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AIBU to be terrified?!

107 replies

Pregasaurusrex · 05/07/2016 20:40

C section tomorrow. First baby, am so terrified, I feel I might faint. Can anyone reassure me?! I'm worried about the operation and that I might not like the baby Blush. Anything I should be doing?

OP posts:
Hastalapasta · 05/07/2016 21:07

You will be fine, sleep now as much as you can you will never sleep the same way again
The staff should reassure you, my CS was emergency, recovered really well, DD was delivered, wiped and placed on my chest, she rooted and fed straight away. Good luck, and rest when you can.

CocktailQueen · 05/07/2016 21:08

You will be fine! I had a planned CS for my first. I wasn't prepared for how weird and out of it I felt during the CD, though - my blood pressure dropped and I didn't feel there at all. So you may feel like that. But it wasn't painful, and the medical team were excellent.

You will like your baby :)


Izzadoraduncancan · 05/07/2016 21:08

I've had 3 VB, 1 emergency CS and 2 planned CS... If I were to go into labour tomorrow I would opt for the planned CS every time. Just lovely. We didn't know if we were having a girl or boy Obs wrapped baby in white for us to unwrap. Spinal no issue - even though I hated previous epidural's (anaesthetist told me much smaller needle in spinal)...

Tiggywinkler · 05/07/2016 21:08

I've had 2 (didn't particularly want either!) and they're amazing.

You'll see the baby's little face and realize that they were always meant to be that person. You'll love them (if not immediately, then don't panic!) and while you're going to be in a sleep-deprived dream state for a while, it'll be great.

Take the drugs, and don't do too much. You pretty much want to sit on the sofa for a fortnight and let guests fawn over you and the baby.

Congratulations! It's weird, and a bit gross, and probably not what you're expecting, but you're going to be fine.

You'll be on here in a month giving advice to other newbies!

VerbenaGirl · 05/07/2016 21:08

I absolutely dreaded having to have a c-section, and eventually ended up having 2 - and they really weren't all that bad.
Watch some telly you like, call a friend, eat some chocolate, just try to distract yourself. Make sure you take stuff to do in hospital as well, in case there's a delay.
Am pretty sure you will like your baby too. They are really quite nice things. Just take things easy afterwards and spend lots of time cuddling. Other stuff can wait.
Good luck. x

CocktailQueen · 05/07/2016 21:09

Hmm, I don't kn ow if you'll know the baby is yours. Depends how you feel. But after my dc, in the recovery room, I held dd and she crawled across me and latched on. She felt mine then. x

CocktailQueen · 05/07/2016 21:09

but after my CS

TheHauntedFishtank · 05/07/2016 21:09

I knew he was mine alright- he was like a smaller, crosser version of DH. It did take a while for the soppy love to kick in but he was MINE from the second I heard him cry.

GreyBird84 · 05/07/2016 21:10

I got a perscription for diazepam before my c-section.
Ask for the numbing cream on your hand.

And just think about holding your little bundle in your arms!

If I am ever fortunate enough to be having another child I will definately have another c-section.

Arkwright · 05/07/2016 21:11

You will be fine. Have you got Obstetric Cholestasis? I had it with both my children but very severe with my second one. I didn't sleep for days I just kept staring at my baby.

Pregasaurusrex · 05/07/2016 21:12

I think it's the enormity of everything which is causing me to lose the plot. From "last supper" to "sleep now.." I feel like it's always made out to be so bad and hard ( the newborn stage) that it's more terrifying. If I really need a nap, can I not give the baby to someone else to hold?

OP posts:
BugsyStar30 · 05/07/2016 21:13

I had a planned section with my twins and I cannot fault the experience one bit. All the staff were so kind and explained everything that was going to happen. There were a few problems but everyone in theatre was so calm that I didn't even know until later. A lovely relaxed way to have a baby (or two!!!!!!)

WhereTheFigawi · 05/07/2016 21:13

I'm fairly sure they give you a sedative? I was very calm for mine, which is most unlike me, even through several attempts to get the spinal block in. It was fine, all really calm, and there was one nurse whose job seemed to be just to talk to me, hold me while they put the block in, and keep me calm - she was lovely. Plus I counted about 14 people in the room which I found very reassuring, all those people there to take care of you. So do try not to be nervous. And you'll definitely like the baby!

KnottedAnchorChief · 05/07/2016 21:13

How exciting! I'd do it again tomorrow no problem, and I am utterly terrified of hospitals. It's not like having an operation really. A planned CS is very upbeat and jolly so you'll get lots of reassurance from the team. They'll be excited for you too! I fell in love with dd immediately, which didn't happen straight away with ds following 'normal' birth as I was exhausted. Have a good rest and you'll be fine.

braceybracegirl · 05/07/2016 21:13

i had 2 emergency c sections. first at 31 weeks and second after a failed VBAC. im sure a planned c section is much better! This thread has made me broody!!!

Suzietwo · 05/07/2016 21:14

I have had 4, most recently 4 weeks ago. I was utterly utterly shitting it before the last 2 which were elective. But you'll get through it and you'll be fine. I got gas and air before my first elective because I was so scared. Deffo ask for some. This time I got a heated blanket as I had told them I'm very prone to the shakes which are partly caused by the fear/adrenalin as well as the anaesthetic. Try to make sure you stay warm on the way in, it'll help.

Good luck!!

ash1977 · 05/07/2016 21:15

I had a planned section with DS and was last in the queue for electives - so had to be in at 730am but wasn't taken to theatre until 130pm. The atmosphere on that morning was so calm in hospital that I had a doze for a bit. The hardest bit was the nil by mouth! Great experience and recovery was v smooth as well. Good luck OP!

228agreenend · 05/07/2016 21:15

Wishing you all the best for tomorrow.

Not had a C-section, but have had operations. It's perfectly natural to feel a little nervous every before.

Looking forward to,you coming back tomorrow or whenever convenient, whether tomorrow or in the future), and introducing us to baby Preg.

Mari50 · 05/07/2016 21:17

You will be fine, I imagine a planned section will be lovely and calm. i had an emergency section for failure to progress and it was fine, got skin to skin immediately after and breastfed baby fine. Recovery was problem free and scar is almost invisible now (much like my stomach muscles! )
And you will like the baby a lot esp as they will emerge looking picture perfect and not squashed and mounded like my poor DD after 12 hours stuck at the top of my unyielding cervix!

dotdotdotmustdash · 05/07/2016 21:17

I remember an amazing feeling when I woke up the morning after having my first baby. It took a few a moments to remember where I was and then realisation dawned that I had a real, live baby! It felt like waking up on Christmas morning when I was a child, I absolutely couldn't wait to see his face again.

It's a spotty 19yr old face now, but I still love him.

AbbeyRoadCrossing · 05/07/2016 21:17

I've had an emergency and a planned. A planned section is really nice as these things go!
You'll have a midwife and an anesthetist with you as well as birth partner if you want. So plenty of people to reassure you.
I was so nervous and they really put me at ease.
Planned sections are very safe and first sections even more so. They know what they are doing.
But I understand as surgery is always a bit scary.
How many weeks are you? Saw you had steroid injections (hope your bum doesn't hurt too much!) DS was a premature EMCS

Hereforthebeer · 05/07/2016 21:18

I think almost everyone feels an incredibly strong maternal instinct the moment they see their baby, but I do think people feel differently.

I fell more and more in love with my children as they got older, until now i could burst with love for them. However, I didn't feel the way I do now when they were first born.. I loved them, but not the way some of my friends described (who's kids now get on their nerves). Please don't put pressure on yourself to feel everything at once, as lots of different feelings come with motherhood and people experience them at different times. Small steps and lots of love and cuddles and you will be fine :)


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serin · 05/07/2016 21:19

I haven't had a CS so can't advise but just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow OP, it will be like all your Christmases come at once!


sharknad0 · 05/07/2016 21:22

You will be fine. You will be surrounded by trained professionals who are here to help you, don't hesitate to speak with them or ask them questions, they really know what they are doing.

I read more horror stories about natural births than c-sections! (actually, I haven't read anything awful about a c-section in this country). You must rest after, and take it easy!

No one can tell you what you will feel for your baby. Whatever your first thoughts are, DO NOT feel guilty or anything. There are no rules. Some mums feel an immense love immediately, some are too tired to really feel anything but bond later. There are no right or wrong here.

Good luck!

ZoeB2016 · 05/07/2016 21:22

I ended up having an emergency csection as my Ds was stuck, after pushing for a couple hours of hours I was exhausted so was quite happy to have the c section to be fair but it was all fine. Skin to skin when he was brought back up (needed a bit of oxygen and extra care) the recovery was great, I was back doing my usual work ouyts within six weeks. Bonding was fantastic and instant and breast feeding was fine. :) it will all be OK op and you will have your baby in your arms. Good luck wirtwirth everything xx

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