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108 replies

MARTIN1 · 18/08/2015 04:28

To think middle names, serve no useful purpose and are given by pretentious parents to include older relatives names or because you couldn't agree with your partner on just one forename.

MWE describe it thus:

Name, Middle
The name you try to hide because it is so crap. Often it is a name that has been passed from generation to generation through the family and which you have been given to keep your granny happy. This knowledge is sod all use when you are having the shit kicked out of you in the playground for being called Windermere.

OP posts:
FernGullysWoollyPully · 18/08/2015 07:33

it will be a deal breaker for me when the time comes.

Well, what a bloody good job we're all fairly sure the friend of your sister (from the other thread) isn't remotely interested in sleeping with you then, eh?! Grin

asmallandnoisymonkey · 18/08/2015 07:43

laughing at this thread - totally brilliant! Never heard anything so ridiculous as the OP before Grin

RatOnnaStick · 18/08/2015 07:44

I like a middle name. 3 initials are better than 2. And the being told off thing.

Also, I'm right.

Sparklingbrook · 18/08/2015 07:50

Another ridiculous SHOUTING THREAD from MARTIN1. You are spoiling us.

EponasWildDaughter · 18/08/2015 07:54

Deal breaker?


Yes. Whatever.

MidniteScribbler · 18/08/2015 07:58

Don't like my son having a middle name? What the fuck has it got to do with you anyway?

SchwarzwalderKirschtorte · 18/08/2015 07:59

NinkyNonky has it spot on.

Stop that Minor telling off.
Stop that < first name middle name 2nd middle name surname> BIG Trouble.

DD has 2 middle names Grin

cashewnutty · 18/08/2015 07:59

My DDs middle names are not family names. They are names DH and I chose with the same love and care as their first names.

If you don't like middle names OP don't use them. Although, given your current form on other threads I have read this morning, I don't think anyone will be queuing up to have babies with you anytime soon.

00100001 · 18/08/2015 08:01

Friend of OP: awww babe, why did you split with your fiance? He made you so happy, treated yiubwell, you're both in love and PERFECT for each other!

OP: well, yeah, I know all that. And he's amazing for sure. But...well there's one thing that happened. He said the other day that he might like to use his Nana's name as a middle name for our future daughter.

So naturally that's just unacceptable. I had to leave him.

LokiBear · 18/08/2015 08:02

YABU for feeling so strongly that it would be a deal breaker.

Perpendiculous · 18/08/2015 08:03

Middle names are something I feel strongly about and it will be a deal breaker for me when the time comes. Hmm

Dd has a middle name. It's a name dp and I really like and has no sentiment to us beyond that. I'd love to give dd a second middle name if it wasn't too late. I love my own middle name.

londonrach · 18/08/2015 08:04

I like middle names. One of my middle names is my grans and mums name. It gives a sence of history and continuation. Yabu and very loud.

Sparklingbrook · 18/08/2015 08:05

I'm not trying to goad anyone by the way. Hmm

Notso · 18/08/2015 08:05

Is this because your middle name is 1 MARTIN? Is your brother MARTIN 2?

00100001 · 18/08/2015 08:06

OP: there's no tiebr choice the woman has to go

She wanted to give our child a middle name!


midnightvelvetPart2 · 18/08/2015 08:07

Hahahaa my parents thought the same as you OP so I didn't have a middle name as my first name is 3 syllables. I remember feeling left out in the primary school playground as everyone else had a middle name except me.

A couple of years ago I divorced & as my mother died soon afterwards I changed my name not back to my maiden name, but to my mother's maiden name instead. At the same time I added a middle name that I'd chosen for myself, I found it ages ago in our family tree, it dates from 1824 & doesn't appear in the family tree again & I've never heard it used for a living person. I always said that if I had girls I would have used it for a middle name but I had 2 boys & I'm not having any more children :) I feel that I've honoured both sides of my family by choosing a maternal name & an ancestral name from my father's side. It feels balanced & nice.

I love my middle name, I wouldn't use it as a first name as its too unusual but just bear in mind OP that anyone can add any middle name they like when they are an adult! Grin

theelephantknownasnell · 18/08/2015 08:10

You've said they serve no purpose but if a parent has given a middle name in memory of a past or present loved one then that is serving a purpose, just one you don't like.

If you dont like middle names dont use them for your children. Its that easy.

For what its worth my daughters middle name has served a 'purpose' she doesnt like her first name so goes by her middle name. Its not being changed legally till shes older so if she didnt have a middle name it would of been harder to change her known by name.

Reubs15 · 18/08/2015 08:12

Definitely not pretentious. My middle name features in my dad's favourite song. My son's middle name is after his grandad who sadly died a few months before he was born.
If you don't like them fair enough but probably not worth crying about!

tobysmum77 · 18/08/2015 08:14

No they aren't pointless if you have a very common surname. Both of my children have middle names for this reason alone.

theelephantknownasnell · 18/08/2015 08:14

Meant to ask what do you mean by its a deal breaker.

Do ask perspective partners on the first date if they like middle names. Grin

MrsGentlyBenevolent · 18/08/2015 08:16

I wish I had a middle name, a 'normal' one. Very likely would have gone by it, instead of my actual horrid first name. My soon-due child is getting two middle names. One traditional, one family. As others say, in a world full of Oliver Jones', you have to be different some how, why not Oliver Benjamin Harvey Jones (as an example). The likelihood of two the same majorly decrease.

DiscoDiva70 · 18/08/2015 08:18

Is starting a thread on something as ridiculous as this really the best you can do?
Really? Hmm


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Sparklingbrook · 18/08/2015 08:20

If OP's Relationships thread is anything to go by this middle name problem with a potential wife won't even happen. Grin

SnapesCapes · 18/08/2015 08:20

You genuinely feel you'd end a relationship over the potential use of a middle name? Would you even lower yourself to date someone with a middle name?

Utter, utter madness.

SlagBol · 18/08/2015 08:21

Oh it's you again..

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