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wibu to keep my 9 year old off school after late home?

120 replies

FarterChristmoose · 14/01/2016 11:41

Hi my 9 year old son went on a school trip on Wednesday, they were supposed to be home at 5PM but they got stuck in a motorway crash and didn't get back to school until 10.45. My husband then drove 2 of his friends home to save their single mums having to come out so late with younger children. DS eventually got to bed at midnight and was up at 7 for school. He usually goes to sleep at so lost 4 hours sleep. He was so tired, lots of tears so I kept him off and he went back to sleep until 9am then rested all day.

At school today his teacher took me to one side and said she was disappointed he didn't go school and everybody else did.

Wibu to have kept him off? Hes still very tired today!

OP posts:
redskybynight · 14/01/2016 12:45

Didn't they all sleep on the coach coming home anyway? (Not uncommon even for trips that get back at 4pm or thereabouts IME)

The fact that all the other DC made it in suggests that all the other children managed ok.

rainbowunicorn · 14/01/2016 12:45

For crying out loud I really have heard it all now. He is 9 why on earth did he need to rest all day for goodness sake. I have never heard anything more ridiculous. My youngest often has a night when he does not fall asleep at his usual time and may not until around 11pm. He still gets up and goes to school the next day as normal. If anything then he will be ready for an early night the next day and everything falls back in to place.
I really can't get over the resting all day part!

WoodHeaven · 14/01/2016 12:46

Well I think some children would cope with the 'late' night much better than others. Maybe because they go to bed later anyway (and then get up later or need less sleep etc...).
Some children will also be more tired than others, whatever the reason.

I suspect that that day at school wasn't a good one for anyone, ie the children were all too tired to learn, probably harder to control too.

I would probably have let my dc sleep until they were awake and then send them to school (whatever the time, ie for you maybe for 10.00am afetr the woke up) if I wasn't working. I had been at work, I'm afraid dc would have gone to school...

waitingforsomething · 14/01/2016 12:48

yes YABU. He could have gone in a bit late, or just gone in at the normal time and gone to bed early tonight. At 9 years old he would have survived and didn't need an entire day off.

AliceInUnderpants · 14/01/2016 12:48

It depends how your son functions on disturbed sleep. My children both have SN. One of my children becomes excessively emotional. It also has a knock-on affect to medication. The other becomes aggressive and violent. I would certainly not rush to get them into school the following day, and see how they were when they woke to make the decision whether they were going in at all.
I don't think you did the wrong thing, OP, because I don't know your child.

LeaLeander · 14/01/2016 12:53

Why was he crying?

diddl · 14/01/2016 12:59

I think that if he was up he might as well have gone in tbh.

whois · 14/01/2016 13:11

I'd have taken him in late or for the afternoon.

hufflebottom · 14/01/2016 13:15

YABU, he was up at 9. I would of phones the school apologised and said I was currently in the process of getting him into school and he'll be there in by X time.

He won't be able to get away with it when he's older and working. He's not likely to get away with 'oh I went to bed late so won't be in today'

We got back late from a trip to France at primary school, we were all expected in the next day. We all did. Yawning our heads off but we survived the day.

starry0ne · 14/01/2016 13:19

I also agree with everyone else..My DS at 8 was in similar situation ..He went to school though..The teachers had much lower expectations for the day than a normal school day

Purplehonesty · 14/01/2016 13:31

I'd have kept mine off school too if he was knackered.

AnotherEffingOrangeRevel · 14/01/2016 13:33

This thread is crazy.

Who exactly is the victim in the OP's alleged crime?

witsender · 14/01/2016 13:37

Yanbu, I'd probably have done the same.

WeDoNotTalktoPennilynLott · 14/01/2016 13:40

I would have let him have a little lie in but tell the school he'll be in a little bit late and still send him...

BarbarianMum · 14/01/2016 13:41

Fine to let him lie in til 9am, but why not school after that?

Notgivingin789 · 14/01/2016 13:53

YABU (you have my sympathy though). DD sleep has been atrocious these past couple of months. I will put him to bed at 8pm and he wouldn't go to sleep by Midnight!

There was a day he was up till 4am and I kept him off from school as he was tired. The next next day, the school told that I should of brought DS into school regardless etc etc.

Though if DS went to sleep at Midnight, I would of still taken him to school the next day.

Sallyhasleftthebuilding · 14/01/2016 14:38

I took DC s to school on a 5 hour time delay having got home at midnight after an American trip - i.e it was 4am to them!! They survived - went to bed early and recovered then following day.

mrtwitsglasseye · 14/01/2016 14:46

YANBU. I wouldn't have sent mine.

thebestfurchinchilla · 14/01/2016 14:52

Yes YABU. Your child would have coped, the whole class may have been tired the next day and I'm sure the teacher would have made allowances. Chn can cope with a one off late night. You keeping him off is a bit precious imo. why didn't you send him in at 10???

green18 · 14/01/2016 14:55

YABU. My yr 5 daughter went on a 3 night residential, came home at 8pm(not late) but was exhausted as they'd slept in dorms and basically had back to back sleepovers. I sent her in next day, no excuses but was appalled to find that her teacher had a sick day and overheard teachers saying he was too tired!!!!!He was a V young teacher and a lightweight.

TheOptimisticPessimist · 14/01/2016 15:02

Yabu. A late night is a valid reason to go in a little later, it isn't an excuse to skip an entire day of school.

Gatehouse77 · 14/01/2016 15:18

I've done it. I figure that the odd day is fine. I'd rather they don't run themselves down and possibly get ill, particularly at this time of year.


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ThroughThickAndThin01 · 14/01/2016 15:22


Did he sleep the whole day? If he didn't, he should have been in school.

Cheby · 14/01/2016 15:28

Sorry OP I think YABU. If he woke at 9am I would have got him dressed, fed and got him into school for 10 at the latest.

My 2yo stayed up to 2am on NYE and was up and bouncing around by 8.30 the next day. She wasn't 100% but coped absolutely fine, completely back to normal the next day after a good sleep. I bet once your DS was with his friends he wouldn't have given feeling tired a second thought.

nephrofox · 14/01/2016 15:43

FGS the kids is 9, not 19! Far too much pressure on presentee-ism, starring way too early

I'm presuming you're at home anyway and not taken a day off work? If so I really can't see the harm in letting him stay off if he's not feeling 100%

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