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To worry about all the single men in Wetherspoons..

127 replies

Lanark2 · 27/02/2016 15:45

Hello, this is kind of light-hearted but also I do seriously wonder sometimes about how many of the lical wetherspoons drinkers/ breakfast eaters are men on their own. Sometimes it looks like a men's hostel at breakfast, but with alcohol for some.

It makes me wonder about how many people there are who don't make it to wetherspoons, and where they are.

Does anyone else notice this?

OP posts:
Deletetheheat · 27/02/2016 18:46

I knew someone who pretended to go to church every Sunday but really went to Wetherspoons and had a fry up and three pints of Guinness.

lorelei9 · 27/02/2016 18:52

Delete, pretended to their partner? How funny Grin

ElderlyKoreanLady · 27/02/2016 18:54

I have a small guilty pleasure Lorelei that will make no sense at all to the OP. When my DD is with DM or at nursery, I take myself off somewhere, tell nobody I'm going, ignore my phone (it'd go off completely if it wasn't for DD) and just enjoy being off the grid. It's such a peaceful feeling knowing that nobody who knows me knows where I am and that that time is just mine, without interruption.

Narp · 27/02/2016 18:56

My dad loves Weatherspoons. They have quite a 'naice' one near them. If my mum's not there to feed him, that's where he'll eat. They joke that when she's gone, he'll live there. He's not a big drinker at all - he goes for the cheap food and the staff are nice to him.

The one that's local to me is frequented by elderly heavy drinkers and doesn't smell too savoury

Stoneagemum · 27/02/2016 18:56

At least spoons is clean in the am, not sticky and full of empty glasses and dirty plates as it is later in the day, or is that just my local?

Narp · 27/02/2016 18:57

P.S I love being one my own. I work in a job that gives me very little time away from demanding people.

BigSandyBalls2015 · 27/02/2016 18:59

I sometimes pop into the spoons at Victoria station on my own if my train is late, am I weird?

VoyageOfDad · 27/02/2016 18:59

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

kennyp · 27/02/2016 19:00

all the single men
(all the single men)
all the single men
(all the single men)

now put your hands up
up in the pub
pretending to eat grub
drinking your pints of beer

it's 9am
and you're here again
hiding from the (non-existent?) wives, we fear

et etc. i used to walk past a weatherspoons in the mornings and saw men in their 70s having a pint. i'd sooner stay in bed

SurferJet · 27/02/2016 19:04

EKL - I love being on my own too, but I wouldn't go to places that are associated with 'socialising' ( ie: a pub ) to be 'alone' - because I'd feel conspicuous & a bit edgy ( & not edgy as in cool - edgy as in nervous )
I'd rather just stroll through the park or go shopping.

Deletetheheat · 27/02/2016 19:06

lorel yes except for they are now divorced due to the lying and the alcoholism!!

lorelei9 · 27/02/2016 19:10

great poem!

delete - I expect they're both happier.

Elderly - I live alone so I get to do this a reasonable amount anyway, don't blame you at all. My main issue is elderly parents but to be honest I am starting to think oh well, if I was at the cinema or engrossed in a book and didn't know where my phone was (I frequently have no clue where my phone is) it would be the same.

ElderlyKoreanLady · 27/02/2016 19:12

Surfer I go to coffee places, Ikea, supermarkets, that kind of thing. I probably wouldn't go to the pub alone but it's not so much that it's a social place, more that I've grown up in a society that's bred into me that I'd be making myself vulnerable by doing so. I'd definitely feel edgy too. Unless I was having a fry up. Then it's all good Grin

ravenAK · 27/02/2016 19:13

Ah, I worked in a Yates's years ago. Similar thing.

The same eight or so elderly buffers would be waiting outside for us to open up. Each would then sit at his own table, exchanging pleasantries with the others - they were on cheery first name terms - before becoming immersed in the paper.

I used to wonder why they didn't all sit round one table & chat to each other, but nope, not the point apparently.

Some were getting out from under their wives' feet, as the wives had spent their entire married life as SAHMs & weren't too impressed by their retired dh suddenly cluttering the place up; others were single or widowed & would otherwise have been home alone.

Nice chaps, although doubt they would have been impressed with the smoking ban.

Malermalergoni · 27/02/2016 19:18

I send dh to spoons. Am I the only one? He gets to indulge his passion for carbohydrate mountains and unidentifiable heaps of meat (and cheap beer) . I appreciate the money saved as I sit in the posh coffee shop over the road, with a book and a decidedly twattish coconut milk latte. We meet up afterwards , everyone happy Wink

Lanark2 · 27/02/2016 19:26

its as dirty and sticky as soft play I guess, but 'send' is a bit worrying. I worry that it's emotionally broken men waiting to die, as if the cellar is hell or whatever. Couldn't they do some workshops etc?

OP posts:
ElderlyKoreanLady · 27/02/2016 19:29

I worry that it's emotionally broken men waiting to die

I think you need a hobby that isn't people watching.

Sparklingbrook · 27/02/2016 19:29

What are you talking about Lanark? Confused

Malermalergoni · 27/02/2016 19:33

no Lanark, it is restorative, like the male equivalent of dh sending you to a spa Smile

Lanark2 · 27/02/2016 19:33

I do! Its like a waiting room for death, as though they can't remember how to be human outside work..

OP posts:
Vintage45 · 27/02/2016 19:34

Grin stop worrying so much Lanark. Yes it is known as a cheap pub for pissheads in my neck of the woods but I don't think I've ever thought that sadly or deeply about it.

ElderlyKoreanLady · 27/02/2016 19:34

Are you quite well Lanark? Hmm


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Lanark2 · 27/02/2016 19:34

After a spa though one feels healthier, after a wetherspoons I feel clogged and a bit headachy..

OP posts:
Malermalergoni · 27/02/2016 19:35

They could offer basket weaving or tapdancing though.... Imagine the skills they could come home with!

JacobFryesTopHatLackey · 27/02/2016 19:39

Christ on a bike, they're having breakfast. They're not completely disaffected and in need of therapeutic workshops to help them find themselves.

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