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You don't have the hands for nails and other nasty things men say without thinking

76 replies

notnearlythereyet · 07/03/2015 00:48

AIBU to expect my man to cherish and adore me like when we first met?
Recently i've heard that I don't have the hands for nails when I painted them and asked what he thought. I admit my hands are chubby, but so are his! Is that a reason enough to discourage me from getting my nails done? He retracted very quickly saying how lovely my hands were blah blah blah, but I wonder if all men are so thoughtless and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind sometimes?

OP posts:
JamesAndTheGiantBanana · 11/03/2015 10:51

My horrible cheating arsehole of a dad was once preening in the mirror whilst trying on a new coat at a shop, then turned to my poor mum and absentmindedly asked her "What would you think of this, if you were a woman?"

He was a bastard. Angry

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