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Does anyone else think Madonna should just chill out and have a rest now?

97 replies

InTheBox · 09/02/2016 23:43

She's been at war with her ex regarding residency of her son who seems to want to stay in UK with his dad. She's been accused of manipulating laws so she could get to adopt her two kids.

She's also now nearing 60 and hasn't done that much for anyone or any sort of cause but just wants to prance about in a body suit singing outdated songs. Shouldn't she just give it a rest?

OP posts:
ilovesooty · 10/02/2016 00:29

If it's not about her age why did you mention it? Are there any male artists you've identified as needing to "give it a rest"?

Hihohoho1 · 10/02/2016 00:30

So op regarding her personal life? None of us have a clue about that including you.

Regarding her song writing/performing?

She's a fantastic professional performer and has been for decades. A complete pro who I grew up with, her songs were fantastic and are part of my teenage years( guessing not yours)

Regarding her not doing much or having a cause?

Why should she?

Regarding her fading into the background as she's 58?

Just grow up dear!

Hihohoho1 · 10/02/2016 00:35

Nasty sexist ageist thread anyway so not worth further posting. Angry

Go Madonna you are brilliant.

I reakon Guy is the op Grin

InTheBox · 10/02/2016 00:39

Thanks for your contributions. I'd been following a couple of threads regarding Beyonce and Rihanna and a friend of mine (a MNetter) told me that if we were discussing a white artist it would be an entirely different conversation.

I wondered what she meant by that and she told me to start a thread about any white artist and level the same arguments that have been used to criticise black artists such as not writing their own songs or just being in it for the money or their age or their lyrical content and see how differently it would play out. So I did. And she's right.

Shocking really but then again it's not as if I've learned something that I didn't already suspect. Sorry for being misleading. But thank you for proving the point. Anyway, as you were...

OP posts:
HelenaDove · 10/02/2016 00:39

I just listened to the song i linked for the first time in a few years. Listening to the lyrics as a middle aged woman with a middle aged womans life experiences rather than a young teen really brings it home what its about.

TendonQueen · 10/02/2016 00:41

The Rolling Stones are surely better candidates for needing to 'give it a rest'. They're considerably older and have absolutely shitloads of money. And have hardly covered themselves in glory in the way they conduct their personal relationships either. Could say the same about plenty of other ageing male stars, yet it's the older woman, who dares to have an image that is still sexual, who gets the criticism.

NeedsAsockamnesty · 10/02/2016 00:43

Comparing Beyoncé and Rihanna to Madonna is a bit like comparing Justin Timberlake and Kayne West to Elvis

HelenaDove · 10/02/2016 00:44

What exactly does that prove? Because its highly unlikely you would have the same posters on each thread because a lot of us middle aged/ older MNers dont listen to Beyonce or Rihanna because its not our generation.

Madonna is 20 to 30 years older so her fan base are a different generation FFS.

And i would be one of the first to point out the misogyny of an artist being slated for what she is or isnt wearing.. their age or skin colour would have nothing to do with it Confused

TendonQueen · 10/02/2016 00:46

You need more detail in that latest post to make sense. Was this person saying all black artists get criticised on these grounds but white artists would be defended? The main plank of your criticism of Madonna here was her age. How can that parallel Rihanna or Beyonce who are considerably younger and wouldn't be criticised on that point in anything like the same way?

CubicZirconiaBossyBabe · 10/02/2016 00:48

I don't know anything about her personal life, but I do know that separation that involves children is never easy or clean cut, and that's without an ocean in the middle

In her day she did challenge taboos that we don't even consider taboos now, her videos just look a bit gratuitous through 2016 eyes, but seeing anything other than hetrosexuality represented in mainstream pop was rare back in her day, and that meant something to some people. Also back at her peak, women were supposed to be "sexy" but not admit to enjoying sex. In today's context it doesn't really look like she was supporting any sort of cause. But it felt like she was representing alternative lifestyles at the time.

She can wear what she likes for as long as she likes.

I don't like her songs but if she enjoys singing them and people enjoy going to hear them - great.

YABU on all counts

Hihohoho1 · 10/02/2016 00:50

Hilarious op.

Your last post Makes no sense at all does it?

Your op was ageist and sexist. Not racist so you didn't tick that box.

You started a daft and sexist thread and are now beeping like a white van to back track and claw a bit of respectability.

Just cut the crap name change and start again.

Monty27 · 10/02/2016 00:50

I don't care about her age or stardom. I care only for her son and the other children she adopted. And he doesn't seem to like her very much and doesn't want to be with her. The fact that she made the big media thing and adopted other children, well I'm not sure how that worked but then she has dollars.

Let's hope the best for the kids, personally I don't care much for her.

TendonQueen · 10/02/2016 00:51

The other major issue you raised about Madonna was her family relationships eg problems with son. Again, how can that be a criticism levelled at black artists in general? The circumstances of hers you referred to were pretty specific to her. Can't help thinking you've either made a bit of a hash of this test 'comparison' you wanted to set up, or this is a desperate back-pedalling post hoc justification of a thread where lots of posters have disagreed with you.

CubicZirconiaBossyBabe · 10/02/2016 00:52

Madonna isn't a peer of Beyonce or Rhianna so what have you proven?

You will have to keep this thread going for another 30 years to draw any useful comparisons there

Monty27 · 10/02/2016 00:55

Goodness! What's colour or age got to do with anything??

We are talking about children aren't we? (missed a point obviously and for the record I am white and middle aged).

There's almost just about every offensive comment on here Angry

What2 · 10/02/2016 00:57

I think she should give it a rest. In fact I would have preferred it if she had never started. I think lots of old male singers need t give it a rest and I also think lots of young singers need to give it a rest. I think that means I'm safe from being accused of ageism or sexism.

CubicZirconiaBossyBabe · 10/02/2016 00:59

Op are you suggesting that white artists don't get criticised / scrutinised?
As your friend to name ONE white female artist who is currently in the public eye who doesn't get shamed and trolled

Adele does, Taylor swift does, Mylie Cyrus does..

HelenaDove · 10/02/2016 01:00

Oh and in page one OP you got the wrong Taylor.

Taylor DAYNE is more Madonnas peer than Taylor Swift.

CubicZirconiaBossyBabe · 10/02/2016 01:00

It sucks to be famous in the age of the internet, whatever your race, I don't understand why ANYONE seeks out fame these days..

Monty27 · 10/02/2016 01:05

Good point Cubic.

I raise you Amy Winehouse and Adele OP.

Monty27 · 10/02/2016 01:05
Monty27 · 10/02/2016 01:08

Tina Turner anyone?


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CubicZirconiaBossyBabe · 10/02/2016 01:11

Tina Turner is probably one of the least criticised pop stars about

You don't criticise TT without expecting a backlash

I'm not a fan but that woman is widely loved and can do no wrong by many!

emilybohemia · 10/02/2016 01:12

Helena, didn't Sean Penn tie her to a chair and beat her? Bloody awful stuff.

MistressDeeCee · 10/02/2016 01:14

Oh.. the Beyonce thread where she's called "an ageing artiste trying to stay current" Grin It did make me laugh seeing that, she is clearly an old wrinkly with one foot in the grave who should bow out then. I do think threads are different in respect of whether its a white or black artiste being discussed in many ways, but its nothing new tbh

Women are heavily judged in this world, then you have a lot of women who will break that down into all sorts of ways of what I call "sub-judging". I wish it didnt happen as women get enough flak as it is why should a famous artiste have to stop working at 60 if they're still good at what they do? Nobody would suggest a working class woman should stop work if she were still able.

Madonna has sell-out world tours I should think she can and will carry on for quite a while longer. Good for her. In line with what other posters have said, when ageing rockers are required to stop jumping around on stage once they pass 60, then I'll be in agreement that Madonna should retire. Not before then.

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