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To hate 'man buns?'

40 replies

CapricornCalling · 08/09/2016 13:31

OK - so it's not only the little 'bun' thing I hate but the way that the hair's pulled back in order to style aforementioned bun is also really unattractive!!

Am I too set in my ways /conservative re hair dos? (notice no apostrophe)

OP posts:
Beeziekn33ze · 09/09/2016 00:40

I wasn't keen until I saw Gareth Bale! Converted now!

GreatFuckability · 09/09/2016 00:32

Ryan Hurst, Travis Fimmel, Anthony Kiedis had one back in the 80s, Charlie Hunnam., Chris Hemsworth, Jason Momoa......I could go on all day. on the right guy it looks amazing. same as any hairstyle.

alltouchedout · 09/09/2016 00:32

Oh no sorry, yabu. I love them! I really like the beard and man bun combination too and I know we're all supposed to be so over the beard thing and scornful of the look. Can't help it, just like it :)

DisgraceToTheYChromosome · 09/09/2016 00:21

Dork knobs de nos jours, IMO.

Oblomov16 · 08/09/2016 16:25

I hate them too. Think they are truely vile.

eightbluebirds · 08/09/2016 16:22

A man at work always used to have a bun. He had a decent amount of hair though. I had a double take at first but after a while I realised it really suited him. Some people pull it off

Myusernameismyusername · 08/09/2016 15:56

I think it's ok to not like it. Plenty of men complain they hate ugg boots. I don't like them but I wouldn't be mean to someone about it. I don't really get the high shine wet look gel thing either

CapricornCalling · 08/09/2016 15:51

Haha - thanks Jellybelli for bringing back some childhood memories!!

Maybe I need to broaden my horizons a bit but I also much prefer clean shaven men to bearded etc...

OP posts:
UmbongoUnchained · 08/09/2016 15:33

Oh look he's holding a tiny baby too.

I like that he wears his low down.

To hate 'man buns?'
UmbongoUnchained · 08/09/2016 15:31

Chris hemsworth tho.

steff13 · 08/09/2016 15:29

Eh, I think I could deal with it...

To hate 'man buns?'
PitilessYank · 08/09/2016 15:25

I LOVE a man-bun, but I only think they look good if they are positioned at or below the lambdoidal suture.

MariposaUno · 08/09/2016 15:07

I agree they can be gorgeous on the right guy.

Man buns require thick long curly hair preferably at least shoulder length. I'm a bit biased tho and stating a preference.Grin

AudreyBradshaw · 08/09/2016 14:59

I just asked dh if he would grow a man bun, his answer :

"Fuck no! In this house?! With your issues with keeping track of bobbles?!"

So there you go. Apparently I couldn't be trusted to not pinch his bobbles, and he doesn't like having his hair in his eyes.

Nanny0gg · 08/09/2016 14:52

I don't like them.

But I also don't like this Eyebrow Thing some girls have got going on either. It's not 50s sophistication, it's Hammer Horror.

FlyingElbows · 08/09/2016 14:51

My son has one, it's fine.

ItGoesWithoutSaying · 08/09/2016 14:49


To hate 'man buns?'
HerBigChance · 08/09/2016 14:28

I just think 1990s drug dealer hair when I see them. And yes, of course men can experiment with their hair, but I still think the buns look naff.

I like them on a man who actually has long hair. It's when they've scraped about an inch of hair into one by shaving off all the surrounding hair that I don't like.

See, I think that must look really, really silly when it's out of its hairband, like a drizzle of hair on top of the head.

freetrampolineforall · 08/09/2016 14:28

They look stupid. As do beards on young men unless they have a religious reason for having one. That's not how you prove your manhood. Nor do man buns. YOU JUST LOOK STUPID. (and relax)

deliciousdevilwoman · 08/09/2016 14:21

I hate them! DT1, is growing his hair so he can have one. It's his hair and his choice, but I think (in the main) they look daft

seagreengirl · 08/09/2016 14:10

"Am I too set in my ways /conservative re hair dos?"

Yes, you are. Like them or not, and I agree that they are just "buns" no "man" needed, it's nice to see men experimenting a bit with their looks and exploring styles that are traditionally for women.

EdmundCleverClogs · 08/09/2016 14:08

As long as it's clean why would you care?

I don't know, why do people now consider the mullet to be a horrible hair trend? Or shell suits in fashion? Or why disco music is now 'cheesy'. Sometimes you can just see a 'trend' being looked back on as awful, even whilst it happens.

As with the mullet, I think it looks silly. I think the same of women who wear a 'top of head' high bun, they look like Nanny Plum. I'm a judgmental cow-bag, I know.


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LurkingHusband · 08/09/2016 14:03

LurkingHusband, the plural of hairdo is hairdos. Are you trying to wind us up?

in AIBU Grin

seems my sense that "hairdos" looked wrong is ... well wrong Smile

(ticks off "today I learned something new" checkbox)

TheHubblesWindscreenWipers · 08/09/2016 14:03

I'm really hoping we've reached Peak Beard and that men are going to start shaving and trimming again.
beards and moustaches are a (perhaps irrational) pet hate of mine

Hariasa · 08/09/2016 14:02

This is the second thread we've had about men's hair in a few days.

Why shouldn't they wear a bun (or as in the other thread die their hair)?

It will suit some better than others but then not all women suit their hair in a bun either...

As long as it's clean why would you care?

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