do as part of your life anyway be done on a bike? What helped for me in increasing my exercise levels was I cycled to and from work anyway, so I made the return journey longer. That way I was going to the faff of getting the bike out, locking it, loading luggage etc. anyway; the only extra time was the extra miles on the way home. Good luck!

SheepyFun · 05/11/2016 17:16

Sorry, x post with Antifrank

Pinkheart5915 · 05/11/2016 17:17

Pole dancing lessons? Very fun and good at toning


A dance class. I know you say your not coordinated but I have a dance studio and did teach before DC and honestly not everyone that goes is coordinated they just do there best and have fun


BuntyFigglesworthSpiffington · 05/11/2016 17:19

Another vote for Bodypump. Weight lifting is the best.

Sparlklesilverglitter · 05/11/2016 17:20

Walking? I am losing my baby weight at the moment and I make getting out for a walk with the pram for 1 hour a day part of my routine

A fitness DVD? Make it part of your day that you do it at x time always


Antifrank · 05/11/2016 17:20

Great minds SheepyFun

I spent years trying to find exercise that I actually wanted to do as opposed to it being a chore. Cycling was the one that worked for me. You need to find something that you can build into your life, and that you want to do

Diet is important as well, exercise alone won't shift all the wobbly bits. I found using MyFitnessPal works as it forces you to write down everything you put in your mouth.

Quodlibet · 05/11/2016 17:20

The thing is, for exercise to do you any good it will be uncomfortable. Them's the breaks. If you aren't at all uncomfortable then it's not making you any fitter.

Sirzy · 05/11/2016 17:26

You need to find something you enjoy, it shouldn't be a chore. Lots of things have been suggested here so do some research and see which you can see yourself enjoying most and give it a go - but give it a proper go, for it to make a difference it will be tough and it will hurt but that's part and parcel of "proper" exercise. But on the same note one of the best things is being able to see the improvement over time and how quickly it happens.

I used to be very overweight and have shed 7 stone, I was very much an "I can't" when it came to exercise and stopped at the first sigh of ache or bit breathless. It was only when I took am "I can" attitude that things really changed and I was able to see the health benefits of exercise.

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 17:26

At present, I don't have a bike. I might get one in the new year but I don't think I'd use it much at the moment as its dark and wet.

I know about diet but I can do that. I think I just need suggestions as to things I can do to move a bit: at the moment I do nothing Blush

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Lesley1980 · 05/11/2016 17:29

I was just over 17 stone & I got a personal trainer & attended her boot camps. It was tough, painful, embarrassing & I genuinely wanted to give up but I didn't & I lost 3 stone in a few months. It was mainly HIIT type exercise & weights which worked as I was too big to jump up & down etc. Im now the strongest in the boot camp & although I'm not the fittest in the class I'm not far off despite still weighing 3+ stone heavier than all of the other girls.

Clarabumps · 05/11/2016 17:32

I hated exercise. Hated it with a passion, turns out I was just shit at it and had to keep going. Started off swimming (badly, face out of water)then took swimming lessons on the recommendation of lovely Mumsnet people.
Then took up yoga and really enjoyed it, then had to increase my strength and got a trainer to coach me through weight training. I have a pelvic floor injury so there was a lot I couldn't do. Jumping or running were no nos.
Now I'm weight training 3x a week 3x swimming and twice weekly yoga classes and I have to say I'm totally addicted. I love it. It's taken me a good year to love it though. I hated it to begin with. Start small and form good habits. You don't need to do much to start off with but you need to stick to it.
Walk briskly with your dog, map out a distance and increase it each time. Time yourself. Set small goals and stick to them, this all really increases self esteem and your sense of achievement.

Now here's the big bit... don't reward yourself with food after you've achieved it. A bubble bath, a homemade manicure, an early night with a new book are rewards. Not food. Your diet is the big deal breaker in losing weight. Keep a record of food and portions. My fitness pal is great and free.
I hope you find something that works for you. I honestly thought I'd never be a fitness person but I love it now.

MegCleary · 05/11/2016 17:32

DH and i rented a water rowing machine and he has gone from 24 stone to 17 in almost two years he eats sensibly also but still has treats and dinners out etc.
He felt to fat to run worried about his joints so the rowing was in the privacy of our own home, no excuse not to do it. I have lost 2 stone but a few pounds has crept back on.
I feel he has added years to his life.

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 17:33

I don't think I reward myself with food after exercise, it's more that I find I am hungry.

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Lolimax · 05/11/2016 17:33

Hi rainy. I was 16 stone 2 and very unfit in April. I am 12 stone 9 now and fitter than I've been in my adult life (I'm 47). I started by walking and swimming, then progressed to Zumba but have carried on's walk with the dogs was 8kms. I've also taken up spin.
It's a question of finding what you like and we all have to start somewhere. My first walk I was so out of puff and my first spin class I honestly thought I was going to be sick.
I also use My Fitness Pal to track what I eat, and there's a great thread on here for support.
You CAN do this, I promise.

Timeforabiscuit · 05/11/2016 17:33

Maybe something like self defence classes? Or tennis? Rugby? Netball? There are loads of teams out there. Are there any things youve fancied learning? Rowing, kyaking, body boarding? Fencing?

Exercise for its own sake is quite difficult, but learning a discipline or a skill makes the time investment worthwhile imo.

To be honest even learning an instrument would be good or painting, sculpture?

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 17:33

That's brilliant.

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rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 17:34

The problem is my confidence is so low I don't want to go to a class but perversely I don't want to do something alone.

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KatharinaRosalie · 05/11/2016 17:35

It is very hard to lose weight by just exercising. Especially when you say you're at a size when you cannot actually do anything intensive. So you first really need to sort out the eating. BUt saying that, yes weights, including bodypump, should be doable at any size.

Clarabumps · 05/11/2016 17:37

Right I'm going to be brutally honest here, you sound like you're making excuses, if you want a lifestyle change then you can't only exercise when the sun is shining if that's the only exercise that floats your boat. You need to do it consistently and as much as I'd like it to be, the weather isn't consistent in the uk. Or pick something you can do indoors.
If you really don't want to do exercise just now then start with your diet but you need to start with something and no excuses. Not rain or wind or darkness. You either make a change or don't. I don't mean to be harsh but it's up to you.

Snafflebrain · 05/11/2016 17:41

I have just started the beginner shred DVD and I have a mini trampoline (or as the cool kids now say a rebounder). I'm also properly fat and needed something low impact and that I could do at home and it's low impact as my knees aren't up to running. If you prefer the social aspect but don't fancy classes what about online exercise groups/fitness challenges? There's all kinds of groups you can sign up to on MyFitnessPal or facebook groups? And perhaps your confidence will build and you'd be more up for joining groups and classes?
I like the look of roller derby when I'm a bit fitter!

rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 17:42

How in the holy name of Jesus Mary and Joseph am I making excuses ? Confused

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Sirzy · 05/11/2016 17:43

Something like parkrun may be a good idea if your low on confidence. Like pp said not to run but just to walk briskly around, I have been to quite a few different ones and they are all very friendly and welcoming. A tail runner is always there as a volunteer to be at the back and they support those who are slower the whole way round.

A few weeks of something like that may give you the push you need to join other classes/groups


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rainyinnovember · 05/11/2016 17:44

I know but they might try to make me run. Quelle horreur!

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imjessie · 05/11/2016 17:48

I am a size 10 but still fat as I'm short . I make myself go to the gym 4/5 times a week . I do lots of different classes and rarely go to the gym itself . The key is to find a good gym that people are nice to you at . I do enjoy it when I've done it. Interesting about running. I couldn't do it despite being fairly fit but I joined a running club and have learnt I was positioning my feet wrong and now I can run a bit with the aim to run 5 k at xmas ... to be honest it doesn't help me lose weight though . I also do slimming world which helps . I believe it's 80% food and 20% exercise ehich makes you lose weight . Good luck .

Ooogetyooo · 05/11/2016 17:51

Op you need to move and get out of puff for your body to feel it and start making changes. At my HIIT classes a lady with cerebral palsy turns up in her mobility scooter, gets out and does what she can and every week is losing a bit of weight getting fitter and improving her flexibility, she is amazing . Just do it .

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