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108 replies

MARTIN1 · 18/08/2015 04:28

To think middle names, serve no useful purpose and are given by pretentious parents to include older relatives names or because you couldn't agree with your partner on just one forename.

MWE describe it thus:

Name, Middle
The name you try to hide because it is so crap. Often it is a name that has been passed from generation to generation through the family and which you have been given to keep your granny happy. This knowledge is sod all use when you are having the shit kicked out of you in the playground for being called Windermere.

OP posts:
Bunbaker · 18/08/2015 08:28

What a weird thread.

When DD was in hospital years ago there were two children with exactly the same names (not commonplace names either). This had the potential of them being given the wrong medication. The nurse said that this was when middle names were very useful.

Where I work middle names form part of our log ins on the system and used to be part of our email addresses.

So I don't think they are pretentious or pointless (although I think my middle name is pretentious Grin)

DisappointedOne · 18/08/2015 08:38

DD isn't named after anyone. She has one "normal" middle name - because we liked 2 names equally - followed by my surname as a second name (I kept my surname on marriage). Nothing pretentious about it.

My sister got lumbered with 4 middle named after my dad, riddled with grief after losing her twin, got confused at the registry office. The only problem that's caused in 35 years is that it doesn't all ft on a passport application form!

Maryz · 18/08/2015 08:59

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TheIncomparableDejahThoris · 18/08/2015 09:04

knittingdad I wonder how many middle names we would need to use in order to make it likely that everyone's name would be unique?

One middle name plus D/O/B cuts down the opportunities for confusion significantly, though, don't you think?

RedToothBrush · 18/08/2015 09:22

Deal breaker?

Then my friend good luck to you in finding a partner with standards like that!

Middle names are useful for establishing identity. My son has two. One so he can choose his first name or his second name to go by. And the other is my surname so he doesn't go double barrelled. Its also a name in common use. I have not changed my surname so its hardly a big deal.

If you are John Smith, then you could be mistaken for a million other John Smiths. There are situations where this could be a problem. In hospitals for example. Mistakes that shouldn't happen are more likely to, in this situation.

The name you try to hide because it is so crap. Often it is a name that has been passed from generation to generation through the family and which you have been given to keep your granny happy. This knowledge is sod all use when you are having the shit kicked out of you in the playground for being called Windermere.

Newsflash: Perhaps the novel solution to this, is not to refuse to have a middle name, but to pick a nice one, and don't pick one that has anything to do with grannies or Windermere.

I'm sorry that your parents gave you a shit name, but that makes you more qualified to get it right without taking it out on those closest to you.

You really ought to think of ways to deal with your bitterness though.

00100001 · 18/08/2015 10:34

I'm liking Windermere as a name... might ask opinions on the baby name board....

justmyview · 18/08/2015 10:38

Middle names are something I feel strongly about and it will be a deal breaker for me when the time comes

I laughed out loud at this. Pick your battles ....

happymummyone · 18/08/2015 10:42

Not pointless or pretentious. I pick two names that I really like, that sound good together and I think a name is almost incomplete without one. YABU if you judge everyone for giving middle names to their kids but you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Whiskwarrior · 18/08/2015 12:22

Anyone else notice the OP is only around after HE have gone home? He's scared of being deleted!

Another pointless, pathetic, goady thread from a bit of a sadcase.

Jesus, my cat would be better at this.

OP, I'm embarrassed for you.

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 18/08/2015 12:25


chamerion · 18/08/2015 12:31

How old are you Martin?

I'd agree that when I was a kid, middle names were hidden. Lots of kids at my school seemed to sneer at other kids' middle names. That's partly why I didn't use them.

Not so sure that's the case today.

MARTIN1 · 18/08/2015 12:48

Thank you for your many responses on this. If truth be told I didn't expect people to really take much notice. It's good for me to understand the strength of feeling some people have towards middle names.

DEALBREAKER: I have two names I have in mind for when I start a family and they are both girls names. The deal would be that I could name any girls we have, with my partner being able to choose the boys names. the dealbreaker would be that if my partner wanted middle names then I would veto any middle names.

The 'Windermere' paragraph was from the early 1990's comedy programme The Mary Whitehouse Experience.

OP posts:
ilovesooty · 18/08/2015 12:50

Well, good luck with that...... Hmm

Gottagetmoving · 18/08/2015 12:52

I am bloody glad my parents gave me two names. Both names are after my two grandmothers, and the first name is completely YUK!
The middle name is slightly less horrendous so that is the one I have always used.
I don't really understand why anyone should have an opinion on people giving or not giving their children middle names. WTF has it got to do with anyone what other people choose to do?

Maryz · 18/08/2015 12:55

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

00100001 · 18/08/2015 12:57


RedToothBrush · 18/08/2015 12:58

Newsflash No2:

Having children involves compromise and not telling people what to do.

You'll last 5 seconds with a wife and even less with a baby.

I hope you are planning for a long and lonely life. But at least you can call your cats whatever you like without argument.

00100001 · 18/08/2015 12:58

MitzyLeFrouf · 18/08/2015 12:59

DEALBREAKER: I have two names I have in mind for when I start a family and they are both girls names. The deal would be that I could name any girls we have, with my partner being able to choose the boys names. the dealbreaker would be that if my partner wanted middle names then I would veto any middle names.



MaidOfStars · 18/08/2015 13:00

I have a first name and a middle name. They reflect the culture and heritage of my father and mother respectively. How that isn't anything but respectful to two (perhaps competing) naming desires is beyond me.

00100001 · 18/08/2015 13:02

OP: Woman... you are permitted to name our male offspring.
Woman: Oh wwow, what a CATCH!

Birdsgottafly · 18/08/2015 13:02

I was going to answer, to show how they are not pointless.

But no fully functioning adult would describe them as such and I won't argue with people less capable, "ok sweetie", is my stock response.


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Whiskwarrior · 18/08/2015 13:03

I can see why you're single...

ghostyslovesheep · 18/08/2015 13:04

Bless the 'time' may be long in coming!

Middle names are quiet useful ways of hiding the ridiculous named you other half insists on including

SonceyD0g · 18/08/2015 13:04

My DH uses his middle name as his first name so guess he would disagree.
I think some one with the Middle name Windermere would go far in life. Just look at isambard KINGDOM Brunel he was always going to be somebody!

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