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To feel a bit upset about this present?

108 replies

HeyMacWey · 29/02/2016 09:16

Background:I have moderate to severe cfs/me and as a result am housebound a lot of the time.

Pil came round last week to give me a birthday present: a water bottle and this book.


Aibu to be a bit upset that they think I can cure me/cfs by drinking a bit more water and thinking positively? You wouldn't do the same to someone who has cancer Angry

Despite having this bastarding illness I always look on the positive side of life and try and see the best in everything - get joy from little things so it's not like I'm depressed and need help with overcoming mild depression.

Pil don't come round that often as I'm too ill to cope with the sensory overload - I can only really have one visitor a week as it really exhausts me to have to think and speak and listen. I think they've got the hump that they can't come round as often to see the dc's as they did before I fell ill.

So Aibu to send these unwanted presents off to the charity shop and maybe get dh to tactfully suggest that they might want to read up a bit more about the illness?

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HeyMacWey · 29/02/2016 18:39

That would be interesting if it was correct - cfs is a physiological illness and biomarkers have been identified in early studies - cfs/me just isn't sexy enough to be funded. We're not dying and we're too knackered to fundraiser and raise awareness.

I have flicked through the book and realised that the section on cfs was actually reprinted in the guardian a few weeks back - it says that someone is cured when in actual fact they are pacing themselves. It's bloody lazy journalism.

It's referring to the pace study which was thwarted with difficulties and secrecy - so much so that freedom of info requests are being refused and other countries refuse to follow the findings.

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HeyMacWey · 29/02/2016 18:42

Upon reflection I do think it was well meant - but I'm over it now :o

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Yseulte · 29/02/2016 19:47

I think YABU, and I say that as someone who's had CFS for 25 years.

From the reviews it looks like the book was quoted inaccurately in a newspaper, saying it helped CFS. (A pp mentions the Guardian).

They prob read that and thought they'd get it for you. I think it's a very sweet and thoughtful present. Particularly the hot water bottle, which personally, I use all the time.

Reading a synopsis of the book it's not about thinking positively but about the mind's ability to heal, or to help the body heal.

It may be garbage but it was a really nice gesture.

Yseulte · 29/02/2016 19:48

The book mentions meditation and fwiw meditation has really helped me.

HeyYouGetOffMyCloud · 01/03/2016 14:01

Good on you for turning your thinking round Hey.

Veterinari · 01/03/2016 14:08

A good friend if mine suffered CFS/ME for years. She attributes her recovery to a combination of meditation, mindfulness and clean eating. She now writes books on these topics.

It may or may not be useful to your case, but we know that there are definite links between mental and physical health issues, and it sounds as if your PIL were trying to give you a supportive gift

HeyMacWey · 01/03/2016 14:32

My energy is too important to waste on negative thoughts hey :o

vetinari Yes I do a combination of all of three of those and whilst it may have stopped me from being more ill it also helps regain some control over the situation and stay mentally strong - I can't control my health but I can control what I eat and how I choose to use my emotional energy.

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AnnieOnnieMouse · 01/03/2016 14:33

Another ME spoonie here. Any sort of book like that would have been returned, inserted rectally. I've learnt pacing myself, and found out about the damage GET does the hard way.
I've had massive support from the online ME community, found some ways to get the most out of life without crashing (too often). Most other people don't have a damned clue, and refuse to be educated about it.
They are just ignorant, self important, disrespectful, know it all gits when they come across an invisible illness.

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