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to start charging my sister rent?

380 replies

cerealnamechangers · 25/10/2016 10:41

My dsis has lived in my mortgage free house for seven years with her adult daughter since we moved to a bigger property, in that time i have never asked for a penny in rent as we were pretty comfortable but she has paid all the bills for the house e.g. council tax. I was intending to keep the house incase any of my dc ever wanted to move in. The market rate for rent would be about 650-700 pounds per calendar month.
However we now have 2 dc at university and money is tight so we could really do with the extra cash to help them out. Dsis is not short of money and her and her daughter drive nice cars and go on multiple long haul foreign holidays, so aibu to ask her for a contribution for living there? I feel awkward asking her as she has never offered.

OP posts:
Happymumof3tob · 29/10/2016 18:13

Just looking back at some comments. Quite a few people commented how she was contributing as she was paying bills. That wasnt aimed at OP ut to other PP's. And OP said she can charge £100 and that would be enough for her to get by. Maybe you should try and RTFT!

OopNorth · 29/10/2016 18:44

Any update OP?

Ohyesiam · 29/10/2016 20:06

Yes, 50 to 75% of market tent would be generous.
Of it doesn't work out with your sister, you could rent it out through Airbnb, of you live in the right short of area.

WhatchaMaCalllit · 01/11/2016 13:12

How did the chat at the weekend with your sister go OP?

Mix56 · 02/11/2016 16:56

Op, How did she take it ?

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