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AIBU to be a bit annoyed that none of my friends/family have tagged me in the motherhood challenge on Facebook?

99 replies

Randomposter · 13/05/2016 06:56

I know it's silly, & I don't even like Facebook that much, but I am a bit annoyed that no one ever tags/ nominates me in any of these 'wonderful mum' things.

OP posts:
Writerwannabe83 · 13/05/2016 07:30

These things are ridiculously stupid and shit.

I've been tagged about 5 times and I haven't either posted a photo or tagged others.

I think this is the second time round this 'Proud Mum' sensation has circulated around Facebook and it's just as annoying as it was the first time.

NoSpamPam · 13/05/2016 07:32

oh touché ... guess now you know what they think of your parenting
shit mum lol

SERIOUSLY? yes its a bit annoying but try to ignore it. or tag yourself lol.

Geordiegirl79 · 13/05/2016 07:35

AllThingsNautical yes yes yes! Grin

BeyondTellsEveryoneRealFacts · 13/05/2016 07:37

Its a load of bollocks and if i was tagged i'd be worrying about how not to do it without offending the person who 'nominated' me.

But i'm still irked that noone has. Stupid facebook.

Notso · 13/05/2016 07:38

The challenge is to find out who is gullible enough to post pictures of their children because Facebook says so.

TheNaze73 · 13/05/2016 07:38

It's only bloody Facebook!!!!!!

Becky546 · 13/05/2016 07:39

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SexLubeAndAFishSlice · 13/05/2016 07:40

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scoobyloobyloo · 13/05/2016 07:41

I was only thinking this morning about how happy I am that my friends know me well enough to know that I won't do any of that ridiculous showy shit all of FB.

Currently feeling very proud of not having been asked and if I do get asked I won't be doing it.

I get my validation as a mum from my kids, not Facebook!

BigGreenOlives · 13/05/2016 07:43

Me neither but none of my good friends have been tagged either - only people I spend more time with on fb than in real life.

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 13/05/2016 07:44

I'd take it as a compliment your obviously too busy actually being a mum to spend your life on social media telling every one what a wonderful mum you are.

Why do you need to be tagged to post a picture of your kids you like or your proud of just do it if you want, these things are ridiculous their just done for attention.

Why the need for your motherhood to be verified on social media?

Katisha · 13/05/2016 07:45

Ha! I've just been tagged and have absolutely no intention of posting any pictures of DSs whatsoever. I'm mildly insulted actually as I hope the person who tagged me would know me better. My worry is if I have been tagged will other people know, does it say "Katisha has been tagged in this bollocks", and if so can I untag myself without looking standoffish?

PlumPurple · 13/05/2016 07:46

I'd be annoyed if someone did tag me! You don't need a Facebook post to justify your parenting (I assume that's what it is. I scroll past those posts)

MTPurse · 13/05/2016 07:47

People stopped tagging me in stupid challenges years ago as I did not respond to any of them. I am pretty pleased about that.

Randomposter · 13/05/2016 07:48

Oh I'd ignore it, I think it's ridiculous, but I'd like the opportunity to ignore it.

OP posts:
Pagwatch · 13/05/2016 07:49

I've never heard of it.
I must associate on Facebook with like minded people.

QOD · 13/05/2016 07:53

1 person dared tag me
I untagged and ignored.

What's so fucking daring and challenging? Maybe they think you have more sense

It honestly makes me irrationally angry. I have a few unwillingly childless friends (and I was for years - dd is a rare surrogate baby) and I just feel it rubs salt in.
same as all those 'share for 1 Hour if you care about or love someone who's fought cancer' - no. No I won't. My adult cousin still cries over his beloved dad who died of cancer 7 years ago. Salt in wound.
oh dear.. I'm moaning

Ok. Yanbu if it's upset u. C and p and do your own
Yabu if you think it's anything but annoying to be all over facebook

diddl · 13/05/2016 07:54

Posting a pic probably would be beyond me!Blush

Do you somehow think that nobody thinks that you are a good mum then?

harryhausen · 13/05/2016 08:03

I enjoy Facebook and I have been tagged. However they should know better that I never do this shit.

I don't pass on statuses about mental health, cancer or miscarriage (although I have experience of all these things). Big surprise, women love their kids and have a nice picture of them. Jeez.

Ignore ignore. The 'best' mothers I know don't engage in this crap.

MadSprocker · 13/05/2016 08:20

Another one who doesn't participate in this shit. Same for the copy and paste things about cancer and mental health. In fact the best thing I've done this year is delete the FB app off my iPad and phone. (I still go on once a month to chat to overseas friends)

NaughtToThreeSadOnions · 13/05/2016 08:31

same as all those 'share for 1 Hour if you care about or love someone who's fought cancer' - no. No I won't. My adult cousin still cries over his beloved dad who died of cancer 7 years ago. Salt in wound

Oh I get the rage with these, well the people that post them knowing some one in their time line has lost some one to cancer, heart disease, etc.
A while ago an aquantance of mine lost his mum to cancer, he and his best friend are very close, have been mates for nearly 30 years, both families socialise together, he's also very close to his best friends brother, both his best friends brother and best friend went to his mums funeral, less than a week later his best friends sister in law was posting one of these, what makes it worse, is her status that went with the sharing was for my MIL, which would have been lovely, only she never met her mother in law, and the younger of the two brothers (my aquantance's best friend,) very much still struggling with losing his mum. And it had been my aquantance that had helped the two brothers through. I was just like how fucking insensitive.

Then her friends were like well the brothers can't miss their mum cos they didn't repost it. No because they didn't need to tell everyone and were showing some sensitivity towards their friend doesn't mean they don't care

MrTumbleOnRepeat · 13/05/2016 08:34

I got tagged, since I don't have any photos of my DS online and I am not into these challenges anyway. I put up a photo of our bottles and glasses down the pub with the babies bottle next to it.
Yep first drink after giving birth a highlight of motherhood for me.


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EponasWildDaughter · 13/05/2016 08:36

Blissfully ignorant to what all this means as the only person in the world (it feels) who's stubbornly still not on FB Grin

BillBrysonsBeard · 13/05/2016 08:36

I have plenty of friends but never been tagged in any of these challenges. I think people just realise you're not that type, which is a good thing! You might think of it as fun but really it's pretty sad.. Just another way to boast. It's making other people feel bad.. and people who are good mums know they are but are quietly humble about it.

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 13/05/2016 08:38

Haven't been tagged either. Clearly I am a shit mother. Or something

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