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To hate her voice

95 replies

callherwillow · 05/08/2016 13:31

You know when you KNOW YABU - and petty, and mean, and unkind.

I can't stand a woman's voice.

It's nasal, common, shouty and goes right through me.

I HATE it.

I know I'm BU but has anyone else ever had this!?

OP posts:
uglyflowers · 05/08/2016 17:47

Haha its her breathless girly whiney thing..

EverySongbirdSays · 05/08/2016 17:56

Thanks guys Flowers

Some people genuinely don't realise they speak "like that" though as Yvaine pointed out, your voice does sound really different on tape. Like it horrifies me.

mumofthemonsters808 · 05/08/2016 17:57

I have a young voice apparently, whenever I answer my phone, I'm usually asked if my Mum is there.If I give my date of birth over the phone, person on the end is usually shocked to discover how old I am.Other people are told they have a young face or body, but not me, my voice does not match my years. I cringe when I actually hear it on loudspeaker and they are right I sound like a child.I only wish I looked like one.

I always struggle with voices that are very soft and quiet, and mumbly I really struggle to hear them properly. If we're being picky, I also dislike voices with no tone or pitch, where even the most shocking news is expressed at the same level. It's probably because we're all quite dramatic and expressive in this house and that's what I'm used to.

OvariesBeforeBrovaries · 05/08/2016 18:21

Aww I love Sips' voice Grin

Sjin from Yogscast has a great voice. Very relaxing. He did a "sleep track" video at one point, it was dreamy Grin

I also have a young voice mumof :( I had a telephone interview for a job this year and they had to confirm I was over sixteen because I sounded so young Hmm

I also worked for a telephone PA company last year and had some random caller who was most affronted that I'd answered her call Grin and I quote, "You sound absolutely ridiculous. I do not pay the amount I am paying to have a child answer my call. I suggest you improve your voice and sound older if you wish to take my call again". I wouldn't have minded but I was 21 and I'd just done a three year theatre degree; my voice is supposed to be one of my strongest features Grin

WaitrosePigeon · 05/08/2016 18:23

There is one at nursery and at the school gates. It's so loud. Shut the fuck up!

mumofthemonsters808 · 05/08/2016 18:27

Glad I'm not alone Ovaries, your random caller story really made me laugh.I suppose we should just be grateful we do not have old lady voices, but I'd much rather have the young looking face personally.

PuppyMonkey · 05/08/2016 18:41

I live in a place where most people talk the local dialect - and yes you could say we're common - but there used to be one mum at DD1's old primary who'd make me shudder. She used to talk reaaaaallllly slooooooooowly in a drawn out droning way - it was literally painful to listen to. I felt awful but I used to avoid her if I could .

Cocolepew · 05/08/2016 18:42

I left a message on an answering machine the other day. As I was speaking my voice came back as an echo. I was so horrified by what I sounded like the message nearly ended up not making any sense.
I think I'll start communicating by the written word from now on.

Cocolepew · 05/08/2016 18:43

I work with a loud woman who does ridiculously loud laughing at the end of every sentence. I want to smother her.

UmbongoUnchained · 05/08/2016 19:00

I sound like a toddler. When I answer the phone I usually get asked if my mummy is there.

travellinglighter · 05/08/2016 19:26

My exSIL has a Cumbrian accent. Nothing wrong with that but she speaks so slowly with an extended drawl that used to drive me up the wall. I suspect it was because she was a horrible, opinionated bully with bratty, bad mannered children but the voice didn't help.

If we ever ate together, she would use the word tasty. It would come out sounding like tttttaaaaaassssstttttyyyyyyyy. Every time she said it I used to thank god I had no access to firearms because I would have have been forced to shoot myself so. I didn't have to listen to her say it again. I genuinely believe that I probably had enough to between the first t and the last y to take a paracetamol overdose.

When I got divorced, I wasn't in a good place, the thought of never having to see her again genuinely cheered me up. I've warned the kids that if they ever get married then if they want me to come to the wedding then they can't invite her. Luckily they hate the bbbbooooossssyyyy ccccoooowwww as well.

gingerboy1912 · 05/08/2016 19:33

Sarah Millican
Janet street porter

Can't listen to their voices, goes right through me like nails on a black board. Sad

kurlique · 05/08/2016 19:45

ovaries just wetting myself over you using "stabby" to describe how JSP's voice makes you feel... It perfectly describes how I feel at the sound of it too!😂😂😂 she is top of my loathed voices followed by anyone who puts on a babyish/dim (dumb blonde(?!)) voice... Male or female. And before you flame me, I am blonde!!😁

kurlique · 05/08/2016 19:51

OMG... umbongo I didn't mean people who sound young... I meant those people who put on or have cultivated a cutesy babyish voice PDNBO!!!Flowers

alltouchedout · 05/08/2016 19:52

Whoever the woman is who commentates on gymnastics on the BBC. Her voice grates on me.
An ex boss from years ago. Although just the fact that she exists annoys me.

UmbongoUnchained · 05/08/2016 19:52

It's pretty much impossible to offend me don't worry Grin

TheSultanofPingu · 05/08/2016 19:55

I'm not that keen on 6 music presenter Mary Ann Hobbb's voice, but dislike my own voice even more.

DerelictMyBalls · 05/08/2016 19:59

What about the woman who asks you to 'cheese from four options' when you ring Virgin Mobile? Ugh, I hate that voice.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 05/08/2016 20:02

Another one here that hates their own voice! My kids recorded themselves on the trampoline recently and you could hear me screeching in the background to keep the noise down and come in for tea.
I sounded like a witch.
After years damaging my ears in nightclubs, I also talk TOO LOUDLY.Sad

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 05/08/2016 20:07

The worst babyish cutesy voice is Pewdepie's girlfriend! (YouTube). I keep waiting for her to talk 'normally' by mistake.
Also hate a mockney accent usually adopted by young blokes trying to look hard. Grin

PaulDacreCuntyMcCuntFace · 05/08/2016 20:10

I read the thread title and immediately thought it was about singing voices. I dived straight in thinking about how much I cannot bear Jess Glynne. Her voice goes right through me - especially when she goes for the high notes, it sounds very screechy and strained. I have to turn the radio off.

Imissmy0ldusername · 05/08/2016 20:11

There's a woman I come into very regular contact with who sounds like Frankie Howard. There is also a chap who, when he is on the phone (about 75% of his working day) punctuates his sentences with "erm", very loudly. He gets louder the more diet coke he drinks, and he gets through about a litre a day. There's also a chap who sounds needlessly aggressive every time he makes a phone call (again a good 75% of his working day). I think it's a by-product of the sort of job all three of them do - the sort of people in the industry they have to deal with probably react well to them. However, for the sort of job I do (a really quiet one, where I have to focus a lot, and not get distracted), if all three of them are in the office with me, I have to have my earphones on.

When the office first got shuffled around such that I was for the first time in contact with these characters, I have to admit I really struggled. I was having a giant rant about it in my local when a friend managed to get me to see the funny side of being in close proximity to these people, and in all honesty, it helped. Although I do have to stop myself from "Ooh Noo Missus"ing out loud if the Frankie Howard-alike gets going....


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ToffeeForEveryone · 05/08/2016 20:13

Jaaaa-nisss, Jaaaaa-nissss

That is all :)

tootiredforthissh1t · 05/08/2016 20:18

Stampy Longnose! I can't stand listening to him and send my DD to her room when she's got him on the iPad

ApocalypseSlough · 05/08/2016 20:20

BlushI find my DDs voice annoying. She honks and says isn't it Mum as punctuation to check I'm listening.

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