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To ask you to phone the Saudi embassy tomorrow morning

110 replies

beatricequimby · 11/06/2015 18:29

The Saudi Supreme Court has just upheld the sentence of 10 years in prison and 1000 lashes against the blogger Raif Badawi. He could be flogged again tomorrow.

This is a very moving video about Raif made by his ten year old son

Amnesty are asking people to phone the Saudi embassy in London before 10 tomorrow to ask them to halt the flogging and free Raif unconditionally.

You can phone 02079173000 and either choose option 2 or hold.
OP posts:
HairyMcMary · 11/06/2015 21:09

Yes, but the Embassy is NOT closed on a Friday. They merely close an hour early.
Of course Amnesty checked this out - they are experienced at this sort of thing.

Weebirdie · 11/06/2015 21:13

Yes but that wasnt the question was it?

Someone asked about why it had been suggested the Embassy might be closed, and I answered the question.

HairyMcMary · 11/06/2015 21:18

No, but before that Partialderivative was telling the OP / us that there was no point calling the SA embassy on a Friday.....

The whole discussion is pointless (except that your comment, Weebirdie, has enlightened one poster at least) because Partialderivative was wrong. And needs to give Amnesty a tad more credit.

The main thing is: everyone sign the petition!

WisteriaRose · 11/06/2015 21:19

Signed and shared.

HairyMcMary · 11/06/2015 21:31

Signed and shared.

sadwidow28 · 11/06/2015 21:43

I have got my 1,000+ followers RTing on Twitter.

I have done direct Tweets to:

  • all parties and leaders in the UK
  • all Operation Death Eater sites (I found Canada!)
  • Campaigners who are in exile
  • Russell Brand

I'll start journalists now - and I'll think about a few others as I go along!

This is the Tweet message is anyone else can help

Please sign and RT Amnesty International petition for Raif Badawi (blogger) // He may be flogged again tomorrow.
HairyMcMary · 11/06/2015 21:58

Wow - that's fantastic Sadwidow.
I am not so well connected.

beatricequimby · 11/06/2015 22:04

Really glad to see people signing and willing to phone.

OP posts:
ohtheholidays · 11/06/2015 22:07

I've signed the petition.

It is barbaric and it all needs to stop.

RandomMess · 11/06/2015 22:11

Signed and FB shared

ohtheholidays · 11/06/2015 22:12

Not on twitter sorry but I have shared on FB,I hope it helps.

sadwidow28 · 11/06/2015 22:42


I have tweeted all the major news agencies (including Reuters)

I also tweeted every Amnesty ID I could find - they are allowed to RT my Tweet

I have a few more BIG names to do .......

And YES! Anyone getting it out on facebook is doing something I am not doing! Keep up the pressure folks!

BiscuitMillionaire · 11/06/2015 22:48

signed petition, thanks

sadwidow28 · 11/06/2015 22:50

I have now Tweeted 3 Saudi Arabian News agencies and one Saudi celebrity chef.

(If I disappear from Mumsnet - I am in jail !!!! Just send me Wine and Cake and I should be okay)

beatricequimby · 11/06/2015 22:53

Thank you Sadwidow. I sent my first ever tweet about this but don't have any followers so not sure if it really counts.

OP posts:
sadwidow28 · 11/06/2015 23:11

It WILL count. Now look in your Twitter side-bar (on the left) and Twitter will suggest people you should follow because they are tweeting similar.

sadwidow28 · 11/06/2015 23:18

beatricequimby I looked for you on Twitter - Wow! That is some beautiful woman if that is you Grin

I suspect you've actually signed onto Twitter with a new name because beatricequimby hasn't posted on Twitter since 2011.

I have found his Twitter hashtag: #RaifBadawi

I'll RT now.

sadwidow28 · 11/06/2015 23:56

Phew! This appeal is now going out via Twitter in French, German and Arabic (as well as English)

News coming in:

BlackbirdOnTheWire · 12/06/2015 00:07

Petition signed. Not on Twitter though. What's RT? Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

sadwidow28 · 12/06/2015 00:38

Oh, sorry, I was doing Twitter short-hand. RT = Re-Tweet so someone else uses a Tweet messages and sends to their followers.

It has more impact than a LIKE on Facebook, because the actual message is sent to anyone following. Then those followers RT to their followers... who RT to their followers. (A bit like Chinese Whispers I suppose - except nothing is lost in translation.)

On Twitter, if you can get a 'big-hitter' to RT, you almost go global in an hour! I am hoping Jon Gaunt (radio) will do a RT and a shout-out in his pod-cast tomorrow morning at 8am. Jon usually RTs me.....

SilverNightFairy · 12/06/2015 00:45

Signed. Prayers for him.

SweetPeaPods · 12/06/2015 01:02

Absolutely harrowing that something like this happens in 2015

HairyMcMary · 12/06/2015 07:44

Bump for this morning.
Very much hoping that Saudi Arabia will re consider . However they did not take the opportunity in the court to free him and they are making a public stand in asserting independence from 'outside interference'.

Thoughts with Raif Badawi, his family, and all victims of this brutal regime.

HairyMcMary · 12/06/2015 08:40


BoreOfWhabylon · 12/06/2015 08:45

Just called Saudi Embassy as requested by OP. Recorded message says to call after 9 am.

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