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To hate the neighbours for this

190 replies

highlandspringerdog · 04/11/2016 21:56

We live in a little street of terraced houses. Everyone knows everyone and it's usually lovely and safe. My kids are late primary school / early secondary school and I feel totally at ease letting them nip to the shop in their own, to school etc.

Acouple of years ago I arrived home from work to find neighbours were having a firework display with the bucket of fireworks in the road about 2 metres from my front door. I found out about it as I drove down the road and nearly knocked into their cocking bucket. A firework whizzed out of it into the sky when I was practically on top of it. Slammed on brakes. Did not cause enormous car based explosion. Phew.

Neighbours had all their kids milling about - including toddlers just pottering about. I could not believe it!

Parked up at the top of the street and went in my front door. Found one of my kids in tears too scared to go out the house as the fireworks were there but worried as she was meant to be meeting friend at bus stop.

I didn't say anything to the twerp neighbours that year as I was too in intimidated - the ones that set these off are the sort of A list neighbours, all friends, go on holiday together etc. I just felt a bit shy to go and say actually can you please not have your bloody fireworks in the street.

Last year - the same. Got home, war bucket in street, fire explosions coming out of it. With a twist - they'd stuck a twisting firework to a tree right outside my house and then lit it. So this fucking thing was whizzing around in a circle with sparks flying out of it and I was stuck in my car watching, and desperately repeat calling the landline phone to tell the kids not to come out of the house. I called the police. They came just as the pricksters were finishing up their display, and told them it was fine!!!

And now it's this year.

I thought I should be brave and ask them not to do it in advance. I've spent about a month worrying about fireworks injuries v annoying the neighbours, and in the end decided not to be a wimp, but to be super friendly.

Texted neighbours. Asked could they maybe not set off fireworks in street this year but instead do in their garden. Said I totally appreciate that some people love fireworks but I found them v frightening and would really appreciate them not being in our street on the pavement or in the road. "We'll try not to do it in the street" was the answer! Followed quickly by a message asking for me to not text them again.

AIBU to wish they'd all fuck the fuck off ? And take their fireworks with them?

OP posts:
ItShouldHaveBeenJess · 06/11/2016 17:37

What?! People are setting off fireworks in a frozen goods supermarket now? (Shakes head in disbelief)

Fluffy40 · 06/11/2016 17:48

Because of police cuts I can't see them rushing out to every firework .

But your neighbours are ignorant twats,

shillwheeler · 06/11/2016 17:48

TSSDNCOP - me too.

YANBU. Every time I read these neighbour posts, makes me glad I live out in the sticks with a load of sheep for neighbours (that said still managed to find a wretched rocket in the yard this morning!)

Glad, you found a resolution of sorts OP. I would totally share your frustration, but (sadly) you do have to live with these knob-heads for the other 364 days a year.

Maybe anonymously post random picture of firework related accident on the tree next year?

VenusRising · 06/11/2016 18:35

Oh a damp squib of a thread.

I was hoping for Molotov cocktails and hand to hand fighting.

Fwiw, Iceland has volcanoes so a few sparklers isn't going to raise the roof so to speak.

Also, just for information, and seeing as I'm not on a beach in Tahiti, or having a spa day, the sale and release of fireworks in northern Ireland is prohibited by law as a terrorist activity.

You could move to the republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland op. No explosives or incendiary devices allowed on the island at all!

You might need to get a mediator for next year. I'd start the actual work of building a relationship with neighbours months and months before the known tipping point. Just a thought.

faye007 · 06/11/2016 18:49

I'm sure this is done and has been done there for many years and safely too., they will also care for their kids like you care for yours. So I am sure they do everything safely. Why would your child be walking down the street when she could see what was going on in front of her? Think yo're over reacting tbh.

Mother86 · 06/11/2016 19:05

Our street is like this. We're going to move house before my son gets to 5.

Minaktinga · 06/11/2016 19:40

Firstly, you are being totally reasonable. But honestly, in the interest of not having the crazy bastards set fire to your shed or slash your tyres, and considering the response you've had to a polite request, I would make sure you get home in plenty of time with the kids and stay in till it's over.
Be interested to know what other neighbours think.

highlandspringerdog · 06/11/2016 20:28

Thanks so much for your thought. My neighbours are ignorant twats who I am nothing but nice to all year round and who responded to a text asking them to move their street fireworks display approx 3 meters into their garden by telling me not to contact them again. bit hard to have a relationship with them that's half way decent!

OP posts:
highlandspringerdog · 06/11/2016 20:31

Right! So everyone setting off fireworks with their kids milling around is being totally safe? I don't know how you can know that. A lot of them are, absolutely, but these lot aren't. Would you put your kids next to a bucket of fireworks in the middle of a road? Open at both ends so any car or cyclist could come down, crash into the bucket and send all the fireworks flying in an unanticipated direction? I wouldn't. That's what the neighbors do.

And what's my kid doing walking down her own road? Yeah! Good point. Who does she think she is just thinking she can walk down her own road without going past a bucket of fireworks!

OP posts:
Chippednailvarnishing · 06/11/2016 20:32

So I am sure they do everything safely


highlandspringerdog · 06/11/2016 20:33

You're right / they've done this for the last two years. This was year 3. One of my other (lovely) neighbours has told me they didn't do it in the street last night. And also that she'll back me up next year as her poor lovely dog was frightened out of his wits by them last year. They too were walking down the road when the bucket went off with no warning! Said she was so gobsmacked she didn't stop to have a go. And also felt a bit intimidated - my feelings exactly.

OP posts:
Jaxhog · 06/11/2016 20:43

Call the police as soon as they let off one firework not in their own garden, or that showers your property with sparks.

You are NOT rude. THEY are.

Strongmummy · 06/11/2016 20:52

It's one night of the year, if they're not so dickish for the rest of the year I'd just leave it. Stay in or ask to join them so you know exactly what's going to happen

Alexcor · 06/11/2016 21:54

I have PTSD and fireworks are frightening, bringing back memories I try to forget. Ruddy things should be banned to general public and only used in professional displays

ArchibaldsDaddy · 06/11/2016 23:44

I'm afraid that you need to get a grip of yourself...or go out/on holiday on 5 Nov 17.

Briarthorn · 06/11/2016 23:48

I take it you don't live with Archibald? Children should be in bed / asleep at a fairly reasonable time you know, and school-age DC can't be whisked off on holiday either.

Briarthorn · 07/11/2016 00:04

Aarrgghhh, apologies, that was very presumptive of me. Sorry ArchiesDad, I've seen the "just go out / away" argument from people who have no DC / pets / elderly relatives with dementia / older DC with SN / loved ones with PTSD far too much over the last few days.

Peace Flowers

karis84 · 07/11/2016 09:12

Why was it that the police deemed it "fine" last year? I don't understand that at all.

mumto2two · 07/11/2016 09:49

Not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet, but do your ignorant neighbours know it is a legal offence to let fireworks including sparklers, off in a public street? It must be done on private property within certain time & date constraints. Check out the GOV.UK website and contact your local council also, as they may have additional restrictions or info. I would certainly not be endeavouring to make friendly efforts with something this reckless. If you know they are planning another street 'event', inform the police in advance or as soon as they start. If they are not there in time, take photos as evidence!

SapphireStrange · 07/11/2016 09:50

I don't know why this discussion is still even going. Doesn't it end at the point where someone posted that link to show that it's illegal to set off fireworks in the street?

OP, YANBU x a million and I'm just disappointed that you went out instead of calling the police. Then again, I'm disappointed that the police couldn't/wouldn't do anything in advance. How about the council?

Iwannabelikecommonpeople · 07/11/2016 10:00

Very irresponsible of them..Are they for real? I would have contacted Police or fire service to go and have with them long ago !

Iwannabelikecommonpeople · 07/11/2016 10:01
  • have a talk with them

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Jedimum1 · 07/11/2016 10:01

I think the police only said it was ok last year because they arrived when it had finished and probably got a different version from the neighbour. Since it had finished, there was no evidence or anything to retrieve, do couldn't actually say much other than "do it safely", which the neighbour probably said they were doing.

Anyway, it's really stupid. A few years ago one of those fireworks that go up in a swirl hit my window and broke it to tiny pieces, we were in bed and the guilty kids scattered around so didn't realise it was fireworks at the time. We thought it was a gun! We called police, didn't sleep the whole night and only discovered the firework "stick" next morning between part of the glass. It was scary and worrying. If one of us had been looking at the display from the window, we would have been seriously injured. Bloody dangerous!

mumto2two · 07/11/2016 10:25

Agree with amazed there are so many ignorant people out there who don't seem to be aware that letting fireworks off in a public place is illegal, and even more amazed that there are so many others posting here who are happy to condone this kind of reckless illegal ignorance!

godaddy · 07/11/2016 10:28

I would've have gone f'king ape – over both the fireworks and the text. Your street is a shared communal space; not theirs, and they should have been asking you and you neighbours to agree before even contemplating turning it into a war zone. The text is typical of the ignorance you get from people in denial. They probably know it is unreasonable (and selfish).

There is no law that says you have to get on with your neighbours – but there is a law against a recklessness disregard for public safety. (We've lived with our unreasonable fuckwit neighbours for 3 years now in a state blissful mutual dislike, and honestly don't care at all). Good luck. Wink

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