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To quote posters in my replies?

101 replies

user1478257085 · 04/11/2016 16:31

Is there some sort of particular MN etiquette surrounding quotes on this forum?

The reason I ask is because I've been merrily quoting away and twice in about 15 minutes I've been asked if I'm doing this for fun or what's this childish repeating nonsense.

I am utterly perplexed. One of the people asking had already quoted several previous posters including me!

The way I've been quoting is to bold the quote. Should I be using " " or italics instead? I have seen all three being used with impunity here, so I am really not sure what has gone wrong in my case Confused

It would be good to know what the etiquette is or even drop quotes altogether, though my reason for using them was because I thought it helped establish who was replying to whom.

When in Rome and all that.....

(I suspect this will be consider a TAAT and won't last long - that IS one rule of etiquette I am aware of. However, it may last long enough to find out what the heck is going on, at least Smile )

OP posts:
ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 04/11/2016 21:00

The quoting function can make a thread very lopsided.
Not good.

Also, when you bold, you can do all sorts of passive aggressive selective quoting which is very helpful in a good bun fight.

Sparklingbrook · 04/11/2016 21:19

No need for lolling. That's what Grin is for.

grizzlybloomers · 04/11/2016 21:33

Clandestino Sorry, I just read your thread again to try and make sense of all this. You are presumably here for the same reason Smile Quoting your earlier post on this thread:-

One poster said first:

"From what I can gather it's one of the most widely 'read' sites in the English speaking world (I think)"

Then You said:

" Yes, I read it. It's one of the most read newspapers in the English speaking world, it reflects the opinion of a significant part of society."

Then I said

"It's the UK's second biggest-selling newspaper."

So neither of us made the original remark about its popularity. Is it okay to be the second echo of a remark and not the third, then?

What is rude about wondering whether the poster is taking the piss by posting something very similar to my statement and making it sound like it's something I am arguing about?

Nothing rude about asking for clarification, but your question about me "doing it for fun" was not worded (to me) very clearly. I would have been happy to explain. I did reply but no answer.

I just don't understand illogical arguments or statements

What illogical arguments? There are 3 similar quotes above by 3 different posters (you and me included). Why is my remark the illogical one here?

To be fair, it was yet another poster who mentioned the "childish repeating nonsense" which is the one that really made me question what I was doing wrong.

IonaMumsnet · 04/11/2016 22:31

Evening all! Well. This is looking like a teensy bit of a TAAT now isn't it? Which is rather unfair as it doesn't seem to have been the OP's intention at all. Could we refrain from the specifics do we think, so that the OP's thread can remain? Thank you very much!
OP - you boldly go wherever you wish with quoting, love. We're right behind you. We might even LOL if we dare! Shock
As you all were.

ExitPursuedBySpartacus · 04/11/2016 22:37

What the actual Jeff?

I have been here fucking years and have never, ever, ever been called love by MNHQ

PigletWasPoohsFriend · 04/11/2016 22:41

Oh Exit I'm sure MNHQ love you even if they don't say it Grin

Trills · 04/11/2016 22:41

Iona I see you're not showing off your own quoting capabilities.

That's very classy of you :)

microsnake · 04/11/2016 22:42

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DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 04/11/2016 22:42


NavyandWhite · 04/11/2016 22:43

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NavyandWhite · 04/11/2016 22:44

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microsnake · 04/11/2016 22:46

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legotits · 04/11/2016 22:47

Aha Iona must be the plant we sent from Yorkshire.


IonaMumsnet · 04/11/2016 22:50

Oh lord! I'm so sorry! It's my roots giving me away! And it's late. Apols. Can I call anyone 'ducks'? Anyone?... Bueller?

NavyandWhite · 04/11/2016 22:50

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IonaMumsnet · 04/11/2016 22:52

Exit You were my FIRST love. My only.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 04/11/2016 22:53

It's alright, it's quite comforting in a northern sort of way Wink

IonaMumsnet · 04/11/2016 22:54


SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 04/11/2016 22:54

I put the quote in inverted commas, and in italics, and bold the names of posters to whom I am referring.

This is clearly the only right way of doing things. WinkGrin

IonaMumsnet · 04/11/2016 23:02

Trills - I do not quote. I merely am.

usual · 04/11/2016 23:07

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ExitPursuedBySpartacus · 04/11/2016 23:31

Oh Iona Blush. Have we met?


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GoLightlyHollie · 04/11/2016 23:59

On another note, is there a mumsnet course? Part of the open university etc? Oxford?
I'm newish to mumsnet and have no idea how to quote/do italics/bold etc. (Quite fancy doing it occasionally) And half of these acronyms, how the actual hell are you supposed to know what they all mean?

usual · 05/11/2016 00:03

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IMissGrannyW · 05/11/2016 00:17

Oh My Fucking Actual God. Is MNHQ drunk? Do they love me too?

I bet they delete this thread when they sober up tomorrow!!!!

To be clear, I've done posts when I've come to a thread that is more than 1 1/2 pages, and I know what I want to say from the OP or from 2 or 3 comments in, but I always try to RTFT first, and... bugger me... someone else says more or less exactly what I'm thinking. I can't put it better, so I do make a point of copying that user name as I go through, so when I (finally) get to the end, I can say "what xxx said". On a looong thread, it's very handy when people use bold/italics/whatever to highlight, otherwise you end up reading the same comments over and over with a sentence or a word or two at the end, and that's confusing.

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