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Dp won't allow us to have sky as it is "too council house" 😡

133 replies

Harboromummy · 22/03/2016 19:42

We are moving into a new house, we need tv/internet ect. He's refusing to have sky because "the dish looks awful and it looks like a council house" 😡😡😡

He won't even discus the idea, because he also thinks I won't have time to watch tv, you know being a sahm to three!


OP posts:
WhatKatyDidnt · 22/03/2016 19:50

Sky is overpriced rubbish, owned by Murdoch to boot. Ugh. How about a freeview recordable box thing?

Sanchar · 22/03/2016 19:51

Actually, this reminds me of the time dh was pontificating about the tv licence, rip off, nothing to watch etc (I agree with him). But some days I bloody needed TV that could be left to run without me having to change DVDs every 20 minutes.

So I bloody got the licence!

Cancelled it when kids grew out of cbeebies and were old enough to play together.

Griphook · 22/03/2016 19:52

He's a judgemental prick, and fuck off with the council house stereotype

specialsubject · 22/03/2016 19:52

satellite dishes everywhere here, whoever owns the house - freeview reception is awful....

make sure you get a very good first year deal.

ABetaDad1 · 22/03/2016 19:53

Our dish is hidden behind a parapet. its not a council house obviously. Most people do have Sky or some sort of satellite or cable channel TV.

Amazon Firestick - might be a compromise?

witsender · 22/03/2016 19:54

He sounds like a tit. That said, I dislike the look of satellites and won't have one, and we'd rather not pay £££ for TV so have an Apple TV with Netflix for a fiver.

Capricorn76 · 22/03/2016 19:55

Sky is shit unless you watch premier league football. It's also expensive and they give you hell if you try to cancel. Google it if you don't believe me. Try Netflix or get an Apple TV. Cheaper and easier to get rid of and you're not giving money to that tit Murdoch.

allegretto · 22/03/2016 19:59

Sky is rubbish (my DH won't give it up though). I thought you could just get it through the wifi now?

IHaveBrilloHair · 22/03/2016 20:00

I live in a council house and have Sky.
The Sky is £60 a month, though I'm about to cut that, but the rent is £300.
For a lifetime tenancy for a very sought after home.
Nothing wrong with either.

Branleuse · 22/03/2016 20:02

I wouldnt get sky because its giving money to rupert murdoch

ThroughThickAndThin01 · 22/03/2016 20:05

I couldn't be without Sky. I wouldn't be able to watch any cricket.

StepAwayFromTheThesaurus · 22/03/2016 20:05

Your DH is being silly about the DH's being too 'council house' (I've lived in loads of houses, never a council house, and they've all had sky dishes attached when we moved in).

But you should definitely get Now TV rather than a sky subscription. It's loads cheaper (so long as you don't want the sport, which is stupidly expensive) and you can decide on a month by month basis rather than being tied in. It's got all the good stuff on sky on it anyway. We've got NowTV, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video all for much less than we used to pay for a sky subscription.

Pico2 · 22/03/2016 20:07

Couldn't you just pretend the dish is pointed to get French TV to practise your DH's French? That way it would seem wanky pretentious, rather than what your DH describes as 'council house'.

NeedsAsockamnesty · 22/03/2016 20:08

Oh and yeah. My house is in a very leafy ( as in many trees not particularly posh) area. My dish is on a six foot pole at the top of my back garden. Now that's what I call council house, and yeah it is grin

Loads of the town listed building where I'm working have to have that.

MrsSteptoe · 22/03/2016 20:09

DH insists on having two Sky boxes so that he can run between football and cricket, and he's posh as fuck.

NeedsAsockamnesty · 22/03/2016 20:09

But I think if someone described something as council house in that way I may be inclined to do it very gratuitously just to amuse myself

TattyCat · 22/03/2016 20:13

£60 a month? £60 a month? For television? Good grief!

Clearly, we don't have Sky and I wouldn't have it because the dishes are plain ugly but ^£60.a.month??^ On top of a TV licence too! [shocked]

voodoolooloo · 22/03/2016 20:13

Needsasock listed houses? Oh I'm
In good company GrinTo be fair lots around here have the same. Both private and council.

SlinkyVagabond · 22/03/2016 20:17

Council house? What council houses?

hiddenhome2 · 22/03/2016 20:18

Couldn't you offer to make its appearance more middle class by attaching some bunting or a frilly shabby chic cover or something?

ShatnersBassoon · 22/03/2016 20:19

Grin Grin

What a twat.

Grin Grin

I suggest you install a chamber orchestra in the lounge where the telly should go. He'll approve of that.

NeedsAsockamnesty · 22/03/2016 20:19

yep I'm not sure what listing but I know 1&2 you can't put a dish on so on poles in the garden they go


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SeamstressfromTreacleMineRoad · 22/03/2016 20:20

I've got Freesat - which comes with a dish..! Wouldn't pay a penny to Murdoch, but your DP would probably judge me Smile

Kennington · 22/03/2016 20:25

Sky is owned by Murdoch so I wouldn't be getting it for that reason alone.
Get something else and I am sure you can get similar for cheaper.
I agree the dishes aren't pretty but not the worst thing on a house. How about compromising and putting it on the back of the house if you really want it.

LifeofI · 22/03/2016 20:25

how exactly is he stopping you? You have a choice you know

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