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another parking one (sorry) help!?

91 replies

SwimFishSwim · 21/07/2016 12:29

I'm fuming, I really am. I parked near the station, so I appreciate that people need to catch transport in a hurry, etc. it wasn't the station car park though, so people really cannot assume that they are going to be there all day, I only went shopping with 2 DC. We get back to the car to find this. That car is touching our car, there is no way for me to get out. The back of my car is next to a fence/wall but there's a small gap, but there's no way I can move without that car coming back.

Of course I don't know how long the person will be gone, but we waited near the car for about 20 mins so they weren't just popping into the shop, basically the gap is far too small for the car to fit in.

We are now sitting in Pret having lunch, and probably longer as there is no where for us to go.

Where do I stand with this?? Can I get out??

another parking one (sorry) help!?
OP posts:
BirdInTheRoom · 21/07/2016 14:03

Drive very slowly forwards and push the car in front out of the way -I've done this before - you won't do any damage and it will move even if the hand break is on if you put your foot down!

Farfromtheusual · 21/07/2016 14:08

Wow, that is some seriously inconsiderate parking. Leave an angry note.

I've been in a similar situation many times(in same car park) where someone has literally parked their passenger side right up against my driver's side (how they didn't hit it ill never know) and I was parked right up against a wall on my passenger side. Had to get in the back passenger door (the only one I could open) and climb over to the front. All when I was between 6-8 months pregnant. The one time I parked over 2 spaces cos I was so sick of it and I got a £100 parking ticket.. Needless to say that's not being paid.

Nocabbageinmyeye · 21/07/2016 14:10

SouperSal maybe I'm being thick but only two plates were visible?? Like one plate of each car?? The back of one car and the front of another? So your regitration was fully visible then Confused

lifesalongsong · 21/07/2016 14:14

Can you post a picture of the back of your car so we can get a better idea of whether you could ever get out. I agree with molecule, unless you've got somewhere to go at the side 30cm isn't going to be enough

knowler · 21/07/2016 14:17

You will know better than me whether this is possible but I'd definitely have a crack at getting out of a spot with 30cm of space and, given that yours is the much bigger car, giving the blue car some nudges to itch it forwards a bit. without damaging either car of course - more like the type of parking manoeuvre that is common in Paris :)

Helenluvsrob · 21/07/2016 14:18

thats london parking and they'd nudge/bump until the car got out...

Ilovetea82 · 21/07/2016 14:18

Slow and steady lots of tiny back and forward manoeuvres :/
This happened my mum once with the owner of the car in front refusing to move it and standing watching as apparently she shouldn't have parked where she did (there were no restrictions)

Fluffyears · 21/07/2016 14:24

I've had this and got out but it did take a good 15 minutes of very small back and forward 3 million point turn type manoeuvre to get it.

MilicentKing · 21/07/2016 14:27

cabbage I think soup means that there was a whole row of cars parked like that, so the reg of the front of the line and the one at the back would be visible, while the ones in the middle wouldn't be.

I presume there was some sort of parking pact going on so they all arrived and left at the same time, otherwise it seems rather extreme.

Dixiechickonhols · 21/07/2016 14:27

I'd call 101 and say someone has bumped into your car and you can't get out and you don't want to try in case it causes more damage. They will be able to check if car insured/contact owner.
Woman next to me left her handbrake off and it collided with side of my parked car in a large shop car park. I got security to tannoy her and they moved the cars apart - had done a lot of damage to my car. Don't think she would have believed it if she hadn't have seen it - I didn't try to move as didn't want to make things worse.

RageAgainstTheTagine · 21/07/2016 14:29

Can you sort of, push...the other car with yours? They mush have space in front of them?

Samkate · 21/07/2016 14:29

What did you end up doing OP?

MilkyMamma · 21/07/2016 14:30

Wow, that's unbelievable! I hope you've called 101.

StarryIllusion · 21/07/2016 14:30

4x4's usually have some power behind them, don't they? I'd push the other car out of the way.

Laiste · 21/07/2016 14:31

Yeah, I'd have a go at gently pushing (with car) before i rang 101. It might just move enough to mean you can get out.

Once you've rung 101 you're going to have to wait till they turn up ect.

I remember years ago watching a group of blokes bouncing a car out of their way. Very entertaining Grin

Wonder what OPs doing?

PotteringAlong · 21/07/2016 14:35

It doesn't matter if there's a curb to make it less than 30cm - you've got a 4x4, you can drive over it.

Flyingfruit · 21/07/2016 14:37

What a nightmare. Some people are so selfish.

sparechange · 21/07/2016 14:38


Only two cars in a whole row? ie the cars at the front and back are visable, but the 2/4/20 in the middle won't be?

SouperSal · 21/07/2016 14:39

SouperSal maybe I'm being thick but only two plates were visible?? Like one plate of each car?? The back of one car and the front of another? So your regitration was fully visible then

Sorry, should have been clearer. There were around 20 cars in total, but only 2 cars had visible plates. Wink

happypoobum · 21/07/2016 14:42

This happened to me once near a park and a bunch of lads playing football bounced the offending car out of my way Grin I NEVER park without room in front of and behind me now.

I think I would either call police if you think other car has damaged yours in the process, or as you are so much bigger, I would try to shove it out the way a bit and wriggle out.

SouperSal · 21/07/2016 14:42

We all used to arrive at around the same time in the morning and leave together in the evening. It had the bonus that we all knew exactly how big our cars were. ;)

CatNip2 · 21/07/2016 14:46

I had exactly the same thing just a few weeks ago, although I could get out, some dimwit drove her estate car right into the back of mine, she drove well over 18 inches over the white line of her space and was squashed against my car. When she finally turned up she said "Ooo I hope you haven't done any damage to my car"! - I went ape .... pointed out she was WELL over the white line, and since my parking ticket proved I was there before hers, clearly I hoped she hadn't damaged my car.

On a plus note, I doubt you will have any damage, plastic dumpers are great. My car was fortunately OK, I just hope you don't have too long a wait.


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INeedNewShoes · 21/07/2016 14:46

This sort of parking is commonplace in Paris. I couldn't believe it! Everyone's bumpers are bumped. I have no idea how people get into or out of their parking space when they've got someone up against their bumper, but it must be possible!

BitOutOfPractice · 21/07/2016 14:46

Blimey! That is inconsiderate parking. I think it's most likely that they've rolled back onto you though. Have you got someone that can help you do an eleventy million point turn manoeuvre out? I'm sure you could grab a kindly looking passer-by

zombiesarecoming · 21/07/2016 14:47

If the car touching yours has space in front then I would just give it a gentle push forward and make yourself some space to get out

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