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To think that most breakfast cereals are really insubstantial?

56 replies

CapricornCalling · 03/09/2016 19:33

imo - the best breakfast cereals are Weetabix , bran flakes and the muesli based - ones - I've always liked Alpen. But things like corn flakes, rice krispies, coco pops , frosties - I mean really?

I used to love Kellogg's variety packs but tbh I just think now they don't contain even 1 good cereal!!

OP posts:
StrawberryQuik · 04/09/2016 17:18

I like cereal. I like something 'light' in the morning and couldn't handle anything savoury first thing. I like the plainer ones with some chopped banana and strawberry in with the milk.

Notso · 04/09/2016 17:10

I hate cereal it's all horrible. Except weetos and curiously cinnamon. Then only if they are dry.

FeliciaJollygoodfellow · 04/09/2016 16:56

Honestly I wish cold cereal would go the way of the dodo. It's so shit.

missyB1 · 04/09/2016 16:52

Well I made American blueberry pancakes this morning, they went down very well Smile

Revenant · 04/09/2016 13:07

Sugar free alpen eaten at desk for me, I cba to cook during the weekday mornings. The weekends are a different matter and something like Huevos rancheros or bacon avocado bagel ( plus a bit of salad and pom bear side) will keep us going until dinner time...Smile

yeOldeTrout · 04/09/2016 12:43

iirc, Kellogg invented breakfast cereal to deter people from masturbation & other impure thoughts. In the 1920s, people didn't get fat as a result.

madein1995 · 04/09/2016 08:43

I have cornflakes for breakfast, or toast, most mornings. I wouldn't say no to a bigger meal but that timr in morning I don't want to cook. Half the time its a banana and cuppa first thing then scrambled egg on toast, Omlette etc for an early lunch. I do find that cereal doesn't fill me too well, but no matter what I eat I'm hungry by half 12 anyway. In the winter I like porridge. I hate cookingi n the morning so any future kids would have porridge, toast, cereal. On holidays/weekends might be eggs, or a cooked breakfast on occasion. While cereals don't fill me up, they're hardly Shit in a box (they're an excellent supper) all this obsessing over good and bad isn't good. People have been eating cornflakes for breakfast for years, its only now we're getting fat. it's not cornflakes fault

MyBreadIsEggy · 04/09/2016 08:40

In my mind, cereal is not a breakfast food anyway....more suitable as a sugar-laden evening snack Grin I could never eat a bowl of cereal first thing in the morning, but can easily tackle a bucket-load of Curiously Cinnammon of an evening Blush

WhooooAmI24601 · 04/09/2016 08:36

One of the DCs loves eggs and soldiers in the morning. The other hates eggs and will only eat porridge. Neither is fitter or healthier than the other, but the egg one is a fucker because weekday mornings I have to be in school for 8am which means I'm up and dicking about with saucepans before it's even light.

I know it's a good thing having a DC who enjoys 'good' food but I really regret letting him taste boiled/poached eggs ever. I buy crap cereal sometimes to entice them from making me cook every morning.

Stevefromstevenage · 04/09/2016 08:35

Cereals for breakfast are a well oiled marketing scam. They are mostly pure rubbish and barely nutritious. I gave them up a few years back and rarely eat then anymore. I would be starving by 11 in work they just did not cut the muster.

SabineUndine · 04/09/2016 08:32

Not a fan of cereal in general. People rave about porridge having a good GI rating but I'm hungry half an hour after eating it. Give me toast!

Seryph · 04/09/2016 08:28

Though since I'm away for a few weeks from tomorrow I plan on having eggs and smoked salmon for breakfast to share with the cat! Grin Blush

Seryph · 04/09/2016 08:27

See, since I discovered that goat's milk doesn't effect me like cow's milk I'm all about the coco pops and coco shreddies, mostly because I haven't been able to have cereal really since I was about ten!

However, living in Glasgow has taught me that the absolute best breakfast is a full Scottish breakfast (minus the beans please)! Grin

UmbongoUnchained · 04/09/2016 00:24

We don't really have specific breakfast food. I don't know why it makes a difference if I eat a steak at 9am or 9pm. It's still a steak.
A typical breakfast would be rice with egg, salmon and vegetables as it's quick and easy. But I eat whatever I want. Sometime soup, noodles, chicken, pork.

BartholinsSister · 04/09/2016 00:23

You can't beat a good old fashioned bowl of Lucky Charms.

SuburbanRhonda · 04/09/2016 00:20

What's your favourite breakfast then, umbongo?

I wonder if it's the same as DS's (tarka dal and rice) Smile

RunningLulu · 04/09/2016 00:07

I need something dense when I'm commuting so divide brekkie in two

At 5am: 30g bran flakes and 250 ml semi skimmed, with 10 almonds and 5 walnuts.

At 9:30: 2 poached eggs/scrambled eggs, mushrooms, grilled tomato.

MaddyHatter · 03/09/2016 23:36

i live off crunchy nut cornflakes and coffee in the morning.

considering i've spent years not eating breakfast and some days not eating for over 14hrs, i'm not going to worry too much... getting my body used to eating breakfast again is more important.

Lilacpink40 · 03/09/2016 23:30

Peanut butter and jam on toast for me please. DCs have readybrek, and choice of 2 other cereals, or cheese and crackers.

Discopanda · 03/09/2016 23:22

Am I the only person who can't eat milk on their cereal? Cold, soggy mess, bleurgh! Avocado toast with an egg is the way forward, or a protein shake if I don't have time. Most cereals do have far too much sugar and not enough protein, the only ones that my DDs will eat definitely do.

neonrainbow · 03/09/2016 23:04

A lot of cereals aren't "shit in a box", it pisses me off that some people are determined to label food as good and bad. Or shit. No wonder kids are growing up fat. Anything in moderation is fine. What is moderation depends on the food. Even cereal ffs. None of this cutting out food groups bollocks.

HappyAxolotl · 03/09/2016 21:13

Most breakfast cereal is a trigger food for me. I have no off switch at all. I could eat the whole box in one go and still feel hungry. Half an hour later I'm definitely hungrier than when I started and just want more and more carbs.

Risotto and Haribos have exactly the same effect on me so I won't have them in the house.

Though it seems these foods don't have the same effect on most people.


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IHaveBrilloHair · 03/09/2016 21:06

It's food, loads of people eat it and manage just fine.

DropZoneOne · 03/09/2016 21:04

I was raised on cereals for breakfast - cornflakes, shreddies, weetabix etc, the sugary stuff was special occasions only. Now I can buy my own stuff, I mix up the sugary shit with the slightly less sugary shit. It's not great, but it's some vitamins, protein (milk) and it keeps me going until lunchtime. I don't like hot food in the morning, and a breakfast bar is essentially sugary shit that doesn't even keep me going until mid morning. For a few months, I skipped breakfast, and just found myself eating office biscuits by 10am instead.

The only slightly better thing is overnight oats - but then my go-to recipe includes maple syrup, banana and plain chocolate chips, so I suspect I'm undoing the goodness!

DD wavers between cereal and toast, but she will drink 250ml milk happily in the mornings and eat either a portion of fruit or a glass of fresh OJ with it too. I'd rather that, then her go off to school without something in her belly.

UmbongoUnchained · 03/09/2016 21:03

I find most western breakfast foods to be totally bizzare!

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