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"I'm too pretty to do maths" - AIBU to think this is a terrible slogan for a product marketed to teen girls?

118 replies

Ifrit · 31/01/2016 17:24

Found on the EE accessories shop.

I know it's a piece of pink printed tat but AIBU to think that telling young girls you can be either pretty or clever is absolutely shit?

OP posts:
NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 02/02/2016 21:38

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HarveySchlumpfenburger · 02/02/2016 21:30

Good advice either way purple. Grin Beware the illegal frogs.

Well done OP.

It really wasn't clever or funny enough to work as a parody.

PurpleDaisies · 02/02/2016 21:16

Grin My best ever typo was stay away from illegal frogs instead of illegal drugs. Still makes me giggle.

Ifrit · 02/02/2016 21:16

There are probably a lot of people out there would buy products with slogans on stating that all people of a certain ethnicity should "go back" to a certain country. Should we allow those products to be sold...?

OP posts:
TheNumberfaker · 02/02/2016 21:14

soiling for a fight has got to be the best mis-type ever!
This kind of sexist baloney makes me want to crap my pants too!

drspouse · 02/02/2016 21:14

"We apologise IF you have found this offensive"?
That's a "we've done nothing wrong and we aren't apologising" politician's apology.

lostInTheWash · 02/02/2016 20:38

I don't like crop tops for young girls, I certainly wouldn't object to others buying them for their children if they so chose.

Clearly objecting to lazy harmful stereotyping masquerading as parody in an area that females already have to handle prejudiced and are massively under-represented - is exactly the same as disliking a style of clothing Hmm.

PurpleDaisies · 02/02/2016 20:27

Oops. 21st century.

PurpleDaisies · 02/02/2016 20:25

Of course it is. Confused. You are free to lobby the company to keep making sexist products if you want. I will continue to ask them to join the 31sg century.

NewLife4Me · 02/02/2016 20:23

It's hardly a democracy complaining for products to be removed, when lots of people probably have no objections and would buy the product.

PurpleDaisies · 02/02/2016 20:19

I think it's a shame when people try to stop others from buying something they have no objection too, it shouldn't be allowed imo

So how would you stop people from campaigning against products they find offensive? If it "shouldn't be allowed" someone will need to police it which doesn't sound like a democracy to me.

weeblueberry · 02/02/2016 20:18

David and Goliath stuff is often off the mark. Pretty sure it's them that do the 'boys are stupid - throw stones at them' slogan that I thought was shite a few years ago...

NewLife4Me · 02/02/2016 20:14

I think it's a shame when people try to stop others from buying something they have no objection too, it shouldn't be allowed imo.
They only need to publicise this thread though, who knows they could sell tons of them.
I do understand that some people don't like it and of course everybody is entitled to their opinion, but you don't have to buy it if you don't want to.
I don't like crop tops for young girls, I certainly wouldn't object to others buying them for their children if they so chose.

Ifrit · 02/02/2016 19:32

I doubt it's boosted them that much, especially now it's being withdrawn from sale by one retailer (hopefully the first of several).

OP posts:
NewLife4Me · 02/02/2016 18:49

I have emailed them and thanked them for a good product as have already bought one for my dd, have also posted on fb and friends have liked, so we have probably boosted sales with this thread and fb.

Ifrit · 02/02/2016 18:28

Emailing David and Goliath too.

OP posts:
Ifrit · 02/02/2016 18:28

Spooling Grin

I've just spoken to a lovely man at Amazon named Abdullah. He's going to pass the information along to the relevant department and they will be in touch.

That seemed a bit too easy.

OP posts:
PurpleDaisies · 02/02/2016 18:14

No it isn't! Spoiling for a fight. No idea why auto correct did that.

PurpleDaisies · 02/02/2016 18:13

Oh bollocks. That's supposed to say spooling for a fight...

PurpleDaisies · 02/02/2016 18:13

I'm soiling for a fight...

Ifrit · 02/02/2016 18:10

Now for Amazon....

OP posts:
waitingforsomething · 02/02/2016 15:40

Well done op! One small step...


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ifrit · 02/02/2016 12:41

They've decided to remove it from their shop :)

Thanks everyone!

OP posts:
Pannn · 01/02/2016 20:49

EE tweeted back the parody line. Informed them it doesn't work and that is a pathetic excuse for poor judgement.

ouryve · 01/02/2016 19:15
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