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To think the estate agents could have asked the owners to at least pick up the bloody bra!!

92 replies

MrPointy · 10/06/2015 11:12

Picture number 2. Shock.

OP posts:
SewingBox · 10/06/2015 12:36

If anyone of you want to kid yourselves your Dc will live any differently as students, then go ahead, but I've seen far far worse.

Stinkersmum · 10/06/2015 12:36

Aerminger, presuming the landlord is following the rules, he won't be holding the deposit or at the very least he won't be able to keep it because of the tds laws.

Momagain1 · 10/06/2015 12:37

For all we know, those pictures are several years old, and have served well enough to attract new tenants.

GirlSailor · 10/06/2015 12:38

I love the website too, toilets in the kitchen, horses... what more can you want?

In the last flat I rented I got a call from my landlord to say would I be in for the rest of the evening to let someone in. Turned out it was the estate agents showing a potential buyer around - first we'd heard of it going on sale. Maybe that's unusual, but who knows if the tenants even had notice to tidy up.

morethanpotatoprints · 10/06/2015 12:40

I don't care what a house looks like inside when I go to view as it's so easy to see past that with a bit of imagination.
i'm surprised people make such a fuss, maybe they don't have imagination skills and struggle to see the potential, it's their loss though.
it always helps to keep an open mind, that way you can bag a brilliant home.

MrPointy · 10/06/2015 12:45

Tittilation Grin...yes I'm sitting here rubbing my hands together in glee whilst giggling like an 8 year old at the sight of a big bra in a picture...Hmm...or I'm just a bit shocked at why an estate agent would go into a house and take a picture of a room with underwear strewn around and post it on their website. Or why would someone live like that? At least pick up your clothes from the floor.

Aermingers, do you go on every "property porn" thread and call it vile? Confused. I feel sorry for you, you're coming across really bitter and unhappy in your ott posts.

OP posts:
OwlAtEase · 10/06/2015 12:46

We went to view a house a few years ago, and the first thing the agent said was 'please be quiet while you're looking around upstairs, there's a half dead cat on the bed.'

There was, indeed, a half dead cat on the bed.

SevTSnape · 10/06/2015 12:49

Aermingers Is it your bedroom?

Also, to the person that posted that website, I fear I may lose my entire afternoon looking at it....

MitzyLeFrouf · 10/06/2015 12:51

Awwww poor half dead cat. Trying to breathe his last in peace and quiet whilst couples marched around arguing as to whether there was enough storage.

MrPointy · 10/06/2015 12:51

Maybe Aermingers has bra bunting around her house and a rug made out of bras. That's why she's so offended.

OP posts:
Lweji · 10/06/2015 12:51

Was it one whole cat that was half dead or was it a half of a dead cat (if so, which half)? It's important to clarify these things. Grin

Stinkersmum · 10/06/2015 12:52

morethan If I were considering purchasing a house I can see past all that too but it's not the point I was making. It's disgusting to live like that, end of.

snowgirl29 · 10/06/2015 12:54

Makes my house look like Buckingham Palace! Grin

But yes. YNBU.

MrPointy · 10/06/2015 12:55

Was it one whole cat that was half dead or was it a half of a dead cat...

I thought it was a cat cut in half at first, then I thought that would be too bloody. So it must have been a cat knocking on deaths door. Poor cat. Hope it passed without much pain.

OP posts:
morethanpotatoprints · 10/06/2015 12:57


you haven't seen my house, sometimes. Grin
I just don't see it as a biggie tbh.
I have always tidied up before viewings or pictures, and not usually quite as bad as these rooms.
but it wouldn't put me off buying a house.
There could be lots of reasons why the house is a bit untidy and I'm sure the occupiers will be taking their possessions with them, including any loitering bra's Grin

BringMeTea · 10/06/2015 12:58

Wow. Bra aside, that is not much house for nigh on 400k. We are thinking of moving back to the uk. Thank Christ we're looking 'oop North'. How the hell do people get on the housing ladder in these places? (I do kind of know they can't if they are on a normal wage, it is very depressing).

NotYouNaanBread · 10/06/2015 12:59

That's super cheap for Oxford!

BringMeTea · 10/06/2015 13:00

Super cheap! Shock

Lweji · 10/06/2015 13:01

I did wonder if it had been like half of a preserved cat. Like a pillow or decoration.

Like in this search
Don't click if you are a huge cat lover!!!
You have been warned.

SqueezyCheeseWeasel · 10/06/2015 13:03

Looks fine to me. It's a do-er upper and I agree re good value for Oxford. Looks well built with a decent sized garden. Get a skip and bob's your uncle.

helenahandbag · 10/06/2015 13:03
Stinkersmum · 10/06/2015 13:03

I only got to page two of that link before I had to stop incase I laugh-cried the baby out of me. Grin


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Lweji · 10/06/2015 13:04

It is a fairly big house, with a large garden. See the floorplan.
And it probably has a high earning potential as a student rental too.

MissBattleaxe · 10/06/2015 13:06

why would anyone willingly cover their entire garden with gravel? WHY?

SqueezyCheeseWeasel · 10/06/2015 13:06

Student digs often look like that. As do other tenanted properties being sold by LL. That's not to say all tenants live like that but plenty do (as do plenty of owner occupiers).

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