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To think we've reached peak beard time.

87 replies

Vagabond · 30/09/2016 16:47

Young men, with tightly woven, manicured beards, that have been trimmed within an inch of their lives. I find them quite unattractive and slightly pubey.
Do young women actually like these beards?

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 30/09/2016 18:13

I cannot believe that stuff like this even exists

toomuchtooold · 30/09/2016 18:14

Surely it's time for the tache to make a comeback now. We're in Germany where you can't move for them - ugly as sin but that's part of the attraction isn't it?

IWouldLikeToSeeTheseMangoes · 30/09/2016 18:17

sparkling there will be gullible fools who buy that though Grin Obviously regular shampoo for the hair on top of your head just doesn't cut it. No pun intended.

Maudlinmaud · 30/09/2016 18:19

Noted Iwould Noted.

Sparklingbrook · 30/09/2016 18:26

YY IWould it has to be the £££ special beard stuff or it won't work. Wink

AnyTheWiser · 30/09/2016 18:31

I sincerely hope not, as I love beards.

Malermalergoni · 30/09/2016 18:32

Has anyone noticed that the surge of popularity of the beard, and indeed beard size, has a direct correlation to the demise of female pubic hair?! As more young women seem to favour the fully bald look, men's faces get hairier. It's a curious relationship. I reckon that when these beards are no longer hip, the bush will be back with a vengeance. Trend forecaster moi.

IWouldLikeToSeeTheseMangoes · 30/09/2016 19:20

But of course sparkling Wink Now picturing a bearded man saying seductively "Because I'm worth it."

redcardi · 30/09/2016 19:23

Don't come to Essex. Small boys with man buns. Beards on every second man. Skin tight cropped trousers. Brown loafers. Shirt and tweed waistcoat.

JammyDodger16 · 30/09/2016 19:24

Dp (40) has just hit the 6 month mark with his and I am surprised how much I like it!

redcardi · 30/09/2016 19:24

You'd think Germany would be the last place you'd see a moustache comeback Wink

LikeDylanInTheMovies · 30/09/2016 19:27

I think peak beard was about two years ago

I'd say peak beard was when Tom Cruise got together with Katie Holmes.

redcardi · 30/09/2016 19:28

Oooooooooo burn Grin

NotYoda · 30/09/2016 19:29

DH looks better with a beard. It gives his face definition and makes him look more rugged. But we're middle aged so it's more sexy Geography teacher than hipster.

His theory is that for lots of people the beard thing started with Movember, and men realising that they looked better or liked not having to shave every day. Could not have been more surprised when the whole hipster beard craze started

BillSykesDog · 30/09/2016 19:29

Apparently young women do like them and man buns. They have no taste.

NotYoda · 30/09/2016 19:29


That look makes me feel a bit ill.

NavyandWhite · 30/09/2016 19:36

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NoFucksImAQueen · 30/09/2016 19:44

I LOVE dh's beard. He shaved it off once and I cried.
I also love man buns and I'm not sorry they're hot! swoon

To think we've reached peak beard time.
To think we've reached peak beard time.
NoFucksImAQueen · 30/09/2016 19:46

Notyoda your dh is right or he was in dhs case. He grew his beard for mowvember and I got attached

Glitteryfrog · 30/09/2016 19:47

I love a good beard. Does anyone else watch Fast and Loud on discovery channel just to perv at Aaron?

Notsoyummi · 30/09/2016 19:52

Ewww hate beards I blame Connor Mc Gregor

Glitteryfrog · 30/09/2016 20:12

Mmmm Connor McGregor Grin


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Lorelei76 · 30/09/2016 20:18

In London I think the beards are getting more numerous even though people talk of peak beard
I hate them all on any age
I particularly hate the comedy ones that seem to be popular

I have one colleague who looks like a walrus

And one who I'm wondering if his beard is stick on, short but still seems to appear and disappear at odd times
His head hair is silver grey and his beard is dark brown

pandarific · 30/09/2016 20:20

I LOVE beards on men - it's so sexy and masculine. I came of age in the 2000s when it was all waxed chest skinny jeans wearing pretty boys. Blech.

Give me a nice hairy chap any day!

TreehouseTales · 30/09/2016 20:25

Sexy and beard never belong together....

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