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"I'm too pretty to do maths" - AIBU to think this is a terrible slogan for a product marketed to teen girls?

118 replies

Ifrit · 31/01/2016 17:24

Found on the EE accessories shop.

I know it's a piece of pink printed tat but AIBU to think that telling young girls you can be either pretty or clever is absolutely shit?

OP posts:
tinofbiscuits · 01/02/2016 11:14

How can it be a parody if it is exactly the same as many things that aren't parodies? Confused

NewLife4Me · 01/02/2016 11:15

And of course parents can't use their OWN minds and not buy it for their dc.
If you don't like it don't buy it.
Personally I never got involved with the trouble slogan stuff for my dc as I thought it was unacceptable raising them to believe this.
Showing bellied was another no go for me, no crop tops and g strings for little girls.
You just don't buy them.

TinklyLittleLaugh · 01/02/2016 11:18

I think it's quite obviously a joke to be honest. I'd buy one for my god daughter who got near as dammit full marks in her Maths AS papers.

tinofbiscuits · 01/02/2016 11:18

Not buying things you don't like is one answer, but customer comments do also show a company just how many people they are putting off their products.

LateToTheParty · 01/02/2016 11:20

OP I've liked your comment on their Facebook page. Not sure what's worse, the item itself or their half arsed non-apology of a response.

lostInTheWash · 01/02/2016 11:26

If you don't like it don't buy it.

How do I intercept such presents from family members not using irony before the implied message reaches my DC?

How do I stop them having friends with such cases and thus again being exposed to such ideas?

Is there some way to enforce the product not being used seriously by some people?

Where is the male equivalent? What parody is used there?

ChairoftheBored · 01/02/2016 11:34

This has made me surprisingly furious. The product itself is hideous, outdated and offensive on many fronts, but it's their response that has made my blood boil.

Both the initial response and their follow up show that they just do not get it. On both occasions they are patronising in response, as though it's you with the problem... And there's a sneaking suspicion that they feel you are being 'humorless' (sic) in just not seeing this a hilarious and harmless.

Have you thought about getting everyday sexism/ let toys be toys involved?

howabout · 01/02/2016 11:34

Tinkly DD1 and DD2 are both top of their year for Maths. They would put it on their wishlists, but DD2 would prefer it in blue Grin

There is so much negative stereotyping around them all the time that they really like anything that overtly brings the unspoken out into the open.

Fink · 01/02/2016 11:48

Absolutely horrendous. Can you get a petition or something going?

lostInTheWash · 01/02/2016 12:27

Perhaps we need to offer suggestion on how to improve the product?

Like being the blue idea or a guy being too pretty - I could see that actually working.

Other less good ideas:
Big letters - "parody" at top would help the pink version I think.

Or packaging that says something like : only buy for female who has at least a maths A-level preferable a maths degree and is likely to get the parody otherwise you being a massive twat.

Plus you could have a whole range for English Lit Graduates:

I'm too pretty too read with the pink background and letters flying round?

Osmiornica · 01/02/2016 12:42

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Osmiornica · 01/02/2016 12:43

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Shallishanti · 01/02/2016 17:03

I like your suggestion Lost
Unfortunately as I'm not on FB I can't join the convo
They won't notice that I've boycotted it either Grin

araiba · 01/02/2016 17:16

it is obviously not a serious thing

Ifrit · 01/02/2016 18:14

When only 1.9% of female A-level students are studying Further Maths it really is obviously a serious thing as it reflects an insidious, outdated attitude.

OP posts:
Quoteunquote · 01/02/2016 18:23

Darwin would of laughed.

Everytimeref · 01/02/2016 18:40

I always use ice cubes to explain why subtracting a negative results in an increase. Put ice cube in water, temperature of water decrease. Remove ice cube (eg subtract the negative) the temperature of water increases.

It has been demonstrated thinking your bad at maths actually impacts your abiltiy to complete maths problems.

lostInTheWash · 01/02/2016 18:46

Studying science or maths at A level sends girls’ earnings soaring by a third, a new report reveals today (22 March 2015).

Girls and women studying maths clearly isn't a serious thing at allHmm.

ouryve · 01/02/2016 19:15
Pannn · 01/02/2016 20:49

EE tweeted back the parody line. Informed them it doesn't work and that is a pathetic excuse for poor judgement.

ifrit · 02/02/2016 12:41

They've decided to remove it from their shop :)

Thanks everyone!

OP posts:
waitingforsomething · 02/02/2016 15:40

Well done op! One small step...


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Ifrit · 02/02/2016 18:10

Now for Amazon....

OP posts:
PurpleDaisies · 02/02/2016 18:13

I'm soiling for a fight...

PurpleDaisies · 02/02/2016 18:13

Oh bollocks. That's supposed to say spooling for a fight...

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