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To not like other people's children very much?

178 replies

purplespottedelephant · 09/08/2016 23:08

Sounds really harsh but I have have DCs who I love more than the world and have endless amounts of patience for them

But lately just seems like every other child I come across irritates me beyond belief and I have zero patience for them!

It's very possible people feel the same way about my kids too though Grin

OP posts:
SpecialAgentFreyPie · 10/08/2016 12:14

I don't care if kids scream. I don't careif they shout. You could place a trampoline right by my bedroom window and I'd sleep soundly.

Squealing though? It sends me into a sensory overload and I get very anxious. Of course all of mine when through a squealing stage, but I taught them that people don't like it. You know, empathy and all that?
I know 9 year olds who still do the shrill right-down-your-spine squeal because their parents never taught them. It's sad because it stresses me out, other children look at her oddly (because it's baby behaviour) Her mum is afraid of her so does whatever she wants. Like Zan put so eloquently, I think some parents think normal parenting is tantamount to abuse.

It's not fair on the kids either. She gets very upset because the other girls exclude her - Because she still snatches and says she wants it, so yeah. She's having it.

tryandbehappy · 10/08/2016 12:23

I'm so lonely and lost I don't know what else to do except write on here in hope someone will help,the short story is my husband left me 3 months ago for a another woman.we have 2 children together and had been together 10years.iv begged and pleaded my husband to come home but all he does is calmly tell me he no longer loves me and that his happy with his new could they do this to me? All I do is lay around crying thinking of ways to get him back,why do I even want him back? He has no feeling towards and doesn't seem to care at all about what I'm going through.I need to stop loving him and thinking about him,but I don't know how,I'm so depressed,please could someone help me,any advice very welcome xxxx

ExasperatedAlmostAlways · 10/08/2016 12:24

We have a week left of the school holidays. Fair to say I haven't really been bothered by anyone else's kids as much as I have mine. Counting down the minutes.

PovertyPain · 10/08/2016 12:28

tryandbehappy I'm sorry you're going through this. Flowers You need to start your own thread to get support. You can start one in relationships. It would be best not to post under AIBU, as it can be a bit challenging here. I'm sure plenty of people will be able to support and advise you.

Vickyyyy · 10/08/2016 12:37

Honestly I find other peoples kids annoying most of the time.

We recently flew to Lanzarote with our 2 and there was this absolute GODDESS sat behind us who entertained out 2 for the WHOLE flight. When they first started bothering her I told them to stop but she said it was fine and to let them continue, she then played peekaboo and stuff with them for like 4 hours. No way could I have done that, but it seems some people don't find other peoples kids annoying...

purplespottedelephant · 10/08/2016 13:06

I agree with a PP, this is strange..

Don't think there's one person disagreed yet Shock

But yes I am fully aware that my kids are probably one of "those" children to most of you posters haha.

OP posts:
KERALA1 · 10/08/2016 13:08

Wow she sounds a saint. I have never met anyone like that.

Kikibanana86 · 10/08/2016 13:09

I have 5 so when we have other kids round they all tend to disappear together and I don't hear from them much so behaviour wise I don't have issues with other kids, also I have a naughty one so I don't get too bothered if we have a child round that's mischievous as I know how it feels lol.

The only thing that has annoyed me in the past is that other people's kids seem quite fussy with food but that was at their old school, they go to one in a (very) posh area now and the kids are all avocado munchers so we don't seem to have that issue anymore. Even when we did it didn't bother me that much tbh!

mon73g1 · 10/08/2016 13:12

In general, I also don't like children. Sometimes I barely stand my kid Grin (I'M KIDDING, I LOVE MY DC) So you might be unreasonable, but you're not the only one, girl Grin

FithColumnist · 10/08/2016 14:31

I can't stand other people's kids. Irritatingly, however, they seem to like me. Even more irritatingly, I have been told that I am "good with kids". I took the only course left open to me. I became a teacher.

SpecialAgentFreyPie · 10/08/2016 14:43

A unanimous YANBU?! Shock It's like when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon.

purplespottedelephant · 10/08/2016 16:33

I know Shock
So pigs do fly

OP posts:
nooofthenoodle · 10/08/2016 17:56

That meme 'mummy can't fucking stand other people's kids' was shared on Facebook by the parent of the most annoying interuptting babied 8 yo I've ever met.
I mostly can't bear other people's kids. Best friends kids I like in small doses but wouldn't want to be left alone with. My own ds is pretty ok most of the time

m0therofdragons · 10/08/2016 18:02

My dad was like this to the extent I worried how he'd be as a gp. Well he loves and adores them so all good. I do have to bite my tongue getting used to knew friends of dd but usually my dc let them know the ground rules.

LarrytheCucumber · 10/08/2016 18:03

I was going to use farts analogy. Your own are perfectly acceptable, other people's are foul.

Longdistance · 10/08/2016 18:06

Me neither.

Sleep overs suck too.

I only do it as they repay the favour with my two critters.

RebelandaStunner · 10/08/2016 18:08

I prefer dogs and yes that does include my own at times.

PinkSquash · 10/08/2016 18:08

Other people's kids grate on me when I'm at work, but really it's the parents for bring utterly fuckwitted and not controlling them, especially as the environment I work in can be verybloodydangerous

LongGrass · 10/08/2016 18:10

Interesting question.

I actually sometimes love other people's children and think they're truly fab and amazing. Others, um, not so much. In fact quite a few a total pain-in-the-neck. It really does depend on the child!

Reapwhatyousow · 10/08/2016 20:50

I run a B&B

Not for young children (under 12)

So glad you all understand!

PickAChew · 10/08/2016 21:58

I can just about tolerate my own. Not quite halfway through the school holidays an I'm beginning to feel a little frazzled.

Worra I solved the eternal looking out of the window and observing things problem by giving DS1 his own phone - we now hunt for Pokemon together.

RedorDread · 10/08/2016 22:12

Being great with kids doesn't come naturally to me, I have to adopt my poker face in the presence of other people's dc.

I don't mind babies, find them quite cute now, when ds was a baby though I didn't care much for others offspring of similar age, ds is now 9 and I'm wondering when he reaches 14 whether I'll think the same about 9 year olds.


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islandtiare · 10/08/2016 22:13


Excusemyfrench · 10/08/2016 22:18


Cantstopeatingchocolate · 10/08/2016 22:38

Nope YANBU. Not keen on kids full stop before I had my own, and now I have had a house full of ill mannered, non flushing, non hand washing little neighbour kids I've decided I was right not to like other kids very much.
I'm sure my cherub is just as annoying to the neighbour mums but at least he has table manners, can keep his pee INSIDE the bowl and can blow his own nose (no snot left on furniture). We're talking 4-7 year olds not wee tots.

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