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To worry about all the single men in Wetherspoons..

127 replies

Lanark2 · 27/02/2016 15:45

Hello, this is kind of light-hearted but also I do seriously wonder sometimes about how many of the lical wetherspoons drinkers/ breakfast eaters are men on their own. Sometimes it looks like a men's hostel at breakfast, but with alcohol for some.

It makes me wonder about how many people there are who don't make it to wetherspoons, and where they are.

Does anyone else notice this?

OP posts:
chachaboom · 27/02/2016 20:23

This has reminded me about a joke I heard some comedian do about the 'Wetherspoons uniform' that their middle aged male patrons tend to wear- double denim and white trainers.
We have a nice one near us, ok food, v cheap, but the one in town is a bit, er, sticky and is frequented by 'professional drinkers' and 'just turned 18' youths. And sometimes me on a rare night out...

RosyCat · 27/02/2016 20:22

VoyageofDad Age UK actually ran a scheme a few years back called "Men in Sheds" (funded by charitable trusts). It was about older men, ether single or widowed, with no family living close by (either no kids or kids moved away). They often become socially isolated, are unlikely to engage with healthcare services quickly etc. So, they can literally drop down ill/dead and no-one notices for ages.

I think the OP thinks some of the men in Wetherspoons are like this. They probably aren't. The fact they are going to Wetherspoons for a breakfast/pint/read of the paper means they have some social contact- even if it's just nodding over their paper at their fellow paper readers, or chatting with the barmaid. They might

My great uncle had a routine well into his eighties- library first thing in the morning to read the papers, then go round all the pubs in town with snooker tables to keep the tables (he was pro billiards player back in the day), finishing up with a club where he'd still rack up a few games, give younger players some tips etc. He'd come over for his tea on Wednesdays and for dinner on Sunday afternoon, always bring some beer/wine, a wee present for my mum and sweets & pocket money for me. My mum would pop over to see him on a Friday afternoon.

A lot of what you seen older people doing in this kind of situation is their equivalent of facebook- social contact at a distance, that may or may not develop into something at some point when needed and acts as a bush telegraph for both celebrations and warnings. A nod over the paper is a bit similar to a "like".

Vintage45 · 27/02/2016 20:06
Sparklingbrook · 27/02/2016 20:05

Is the word piss repugnant on mumsnet then

Not that I know of. I haven't heard wazz for decades though.

WorraLiberty · 27/02/2016 20:01

I worry that it's emotionally broken men waiting to die

Fuck me. The service is slow in my local but it's not that bad.

Vintage45 · 27/02/2016 20:00

Is the word piss repugnant on mumsnet then Grin

Sparklingbrook · 27/02/2016 19:58


Vintage45 · 27/02/2016 19:56

Please don't worry Sparkling, Ive had the "well woman" tests recently and all fine, It seems I just like to piss a lot Grin

Sparklingbrook · 27/02/2016 19:55

Trip to the GP in order if that's the case....

Vintage45 · 27/02/2016 19:54

In-between getting up for a wazz that is Sparkling Grin

Sparklingbrook · 27/02/2016 19:52

Well as long as you can sleep at night Vintage. Wink

SurferJet · 27/02/2016 19:51

I've just realized Lanark is the op.

Vintage45 · 27/02/2016 19:50

At my age, cheeky or not, I dip in anywhere with a toilet these days!

Sparklingbrook · 27/02/2016 19:49

It's very cheeky to use the loo if not purchasing anything IMO.

Vintage45 · 27/02/2016 19:48

You might be right there Sparkling. Now you've mentioned it.

wannabetennisplayer · 27/02/2016 19:47

Maybe they're there to admire the quality of the toilets too but felt obliged to buy something first Grin

lorelei9 · 27/02/2016 19:46

yes, the mention of chakras means she's having us on Grin

Sparklingbrook · 27/02/2016 19:46

I might be wrong but I thought OP was a man. Blush

ElderlyKoreanLady · 27/02/2016 19:45

Yep, she's pissed. Or high. People worry about odd things when they're high. Like the emotional wellbeing of strangers eating breakfast. Or Wetherspoons being the waiting room for hell.

Lanark2 · 27/02/2016 19:43

I don't spend that much time in there.. It has a good toilet.

OP posts:
Vintage45 · 27/02/2016 19:43

I say she's pissed and having us on Grin

wannabetennisplayer · 27/02/2016 19:42

"Its like a waiting room for death, as though they can't remember how to be human outside work.."

There are plenty of different ways to be human...Some people like to have a bit of quiet time with a pint or cooked breakfast and the paper. Nothing wrong with that.

"After a spa though one feels healthier, after a wetherspoons I feel clogged and a bit headachy.."

I find it odder that you seem to spend so much time in Wetherspoons observing the people in there when it makes you feel clogged, headachy and sad.


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Sparklingbrook · 27/02/2016 19:41

Lanark I have no idea whether you are reading any replies or answering questions, but if Wetherspoons is causing you this much angst I would avoid it til you feel better.

lorelei9 · 27/02/2016 19:40

this had made me curious
is brekkie nice at Wetherspoons?

I've only ever had the award winning sausages as mentioned earlier Grin

Lanark2 · 27/02/2016 19:40

The could unblock their chakras though, surely.

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