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To not like other people's children very much?

178 replies

purplespottedelephant · 09/08/2016 23:08

Sounds really harsh but I have have DCs who I love more than the world and have endless amounts of patience for them

But lately just seems like every other child I come across irritates me beyond belief and I have zero patience for them!

It's very possible people feel the same way about my kids too though Grin

OP posts:
fitgirl26 · 10/08/2016 09:41

I work in a children's centre - I do the finances so I am not directly involved with them. After hearing the umpteenth toddler tantrum downstairs or yet another group of small girls screaming loudly every twenty seconds I am very very grateful that my two are 21 and 19 and are both at uni! They've also learnt on reception not to call me down to coo over newborn babies. I'm not sure I even cooed over mine as I was too buy dealing with swollen boobs and stitches.

Wdigin2this · 10/08/2016 09:51

I love (usually!) all the kids in our extended 3 generation family, but other people's DC....umm not really interested!

Wdigin2this · 10/08/2016 09:56

Pictish absolutely spot on! This generation is being brought up to be the be all and end all of the familiy's dynamic, it'll come as a hell of a shock when they grow up to find the rest of the world I'd generally, just not into them
Having said that I indulge my granddaughter....but that's a grandma's perogitive!

amusedbush · 10/08/2016 10:00


I was having a quarter life crisis (Grin) and had a wild urge to become a primary school teacher. I decided to volunteer before applying for a PGDE.

On the bright side I'm really enjoying my current career again Grin

5moreminutes · 10/08/2016 10:02

Oh it's going to turn into one of those "youth of today" what is the world coming to... "parents/ children today are so much worse than they used to be" threads... Hmm

Every generation says that - you do all know that?

When I were a lass all this was fields and children were seen and not heard, parents gave out clips around the ear instead of Freddie the Frogs and beat them all soundly every Sunday on principle Hmm

MuffyTheUmpireSlayer · 10/08/2016 10:05

I don't mind kids that are able to entertain themselves. I can't stand it when kids come for play dates and want to a) have conversations with me, b) play games that end up involving me or c) have a strop and come and sulk to me.

I acknowledge that there is a high possibility that my own DD has been a, b and c at other people's houses Grin

pictish · 10/08/2016 10:14

I wasn't coming from that angle at all. I was saying that the rare beef I have is more with Other Parents than Other People's Children.
I don't think it's a kids-these-days scenario. There have always been permissive, feeble parents.

In my experience most families do well to strike a happy medium. I enjoy spending time with other families. When I don't, you can be sure I'll be throwing secret shade at the parents though, not the child.

Acornantics · 10/08/2016 10:18

I think it's fine as long as you know other people feel the same about your beloved ones Wink

pictish · 10/08/2016 10:23

Yes...I have no expectations that anyone should enjoy my kids. Ds1 is loud and bolshy, ds2 is repetitive and a know-it-all and dd is so shy around adults that she's stoney-faced and hard bloody work.
I enjoy spending time with friends who have kids too as we all seem to benignly ignore one another's rotten kids. Grin

KERALA1 · 10/08/2016 10:24

Once Ive got to know some of my DCs friends I do like some of them.

Now through the small child stage find pre-schoolers demanding and annoying though know mine were like that (they all are).

My language this holiday has been appalling - luckily all in my head, particularly where other peoples kids are concerned.

Me : Here are your sandwiches for lunch
Friends kid : Dont like ham
Me : fucking fucking fucking fuck does it look like I fucking care? Actual " thats fine my love will see if we have any cheese" then fuck off.

SpecialAgentFreyPie · 10/08/2016 10:30

Having now read the thread, I agree with Worra. There is almost nothing worse than a 8-12 year old smugly giving their opinion in an adult conversation. And I'm the same. I dislike those kids. I know it's not their fault, but the behaviour is still annoying and grating.

Children misbehave. I get that. Parents who are completely wet and seem afraid of their small child are, IMO, worse than the 'Johnny can do no wrong' brigade.
nKowing your child is a shit and doing nothing because you're pathetic really gets my goat.
Annnnd... Breathe. Grin

CruCru · 10/08/2016 10:31

Muffy Yes that is very important to me too. If I have children round, I want them to amuse themselves not expect me to amuse them.

5moreminutes · 10/08/2016 10:33

Sorry Pictish - I thought you were, but partly due to the way wdigin took on the apparent theme and ran with it - misunderstood obviously.

I agree there have always been parents like that and unless the parents are already my friend I'd always rather have a house full of other people's kids along with mine than have to spend the time with whole families. I do usually end up feeling annoyed at "family" attractions especially when they are crowded in school holidays - it really brings out the worst in people, pushing their own kids to the front or whatever and behaving as if their own kids are the only ones who deserve a great day out ... Special Family Days Out at crowded attractions bring out the worst in people I think.

honknghaddock · 10/08/2016 10:36

We base all our outings around what works for ds because we don't have asd so it is much easier for us to go with the flow. It is also more pleasant for those around us. We allow ds to interrupt because it encourages his social interaction and it helps him to learn to do it in appropriate ways.

DelicatePreciousThing1 · 10/08/2016 10:39

I feel some posters are unable to see their own children though the eyes of others. Other parents are bound to feel the same about your children. It's about true perspective.

pictish · 10/08/2016 10:40

That's cool haddock - I'm going on my own experiences with people that I know.

SpecialAgentFreyPie · 10/08/2016 10:43

I'm positive other people think my kids are a PTA. I think they're a PITA. Grin

ZansSerif · 10/08/2016 10:53

I actually once had talked about this with a parent at the playground. Her DD aged about 3 or 4 was bugging my slightly older DD - following her everywhere, trying to push her off whatever thing she went on, so she couldn't play and my DD was getting very upset.

The mum was there, but just looked awkward and wouldn't say anything. I had to step in and kindly but firmly asked her DD to stop pushing. The mum gushed apologies but still didn't address her DD at all! I said (not meanly) "You can tell her not to, you know, or move her away." She looked at me in horror and said "I just don't know how to." She seemed terrified of saying anything negative or upsetting her child in any way, like it would make her a bad parent.

I do think some people have somehow absorbed that message. That saying no or stopping your child from doing something, and possibly making them cry, is akin to beating them and locking them in a cupboard.

poppym12 · 10/08/2016 10:54

These days, I'm questioning whether I even like my own (17yrs), never mind anyone else's.
He no longer wants to holiday with me so I use this time to escape to adult only hotels where I don't have to hear or see any children at all. Bliss.

Only1scoop · 10/08/2016 10:54


Yes to that silent sandwich swearing scenario....found myself doing it the other day Grin

rainbowstardrops · 10/08/2016 10:59

So many like-minded people Grin
I actually work in an infant school and can happily sit in a classroom with thirty children chattering with no problem.

Having other people's children in my house sets my teeth on edge! Recently DD's fairly lovely friend came for the day and held her fork like a bloody spear - the cursing inside my head was off the scale!

Kids screeching and screaming set my teeth on edge too when I'm away from work and I can't stand my friend's children - rude, obnoxious little brats Angry

Like I said, I can tolerate thirty of the little darlings at school!

ZansSerif · 10/08/2016 11:00

:o DD has one friend who is a blatant liar. If DD thinks of something, friend will immediately claim she thought of it. She will announce things are hers that aren't, etc. etc. and is constantly addressing the lies to me and it's very tiresome. By the end of a looooong playdate I'm like "Really DD's friend, is that what happened? STOP BLOODY LYING, you lying little besom I'M NOT FUCKING STUPID!


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MeAndMy3LovelyBoys · 10/08/2016 11:05

I love all children when they are babies/ toddlers because they're so cute and lovely. They're innocent and are learning about the world so I have a lot of tolerance for them.
It's other people's older children who irritate me.
I don't think it will even switch the other way either because as I said, young children are cute and innocent. An 8 year old much less so.

MrsLion · 10/08/2016 11:08

I don't like other people's children very much at all. Most of them are highly irritating. I have to push myself to have my DCs friends round to play and be social. I think part of it, is because I'm an introvert. Or just intolerant!
Children of close family members are different strangely. Love them to bits!

lessthanBeau · 10/08/2016 11:31

Yanbu, I don't have opc if I can help it, sil however doesn't go anywhere or do anything without inviting opc as dn can't seem to entertain herself, god knows how she stands it, it makes me shudder when I see her pics online always with opc in tow! Dn and my friends kids are ok, but even then I prefer them with their parents so I don't need to deal with them directly!

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