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To think we've reached peak beard time.

87 replies

Vagabond · 30/09/2016 16:47

Young men, with tightly woven, manicured beards, that have been trimmed within an inch of their lives. I find them quite unattractive and slightly pubey.
Do young women actually like these beards?

OP posts:
KingJoffreysRestingCuntface · 30/09/2016 20:27

I love a beard.

Great big bushy beards!

Been watching Sons Of Anarchy lately which is quite good for beard porn.

To think we've reached peak beard time.
To think we've reached peak beard time.
Rainbunny · 30/09/2016 20:28

I always said I'd never date someone with a beard... so of course my dh has a beard, nicely kept and short though, it really suits him actually. Every couple of years he will shave it off and I hate it when he does - he's in his mid thirties but looks about 14 without his beard. It freaks me on those occasions to wake up in the morning and look over at the 14 year old boy I apparently shared my bed with the night before!

PickAChew · 30/09/2016 20:32

DH grew a beard for Movember, several years back, and wouldn't be without it, now. It's not a full beard, as nothing grows on his cheeks, but suits him pretty well. He had long hair, when he first grew it, but has got rid of that, now.

FunkyChunk · 30/09/2016 20:37

DP has a beard AND a bun 😳😄

Lorelei76 · 30/09/2016 21:04

Oh I loved the skinny waxed pretty boys!

Don't mind man buns. I think when beards look pubic, or comic, that's bad. Goatee can be not horrific.

Sparklingbrook · 30/09/2016 21:09

Man buns always look like a greasy top knot to me. I am not sure what look they are going for with it.

TroysMammy · 30/09/2016 21:14

I've just come back from the Isle of Wight and whilst there saw 2 men, one possibly in his 40's, the other in his 60's, both sporting white "billy goat" beards hanging from their chins. A bit too Gary Glitter for my liking.

Champagneformyrealfriends · 30/09/2016 21:16

DH has a beard-it hides his double chin and inability to shave in a way that leaves him looking like a grown man rather than a teenage boy with a reluctance to shave.

GreatFuckability · 30/09/2016 21:18

i think that about 75% of men look better with beards.

Sparklingbrook · 30/09/2016 21:19

I might just might make a beard exception for him.

To think we've reached peak beard time.
Glitteryfrog · 30/09/2016 21:21

That's not a beard sparkling. That's designer stubble.

Sparklingbrook · 30/09/2016 21:25

I thought it was a bit longer than stubble Glittery, but I would overlook any amount of facial hair on him. Grin

KeepOnPlodding · 30/09/2016 21:28

Sorry Sparkling it has to be clean-shaven! Smile

(Gratuitous photo)

To think we've reached peak beard time.
Wriggler79 · 30/09/2016 21:29

ExH thought it was a sign of being 'a man', however to anyone that saw him without one it was blatantly fucking obvious it was a sign of having no chin whatsoever and needing to cover up the fact. He also tried to make it all about Vikings. I hear from the kids he has a huge beard now and goes to the event where men with nothing better to do style their beards into the shape of things like boats.
He tried to convince me I was being unreasonable not to want to kiss him when his tache hung a good 1cm over his top lip. It makes me want to vomit when I see that on men.
DP likes to watch competitive eaters on Youtube (Hmm). There's one who makes a big thing about his beard on there. He's got the overhanging tache thing going on, it makes me gip. He's a waste of space. His girlfriend looks quite nice, you get the feeling she'll have had enough at some point though.

Sparklingbrook · 30/09/2016 21:33

Ooh Keep-nice pic. YY to clean shaven as far as JT is concerned.

Slipperywhippet · 30/09/2016 21:42

This is slightly off on a tangent but to all the people who have a DP with a beard...Is there any truth in beards making certain activities better?

ClopySow · 30/09/2016 21:43

I hate the beard trend. I've always been a big fan of rugged hairy men. I see facial hair and immediatly think phwoar the see the skinny jeans and tattoo sleeve and feel sad.

thecatsarecrazy · 30/09/2016 21:44

My sil boyfriend looks like this

To think we've reached peak beard time.
GuinefortGrey · 30/09/2016 21:51

My dad had a beard his entire adult life... until he retired about 4 years ago and then he shaved it off just when beards actually became fashionable.

Even after 4 years he still doesn't look like "my dad" clean shaven, it's like he's forgotten to put his trousers on or something! Grin

tinkletinklelittlestar · 30/09/2016 22:03

Well, I don't like mine.

Amethyst81 · 01/10/2016 02:39

I think the full 'Irish terrier/foxhound" beard look is really boring now, its still popular down my way and all the young fellas have it, they all look the same, complete with coiffed side parting hairstyle and a sleeve of tattoos. I saw a young goth the other day and it was refreshing to see something different! I don't mind a short trimmed bit of stubble but surely those full beards are itchy and uncomfortable?

MistressDeeCee · 01/10/2016 04:14

I can't stand those big achingly trendy oh Im so hip lumberjack beards. & they put me in mind of a face full of pube hair. I quite like a very neatly trimmed short beard tho

& those pics up there are rather nice...


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bibbitybobbityyhat · 01/10/2016 04:58

I hope we've reached peak beard. Was watching Graham Norton earlier. His full grey beard is so incredibly ageing.

NotYoda · 01/10/2016 06:37


Yes, I think Simon's a good example of someone whose beard makes his face look more defined

NotYoda · 01/10/2016 06:39

tinkl Grin

Yeas, I too could give some of them a run for their money

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