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To hate her voice

95 replies

callherwillow · 05/08/2016 13:31

You know when you KNOW YABU - and petty, and mean, and unkind.

I can't stand a woman's voice.

It's nasal, common, shouty and goes right through me.

I HATE it.

I know I'm BU but has anyone else ever had this!?

OP posts:
MrsSippy · 05/08/2016 14:19

Mark Stacey - many a good antiques programme ruined by his awful nasal tone, and my kids shouting 'blow your nose man!'

EverySongbirdSays · 05/08/2016 14:20

I think I'm one of those people who others hate their voice. I have a disability related speech impediment and I once heard a "friend" mocking my voice.

I'm sure it does irritate but there's not much I can do at this point, it has been improved as much as it can, but I still get negative remarks about it. Sad

NatalieRushman · 05/08/2016 14:23

There are a LOT of you tubers with extremely irritating voices. I don't understand how anyone can put up with it. I have to leave the room.

kaitlinktm · 05/08/2016 14:23


Whenever I hear my own voice (recording) it sounds like I am bunged up with a cold. Sometimes when I answer the phone people ask if I have a cold (when I haven't). I hate it - wish there was something I could do about it, but can't think what.

I was hoping people didn't really notice

biggles50 · 05/08/2016 14:24

There are just some voices that irritate and go right through you. I agree that janet street porter's voice is annoying. But I do try hard to listen to what people are saying rather than the way they say it. The mrs rabbit character in peppa pig and she does a character nanny plum I think. I really don't like the tone of her voice it grates. And yes what's with that baby talk, my auntie used to say iccle instead of little. Ugh!

biggles50 · 05/08/2016 14:26

Everysongbird that must have been horrible for you. My son has a speech impediment and I saw someone laughing in his face once.

AHedgehogCanNeverBeBuggered · 05/08/2016 14:32

I'll join you in the unreasonable corner - I bloody hate thick Yorkshire accents from Sheffield and Leeds, particularly when a nasal quality is added. Yes, I KNOW IABU, but I can't help it - it just grates.

AHedgehogCanNeverBeBuggered · 05/08/2016 14:34

OMG there is a whole circle of Hell reserved for people who say 'ickle' instead of 'little', it's unbearable!

callherwillow · 05/08/2016 14:36

Every, I really can't stand the woman and her awful nasal voice adds to it. I'd never hate someone for a speech impediment, please don't worry! Flowers

OP posts:
happypoobum · 05/08/2016 14:37

Oh yes, MIL actually says "ickle wickle".

KittyKrap · 05/08/2016 14:46


DH has a slight stutter, apparently worse when he was younger and some lads ripped the piss out of him at school. He climbed over the desks and beat up the ring leader then threatened the others. No one ever commented on it again.

My awful voice was a woman I used to work with. I'd just started and was stuck with her every day. Think Sarah Millican without the humour but talking constantly about everything. Ever. By day 3 my boss brought me some chocolates for making me work with this woman!

TheDevilMadeMeDoIt · 05/08/2016 14:52

ickle wickle??? I feel queasy. Somebody's patio would be being dug up if that were my MiL.

I really can't cope with Jane Horrocks' voice. I just about managed in Ab Fab when she wasn't a main character and it fitted Bubbles, but she's started narrating documentaries now. I can't watch unless I turn the sound down and put the subtitles on.

panegyricS1 · 05/08/2016 14:57

I speak to people from all over the country on the phone as part of my job. The nasal estuary monotone voice is the worst. It's not the hardest to understand (that would be Belfast or Glasgow for me) but it's the horridest.

GarlicMistake · 05/08/2016 15:00

Julie Burchill's voice used to set all my nerves on edge - I vaguely knew her; what she had to say was always worth hearing, but very hard to listen to. Her voice has changed now. Can't stand Bjork's voice, gifted though she is. Also Janet Street-Porter, Stephen Fry, Alan Carr and Loyd Grossman.

I'm sure they'd all hate my voice, too!

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 05/08/2016 15:07

lol@people getting sniffy about using the word common like you don't know exactly what the OP means . Only on MNGrin

I know what you mean OP, there's someone I know and if I was in a room with a hundred other people I would still be able to hear her, drives me bat shit. No one else irritates me like she does.

SatsukiKusakabe · 05/08/2016 15:17

Vulgar might be a good synonym for "common"

MamaLazarou · 05/08/2016 15:24

YANBU. I used to work in a large, open-plan office with a horrible woman whose voice was just unbearable. It sounded like a munchkin had smoked 200 Rothmans and then deep-throated 100 cocks and had decided to shout very loudly about it afterwards. She also popped her gum every couple of minutes. Ooooh, I HATED her!

I can't say if she was common or not: she was Norweigan (probably still is).

callherwillow · 05/08/2016 15:25

Omg mine is a gum chewer as well!!

OP posts:
Gatehouse77 · 05/08/2016 16:16

kaitlinktm I think with this particular person it was because it was often accompanied by sniffing. So it wasn't just her voice! I could not sit next to her when she had an actual cold or her youngest son who would be constantly streaming and not blowing/wiping.
I have one child with all year round allergic rhinitis so I do know what it's like. We have found that if they reduce dairy it lessens significantly and whilst they were younger I did this at home. But he's older (and thinks he's wiser!) now so is I charge of his own diet. Cue elephant sounding nose blowing - which can send me from nought - rage immediately. Inwardly...most of the time!

Oh and Sips from Yogzcast (sp?) annoys me which I am subjected to mostly when DH is watching as the kids tend to use tablets and headphones.

NavyandWhite · 05/08/2016 16:20

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Laiste · 05/08/2016 16:27

I don't like overly childish voices coming out of adult women. It always sounds put on (i know it isn't always) and as if they want to sound vulnerable and adorable. Ugh.

Why are so many ad's voiced by these overly babyish women's voices now? I seem to hear it all the time.

Unicornsarelovely · 05/08/2016 17:34

The vlogger whose voice I loathe is American as is her boyfriend but she piggybacks on his channel and keeps dying.

Dan tedium has the best voice ever in comparison..,,


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YvaineStormhold · 05/08/2016 17:39

My voice is crap.

Every time I hear a recording of myself I decide it's probably best if I never speak again.

uglyflowers · 05/08/2016 17:42

It's pat and jen, isn't it 😀?

Unicornsarelovely · 05/08/2016 17:44

How did you guess ugly flowers?Grin

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