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To not like other people's children very much?

178 replies

purplespottedelephant · 09/08/2016 23:08

Sounds really harsh but I have have DCs who I love more than the world and have endless amounts of patience for them

But lately just seems like every other child I come across irritates me beyond belief and I have zero patience for them!

It's very possible people feel the same way about my kids too though Grin

OP posts:
VioletBam · 10/08/2016 00:49

Yorkie I can relate to that re my youngest DDs best friend. At times I've felt like I could throttle her but when a bigger boy pushed her off a roundabout I was having fantasies of punting him into the boating lake.


MagentaRose72 · 10/08/2016 00:54

"Other people's are usually tolerable in small doses and when I can hand them back

Same as dogs, TBH"

Yes, except dogs are mostly better trained and don't answer back! Grin

OlennasWimple · 10/08/2016 02:32

Very true, Magenta

And I agree Dione, this wasn't part of the parenting contract I signed Angry

OlennasWimple · 10/08/2016 02:33

(I also capitalize "Other People's Children" in my head)

KeyserSophie · 10/08/2016 03:30

I used to feel really bad about this, but I realised I just prefer to be in an exclusively adult environment (and even then, basically, adults like me- so I find being at work quite relaxing). It's not that I dislike children per se, I just find being in an environment where there are a lot of them stressful due to the chaos and noise.

LucyBabs · 10/08/2016 03:37

Worra I just can't imagine you as a lollipop lady Shock funny auto correct changed that to alcoholic lady Grin

GlindatheFairy · 10/08/2016 03:50

I don't dislike children (and really quite like my own most of the time) but I've always been slightly indifferent and never cooed at babies and so on. The thing is though children tend to like me, which isn't a bad thing, though I often found it puzzling before I had kids myself.

Tworingsandamicrowave · 10/08/2016 03:56

Justbeacause my DS, now 12, used to interrupt me constantly and it drove me potty. I then read something that we tried and we now use it and it works. Basically, if your DC wants your attention, they should put their hand (gently!) on your arm. You then put your hand over theirs to acknowledge that you've registered they need you, then at the next natural break in the conversation, you turn to them and ask what the fuck they want.
Took a while to 'train' him but we got there and it works for us. HTH.

voluptuagoodshag · 10/08/2016 04:29

Same here. I've been thinking a lot about this as I seem to get really pissed off with certain kids and others don't bother me at all. Basically they are just wee humans so some are bound to click with me and others not so. But because they are kids I guess we have to put up with it. I dislike many of DS's pals/peers. They just press all my buttons. I can count on one hand how many I actually enjoy the company of.
I'm a bit of a loner anyway and enjoy my own company. I was brought up in the 70s so all kids played outside en masses until it rained or got dark so we were never in parents' hair. We never went back to other folks houses. You all went home to your own for tea then went back out again. And sleepovers? Never. Who invented that abomination?

Amelie10 · 10/08/2016 04:39

Yeah I blame the parents but it still doesn't stop me disliking the kid.

Yep this is pretty much how I feel too! I really dislike some children I know, even though it's down to bad parenting. Doesn't help me not finding that child irritating.

NoobThebrave · 10/08/2016 05:04

This made me laugh out loud and got me found out as should be asleep could it be because it strikes a chord😱 I feel I have been suppressing this for years....tomorrow could be liberating!!
King Joffrey I am holding you responsible for the audible snort😂

LittleLionMansMummy · 10/08/2016 07:03

I've never really liked children or been particularly good with them. Dh is brilliant with them. My own are a different matter (and I include my stepdaughter in that - she's ace). I like a few of ds's friends now too, but only because I've known them so long. I can still count those that I like on one hand and don't go out of my way to instigate conversation with children.

My ds is one of those confident, interrupting children who on paper I shouldn't be able to stand. Naturally he's endlessly entertaining and a joy to be around. I'm under no illusions that others will see him as the cocky little gobshite!

phoenix1973 · 10/08/2016 07:12

When I was child free, I never took holidays in school holidays and loved the relaxation and peace.
Now, I have to go in the school holidays and it's neither relaxing or peaceful. Places are full of OPK's.
Day trips are not enjoyable because we can't see what we paid to see as all attractions are heaving here.
I find OPK's annoying everywhere, particularly in restaurants when they are running wild due to a lack of supervision.
I don't like the summer hols as I am forced to go to places which are crawling with them. Urgh.
I think my own child is ok, but even she has the interrupting thing going on and can chat shit for England!
I suppose it's because I had too many child free years before dc so got used to quiet...

Inshock73 · 10/08/2016 07:14

I can't stand other peoples children! I have a 15 month old and what I now find really odd is other people expect me to be interested in their kids, I wasn't before I had my own DD and I'm not now. I still can't stand going to kids parties, kids days out etc, I still consider myself a kid free zone apart from my own :)

Ditsy4 · 10/08/2016 07:37

I love my four.
I love most of their friends.
I love most of the kids at school.

It is lovely to have a break from all of them.
I'm having a week doing a craft summer school. Just adults. No one needs me for anything. Lovely!

Timetogrowup2016 · 10/08/2016 07:42

I prefer other people's. I don't have to deal with the whinging haha

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 10/08/2016 07:46

Or grandchildren.

There are some deluded grannies out there who seem to think other people care about their grandchildren.

ShyOyster · 10/08/2016 07:59

I only struggle with different parenting styles but realise this is MY problem not theirs. I'll give you an example: we went out for a very early dinner with my DS (3.5), my friend and her DS (4.5). I know kids in restaurants is a separate topic. I expect DS to be able to sit down and hopefuly not wreck the place. If he misbehaves, we go out and walk until food appears. I found it EXTREMY annoying, in fact infuriating, that my friend lets her boy run around like mad, get in everyone's way, basically just do as he pleases. She also told me I'm clearly a bit uptight and stress too much.

ShyOyster · 10/08/2016 08:00


MandyFl0ss · 10/08/2016 08:04

YANBU. I take children as I do adults, on an individual basis, sometimes I like them sometimes I don't, it depends on the child.

However, now that my kids are 12 and 9, I have noticed that I don't like having younger kids around, specially toddlers. We're going to France on a Eurocamp holiday and I am dreading having families with toddlers in the caravans around us. I simply can't stand their voices.

Another thing I find very irritating is to go out somewhere without my own children and either end up somewhere where there's lots of kids (e.g. restaurant) or find that someone in the group has brought their child along.

phoenix1973 · 10/08/2016 08:11

Inshock73 - me too, and my child is 9! 😀

hazeyjane · 10/08/2016 08:13

I used to just take a dislike to lots of children, then I had to spend whole sessions at preschool with ds for a couple of terms and realised that on the whole there is something to like or find interesting about all of them, but sometimes it takes time. I have ended up working at the preschool, and love spending time with them watching them grow.


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Mouseinahole · 10/08/2016 08:13

I love most kids and enjoy their company and conversation. I love all ages right up to teens adults though....

ZansSerif · 10/08/2016 08:16

Like a PP I hate it when I'm out without DC (which is very rare) and Other People's Children run riot in cafes etc and bump into me. I would hate my DC to to that which is why they end up getting my phone to play with. It's not ideal (but at least it's not me on the phone ignoring them).

I've met many OPC I don't like at all, but some are so lovely, so I can't write them all off. We had a schoolfriend round to play with DD yesterday, first time she had been here - she restored my faith! Sweet, kind, sensible (and only 6!)

Also, I know all the best things about my own DC, but I know that DS can appear extremely rude (he's cripplingly shy) and DD still has tantrum-like episodes. In a public place/cafe I'd remove her from the scene PDQ but I know other people will be thinking "what a brat". So I do try to be sympathetic about others. My main grouch is at parents who don't take responsibility when their kids are being a PITA.

Solasum · 10/08/2016 08:21

That's a great tip Tworings, thank you.

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