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another parking one (sorry) help!?

91 replies

SwimFishSwim · 21/07/2016 12:29

I'm fuming, I really am. I parked near the station, so I appreciate that people need to catch transport in a hurry, etc. it wasn't the station car park though, so people really cannot assume that they are going to be there all day, I only went shopping with 2 DC. We get back to the car to find this. That car is touching our car, there is no way for me to get out. The back of my car is next to a fence/wall but there's a small gap, but there's no way I can move without that car coming back.

Of course I don't know how long the person will be gone, but we waited near the car for about 20 mins so they weren't just popping into the shop, basically the gap is far too small for the car to fit in.

We are now sitting in Pret having lunch, and probably longer as there is no where for us to go.

Where do I stand with this?? Can I get out??

another parking one (sorry) help!?
OP posts:
MoonfaceAndSilky · 22/07/2016 09:45

What kind of person feels better knowing they've damaged soneone else's property? Not a very nice one, you sound delightful Kammum

What kind of person parks like this in the first place? They deserve to have their car damaged, imo.

DesolateWaist · 22/07/2016 09:08

For future reference when that happened to me a billion years ago I called the police station (this was before 101) and they called the owner who came and moved their car. The police did warm me to stay inside though as the woman was really angry.

lifesalongsong · 22/07/2016 09:00

What kind of person feels better knowing they've damaged soneone else's property? Not a very nice one, you sound delightful Kammum

MoonfaceAndSilky · 21/07/2016 22:47

Criminal damage to another car doesn't solve anything KamMum
It would make her feel better though Wink

Caken · 21/07/2016 19:11

Criminal damage to another car doesn't solve anything KamMum Hmm

Glad it's all over OP. While it would be satisfying to have had it out with them somehow, it's over with now and no drawn out claims or anything to deal with. I hope your car is undamaged!

KamMum · 21/07/2016 19:07

I'd key the car...but I'm a bit of a bitch sometimes Blush

Nocabbageinmyeye · 21/07/2016 18:20

Ahhhhh a whole row of cars Wink told you I was being thick Grin that makes much more sense Grin thanks souper (and everyone else brighter than me)

Glad you got sorted op

SwimFishSwim · 21/07/2016 17:42

I couldn't get out, but once I had moved back, my car was no longer touching, so it was hard to know what to do... As what would I be phoning 101 for? DH picked us up and we went back and the other car was gone. I know we were really fair to the person in front, but I CBA for a drawn out problem. No, they don't live there, it's a park...? So not sure where they'd be living.

OP posts:
DartmoorDoughnut · 21/07/2016 17:14

Yanbu, hope you've managed to escape!

Discobabe · 21/07/2016 16:54

are you sure it doesn't belong to someone who lives there? It gets very irritating when you live near a station and everyone catching the train uses the residential parking to avoid car park fees leaving residents having to park streets away from their house. They might have thought you've gone to work all day.

Kruckshany · 21/07/2016 15:26

YANBU good luck

blankmind · 21/07/2016 15:22

If the car has rolled back on to OP's car, wouldn't it keep rolling back if she tried to wiggle out of the space?

That's why you need a brick or bit of wood under the tyres to stop it doing that.

SantasLittleMonkeyButler · 21/07/2016 15:07

If the car has rolled back on to OP's car, wouldn't it keep rolling back if she tried to wiggle out of the space?

I would phone 101 for advice. Not necessarily for Police attendance - but to find out what the right thing to do actually is. Also make a note of the make, model and registration of the vehicle. Take a photo of the position of the cars if possible. This is also to protect yourself from the driver of the dark car if there is damage to the bumpers and they try to claim that you drove in to them. If they left space and the car has rolled, they may assume that to be what has happened. If you do discover that you have damage to your number plate/front bumper (possible if the car has either hit yours or rolled back into yours) then you may want to reclaim any repair costs.

blankmind · 21/07/2016 15:05

Typical parking for Mallorca, they actually bump the cars front and back so they can fit in.

How much space does the blue car have in front of it?

OP is the blue car's handbrake on? If not, you need to barge into it hard with yours some help to push it as far forwards as it will go, then put a brick or bit of wood by its wheels to stop it rolling into yours again.

Definitely take photos before and after.

Good Luck, you are so patient Halo

OverAndAbove · 21/07/2016 14:59

Wow! There's no way I'd be able to get out from that without a strong probability of scraping a bumper. It would take AGES!

flanjabelle · 21/07/2016 14:48

Wow what a complete dick.

zombiesarecoming · 21/07/2016 14:47

If the car touching yours has space in front then I would just give it a gentle push forward and make yourself some space to get out

BitOutOfPractice · 21/07/2016 14:46

Blimey! That is inconsiderate parking. I think it's most likely that they've rolled back onto you though. Have you got someone that can help you do an eleventy million point turn manoeuvre out? I'm sure you could grab a kindly looking passer-by

INeedNewShoes · 21/07/2016 14:46

This sort of parking is commonplace in Paris. I couldn't believe it! Everyone's bumpers are bumped. I have no idea how people get into or out of their parking space when they've got someone up against their bumper, but it must be possible!

CatNip2 · 21/07/2016 14:46

I had exactly the same thing just a few weeks ago, although I could get out, some dimwit drove her estate car right into the back of mine, she drove well over 18 inches over the white line of her space and was squashed against my car. When she finally turned up she said "Ooo I hope you haven't done any damage to my car"! - I went ape .... pointed out she was WELL over the white line, and since my parking ticket proved I was there before hers, clearly I hoped she hadn't damaged my car.

On a plus note, I doubt you will have any damage, plastic dumpers are great. My car was fortunately OK, I just hope you don't have too long a wait.

SouperSal · 21/07/2016 14:42

We all used to arrive at around the same time in the morning and leave together in the evening. It had the bonus that we all knew exactly how big our cars were. ;)

happypoobum · 21/07/2016 14:42

This happened to me once near a park and a bunch of lads playing football bounced the offending car out of my way Grin I NEVER park without room in front of and behind me now.

I think I would either call police if you think other car has damaged yours in the process, or as you are so much bigger, I would try to shove it out the way a bit and wriggle out.


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SouperSal · 21/07/2016 14:39

SouperSal maybe I'm being thick but only two plates were visible?? Like one plate of each car?? The back of one car and the front of another? So your regitration was fully visible then

Sorry, should have been clearer. There were around 20 cars in total, but only 2 cars had visible plates. Wink

sparechange · 21/07/2016 14:38


Only two cars in a whole row? ie the cars at the front and back are visable, but the 2/4/20 in the middle won't be?

Flyingfruit · 21/07/2016 14:37

What a nightmare. Some people are so selfish.

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