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AIBU to be terrified?!

107 replies

Pregasaurusrex · 05/07/2016 20:40

C section tomorrow. First baby, am so terrified, I feel I might faint. Can anyone reassure me?! I'm worried about the operation and that I might not like the baby Blush. Anything I should be doing?

OP posts:
LauderSyme · 08/07/2016 00:10

Aaaaw, well done Mummy and welcome to the world Babyrex! Smile Flowers

MrsDoylesTeaParty · 07/07/2016 23:57

I loved my c-section with my first baby too, literally fell asleep and woke up with a baby! And loved him straight away. I wish women could easily pick the birth method they wanted, it's so much less stressful. So glad it went well for you OP! Smile I was in pain for a couple of weeks after, the worst thing was the trapped wind in my shoulders(!) but then I was suddenly okay again.

BeenThereTooSEL · 07/07/2016 23:31

I had a VB with an epidural but i had to have the placenta removed via d&c which they used a spinal block. That was at 8pm and by 4am catheter was out and I was showered!

Beeziekn33ze · 07/07/2016 23:18

Welcome to DS, have a lovely life 💐

idontlikealdi · 07/07/2016 21:47

I had an emergency section and it was still great. You'll be fine!

Littlegreyauditor · 07/07/2016 21:39

Aww, congratulations! Take all the drugs and don't try to overstretch yourself. Has he grabbed your finger yet? That's the bit that flattened me. Smile

228agreenend · 07/07/2016 21:37

Congratulations! Glad all went well.💐

MunchMunch · 07/07/2016 17:59

Congratulations BrewCakeFlowers

Ihatechoosingnames · 07/07/2016 17:45

Congratulations OP! I thought my ELCS was fab, was out of hospital less than 48hours after the OP. Recovery wasn't easy but wasn't awful. Plus you've got a gorgeous snuggly newborn that makes it all so worth it Smile enjoy the baby snuggles x

Hastalapasta · 07/07/2016 17:43

Yay! Congratulations! Enjoy the drugsGrin

Madeyemoodysmum · 07/07/2016 15:01

Yay. Congratulations. My two c section were also the best days of my life. Far better than my wedding day even

hellsbellsmelons · 07/07/2016 14:14

So glad it all went well.

stubbornstains · 07/07/2016 13:17

Congratulations!! Thanks

trafalgargal · 07/07/2016 00:59

Just remember if it really was awful- no-one would have more than one baby Even people who had less than perfect births go on to have more..

mumtomaxwell · 07/07/2016 00:13


Keep on top of your pain meds and do what the doctors tell you! I thought I knew best after my section.... But I didn't!

Many many congratulations on becoming a mummy xx

Haggisfish · 07/07/2016 00:08

Hurray! Congratulations.

Pregasaurusrex · 07/07/2016 00:06

I love him already and the procedure was brilliant. Am in a bit of pain now, but on oral morphine. Thanks to all that supported me through last night xx

OP posts:
PortiaFinis · 06/07/2016 15:50

I've had three Caesars too and they've all been fine, recovery great, driving with 5 days of first one (different country) and two weeks after the subsequent ones. It feels a bit nerve-racking walking into the theatre but once it's started its very exciting. (My blood pressure fell in the last two and the anaesthetists are so great and calming and at your end all the time to talk you through it - they said that caesareans are their favourite bit of the day).

Mommyneedsgin · 06/07/2016 15:50

This is really important.

You might have a huge rush of love. You might not. You might want to cry and run away.

That's OK too.

Took me 4 months to feel that rush of love. Now she's my best friend.

PortiaFinis · 06/07/2016 15:46

My sister sounded a bit like this the day before her C-Section when I saw her a few hours later she was the most blessed out person I'd ever seen. She said that her son made her feel absolutely right - that it all fitted together perfectly.

Her C/S was great too and the midwives were fabulous.

You'll be fine. It'll be wonderful. Don't fret.

GnomeDePlume · 06/07/2016 14:49

3 CS here, EMCS then 2 ELCS

ELCS were both great, really calm.

Only things I would add to all the advice above:

  • dont look up into the lights, they are a great big mirror and might give you more of a view than you had wanted
  • take your camera in. We have some lovely pictures from when DC2 was born.

    As for recovery, I was back at work full time 6 weeks after DC1, 3 months after DC2 and 4 weeks (yes weeks) after DC3

    Good luck, it will be fine.
IcedCoffeeToGo · 06/07/2016 14:00

I've had four.

First EMCS, second EMCS with GA...

Third and fourth planned.

Take flannels... pack lots as when your body regains feelings you will itch like mad... and take vaseline for your nose, it will itch and get sore.
I breastfed all of mine in recovery. They latched perfectly. Take very large cotton pants, get a cheap massive pack from a supermarket as they are much more comfortable than the paper ones. Also think about a nightie and not PJs, much easier to put on.

Spend today planning your music playlist. My last was born to "one day like this"!

And good luck. xxxx


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StrawberryQuik · 06/07/2016 13:47

People come on here when they need to vent or ask for advice, most midwives are lovely and many eople recieve fab post-natal care (I did!) but you are less likely to hear about it!

I didn't have a c section but had a spinal block to repear my tear in theatre, they rolled me in all terrified and shakey but they gave me all sorts of stuff (technical!) and then i was all chilled out and chatting to the nurses.

Congratulations! :)

pinkie1982 · 06/07/2016 13:38

Newborn stage is very tiring but you will adjust. It's bloody easier than the trying to walk stage that we are at now! Even back then with the 3 hourly feeds (mine was prem). It was the easy stage.
I didn't get this 'rush of love' people say they get, which I was upset about and thought it was a sign that I wouldn't be a good mum. It was all a bit surreal and wasn't until I was discharged from hospital without my DS that it hit me what had happened and I couldn't stop crying. Then I knew I loved him and he was mine forever.

Beautifulstorm · 06/07/2016 13:36

It's very common to worry about not liking or loving your baby. That's maternal instinct kicking in already as you want to be a good parent. I never got a huge rush of love that is often spoken of, yet I love my children fiercely and concluded that rush is actually euphoria and joy not love.

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