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To hate the neighbours for this

190 replies

highlandspringerdog · 04/11/2016 21:56

We live in a little street of terraced houses. Everyone knows everyone and it's usually lovely and safe. My kids are late primary school / early secondary school and I feel totally at ease letting them nip to the shop in their own, to school etc.

Acouple of years ago I arrived home from work to find neighbours were having a firework display with the bucket of fireworks in the road about 2 metres from my front door. I found out about it as I drove down the road and nearly knocked into their cocking bucket. A firework whizzed out of it into the sky when I was practically on top of it. Slammed on brakes. Did not cause enormous car based explosion. Phew.

Neighbours had all their kids milling about - including toddlers just pottering about. I could not believe it!

Parked up at the top of the street and went in my front door. Found one of my kids in tears too scared to go out the house as the fireworks were there but worried as she was meant to be meeting friend at bus stop.

I didn't say anything to the twerp neighbours that year as I was too in intimidated - the ones that set these off are the sort of A list neighbours, all friends, go on holiday together etc. I just felt a bit shy to go and say actually can you please not have your bloody fireworks in the street.

Last year - the same. Got home, war bucket in street, fire explosions coming out of it. With a twist - they'd stuck a twisting firework to a tree right outside my house and then lit it. So this fucking thing was whizzing around in a circle with sparks flying out of it and I was stuck in my car watching, and desperately repeat calling the landline phone to tell the kids not to come out of the house. I called the police. They came just as the pricksters were finishing up their display, and told them it was fine!!!

And now it's this year.

I thought I should be brave and ask them not to do it in advance. I've spent about a month worrying about fireworks injuries v annoying the neighbours, and in the end decided not to be a wimp, but to be super friendly.

Texted neighbours. Asked could they maybe not set off fireworks in street this year but instead do in their garden. Said I totally appreciate that some people love fireworks but I found them v frightening and would really appreciate them not being in our street on the pavement or in the road. "We'll try not to do it in the street" was the answer! Followed quickly by a message asking for me to not text them again.

AIBU to wish they'd all fuck the fuck off ? And take their fireworks with them?

OP posts:
highlandspringerdog · 05/11/2016 17:23

Yes defo calling police if it is in street. I rang 101 today and they said phone police immediately if they set off the fireworks.

OP posts:
highlandspringerdog · 05/11/2016 17:23

Cool. Well lucky old iceland.

OP posts:
HeCantBeSerious · 05/11/2016 17:28

They've really got it right in so many ways.

merrymouse · 05/11/2016 17:30

in Iceland there are no organised displays and it's the fire service selling the fireworks to the public for them to let off in the street.

If true, either Icelandic people are gifted with an instinctive knowledge about firework safety that doesn't exist in Britain, the fire service are supervising and monitoring the use of fireworks, or The Icelandic fire brigade is deeply, deeply stupid.

People die and are seriously injured by fireworks.

Wanderingraspberry · 05/11/2016 17:35

What the f? They can't set off fireworks on the public highway! Why did the police say that was OK. You're not being unreasonable!

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 05/11/2016 17:42

I'm always Hmm at some contributions to the threads.

OP "I'm skint and depressed." Random Poster "Book a spa day, I feel very cheerful after one"
OP "It's freezing out there, my boiler's broken down". Random Poster "I'm on the beach in Tahiti, it's lovely here"
OP "Neighbours are letting fireworks in the street, children are petrified" Random Poster "Here in Iceland we let them off in the street"

Yeah. Brilliant and helpful.

Lookproperly · 05/11/2016 17:49

As many other posters have said, it is illegal to set off fireworks in the street. So they are breaking the law, (as well as being inconsiderate, dangerous and antisocial), so call the police and let them deal with it.

Fireworks seem to be becoming bigger, louder and more dangerous. I used to be all for people using them occasionally in their own gardens to celebrate certain occasions. However, it seems to be getting out of hand these days and after the gigantic and defending fireworks that me neighbours were setting off from 9 to 11.30pm last night I've changed my view and now feel that they should be limited to professional displays.

An alternative would be better controls on the category 3 fireworks which can be purchased by anyone over 18, but which should only be used in v open spaces. My neighbours were definitely setting this category off in their small garden last night.

Chippednailvarnishing · 05/11/2016 18:11

Isn't Iceland one of the least densely populated countries in the world?

Ever so slightly different to living to a street with terraced houses and roads you can't drive down if someone leaves a bucket in the middle of it.

WooWooChooChoo · 05/11/2016 18:16
Icantrememberanymore · 05/11/2016 22:15

Any update OP?

bluetongue · 06/11/2016 03:52


The response to your text sounds just likemy neighbour who has also requested not to text them. With pleasure. It would make me happy to never have to speak to her again in my life!

I also know exactly where you're coming from when you say people in the wrong just think they a get away with anything and the poor person trying to do the right thing gets an earful.

highlandspringerdog · 06/11/2016 08:53

I wimped out and we went out! I know. Balls of steel. I just couldn't face a row as it would upset my kids and was also getting a bit over anxious about the whole thing, so we went to my step dad's house and had a lovely evening and will be going home shortly.

OP posts:
HeCantBeSerious · 06/11/2016 13:01

Isn't Iceland one of the least densely populated countries in the world?

With 300,000 people and vast swathes of untouched countryside? No.

Reykjavik is a typical city in terms of density but the rest is pretty much wasteland.

HeCantBeSerious · 06/11/2016 13:02

20 accidents when 300,000+ people are all letting off fireworks at midnight (it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen) isn't really that many.

merrymouse · 06/11/2016 13:03

With 300,000 people and vast swathes of untouched countryside

Doesn't that imply that it is not densely populated? Confused

HateSummer · 06/11/2016 13:09

What an anti climax. So you don't even know if they had fireworks in the street Sad

HeCantBeSerious · 06/11/2016 13:15

Sorry, yes. Misread that. Blush

baconandeggies · 06/11/2016 13:20

I'm pleased you opted out of being a firework warrior OP, and chose to have a lovely evening out instead!

Sara107 · 06/11/2016 13:49

I would be annoyed by this too! When we moved to our current house one of the neighbours had a big do every bonfire night. Everyone was invited so it was quite a nice event. The deal was that all the guests brought a firework, and they were set off in the garden (big garden). I was amazed at how expensive fireworks are ( you would never spend £60 on wine for a bring a bottle party!). Anyway, even those expensive ones are nowhere near as good as the ones at official displays. And they are dangerous. So why bother? Just go to the nearest display ( stand outside the fence if you don't want to pay), and have your friends/ neighbours for a get together before or after. No need for private launches esp not in the street.

misshelena · 06/11/2016 14:59

OP - you did the right thing. It's crazy to take on the entire neighborhood over something that happens once a year!

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe let me translate those comments that seem to befuddle you they all mean the same thing -- CHILL.

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 06/11/2016 15:07

Funny you feel the need the shout the word "chill", MIss. Not so chilled yourself, then?

slightlypeevedwombat · 06/11/2016 16:26

flood lights!! thats what you need, bloody great big flood lights!


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Blu · 06/11/2016 16:44

Good call, OP.

TSSDNCOP · 06/11/2016 17:00

Wouldn't it have been cool though if a fuck off fire engine rolled up, and a bunch of firemen jump out and foam the bucket, fireworks, street, the kids sparklers and the tree for good measure.

That's how I like this story to end.

Tapandgo · 06/11/2016 17:33

TSSDNCOP - totally agree

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