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AIBU to be a bit annoyed that none of my friends/family have tagged me in the motherhood challenge on Facebook?

99 replies

Randomposter · 13/05/2016 06:56

I know it's silly, & I don't even like Facebook that much, but I am a bit annoyed that no one ever tags/ nominates me in any of these 'wonderful mum' things.

OP posts:
YoJesse · 13/05/2016 08:39

I've been tagged, not really a challenge is it? I'm just ignoring it. but secretly happy to have been tagged!!!

Trills · 13/05/2016 08:41

I see it as a testament to my discernment that people don't tag me in such things, they know I'd think it's naff!!


donotreadtheDailyHeil · 13/05/2016 08:49

I wasn't tagged either, don't get tagged for any of these things. My friends obviously realise I am too sensible for this stuff ;)

LaContessaDiPlump · 13/05/2016 08:54

I have never been tagged for it because people who know me know how vigorously I would rip the piss Grin

Vaara · 13/05/2016 08:57

Ah the facebook "challenges"

Symptomatic of the crass, banal, boring, hard-of-thinking, uninspiring, mediocre, trite schlock which passes for emotional engagement these days.

Steer. Clear.

PaulAnkaTheDog · 13/05/2016 09:00

A family member who is usually very sensible tagged me. Boy did she get a slagging off!

chanelfreak · 13/05/2016 09:01

It's all a bit NetHuns really, isn't it?

PaulAnkaTheDog · 13/05/2016 09:07

I've seen a couple of the 'I couldn't pick just one photo' followed by several photos that we've all seen already plenty of times because you posted literally hundreds. I really want to comment 'Well then you've failed the challenge!' but I've resisted so far...

StealthPolarBear · 13/05/2016 09:18

Very good point Paul :o

Malina22 · 13/05/2016 09:24

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Ludwaysl · 13/05/2016 09:24

In praying that no one tags me, I'll be angry if they do. It's s stupid pile of crap asking someone to prove they love their kids.

PaulAnkaTheDog · 13/05/2016 09:26

Da fuq Malina?!

TheDowagerCuntess · 13/05/2016 09:28

S/he(?) is spamming lots of threads...

MrsMainwaring · 13/05/2016 09:32

I was tagged , just replied by saying bollocks
It's a load of rubbishy honestly . It doesn't make you a better mother , doesn't make you love and care for your children more
It's just a stupid FB bumping exercise
Your friends probably think you won't be that sad to do it

fatowl · 13/05/2016 09:40

A unanimous IABU.

Of course it doesn't matter, it's FB

I like FB, I live overseas, it's how I keep in touch with people, inc my adult dc in the UK.

But I do think I am the only person in the world who didn't do the Ice bucket challenge. I also don;t share those nonsense "Share if you care" posts. The sky hasn't fallen.

I've been tagged in that motherhood nonsense by someone who obviously doesn't know me that well!

HooseRice · 13/05/2016 09:44

I've been tagged and promptly un tagged myself.

What a crock.

WanderingNotLost · 13/05/2016 09:53

Ugh those 'challenge' things are such bullshit

NannawifeofBaldr · 13/05/2016 09:57

It's Facebook! it's meaningless. Likes/shares/reposts - none of this stuff tells you anything about your actual friendship with any of these people. It's all nonsense.

My best and oldest friend tagged every single other female friend she has on this motherhood challenge except me.

Does this mean she thinks I'm a rubbish Mother? Certainly not, I'm
godmother to both her children and she knows firsthand I'm a good mum.

She didn't tag me because she knows I hate this kind of FB nonsense (she loves it bless her). It's a sign of how well she knows me.

Other acquaintances who clearly know me less well have tagged me and are being ignored.

tobysmum77 · 13/05/2016 10:03

Tbf I'm not a wonderful mother Grin

Most people who have been tagged have just ignored it in my newsfeed.

Onlyicanclean10 · 13/05/2016 10:18

Tagged and ignored it. Same as the ice bucket bollocks and for the no makeup selfie. Utter crap.

They probably think you are too sensitive op. Grin

Randomposter · 13/05/2016 10:22

I wouldn't mind, but the people who have 'risen to the challenge' post pictures of their kids 10 times a week anyway.

OP posts:
shamelessmailhack · 13/05/2016 10:30

Oh it's such a challenge to post pictures of my children on Facebook. I'll only do it if someone tags me.

Remember when a challenge was climbing Everest or running a marathon?


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Onlyicanclean10 · 13/05/2016 10:32

Sensible not sensitive

MrsFezziwig · 13/05/2016 10:44

I could tag myself. My motherhood challenge has been covering the many years of maternity leave which my colleagues have had.

mmmminx · 13/05/2016 10:48

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