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To think these offices are haunted.

97 replies

raltheraffe · 22/12/2014 22:07

I run a commercial cleaning company which has sadly got too big for me to do the cleaning so I employ people. However there is one customer who only wants 3 hours doing once every weekend so I do it as I find it therapeutic and relaxing.
I work out of hours so I am the only person in the building. As soon as I get in the front door I lock it behind me to stop an opportunistic thief getting in behind me and robbing the place.
On my first shift last month I went into the kitchen and was cleaning the main table. The radio suddenly switches on playing Wham!. I put it down to being an old faulty radio and just unplugged it and never thought twice.
Was there last night and there is one light I never turn on because you have to squeeze past all these boxes to get to the light switch and I am not the slimmest person so I leave it.
Problems started when I heard footsteps in level above me. At the time I figured a different business must rent floor 1 so not to worry.
Next thing the light switches on. I was confused and thought I must have shimmied down by the boxes and weirdly forgotten I had done it. So carried on working and then it switched off while I was in the next room.
At this point I figured there was someone else in the building. I grabbed the metal tube on the hoover and went round all the offices armed with the pole ready to twat a burglar, but nobody there.
Then the footsteps on level 1 again. Then the light turned on and off again.
At this point I decided it was haunted and bricking it I locked up and went.
Phoned the customer today to find out what is on ground 1 and they said it is their storage area and nobody goes up there. Asked if the light was on some timer device and they said no. Asked if one of the workmen came in over the weekend and was pranking me and they said no.
So a bit confused. I do not like believing in ghosts but cannot think of another explanation.

OP posts:
StillStayingClassySanDiego · 23/12/2014 21:30

You've name changed raltheraffe, you've been here a while.

tipsytrifle · 23/12/2014 21:33

raltheraffe - you might consider asking one of your other cleaners to do the shift (for w/e rates of course) and ask if they experience anything odd like this?

raltheraffe · 23/12/2014 21:34

I went from having no warnings to a ton of warnings in a 48 hour period.

There was one very long thread on the serious stuff board. At first I was taken in by it, but as it went on it became blindingly obvious to me that the thread was complete and utter bollocks. It was started by a Catfish. So I said, you are making it up as you go along and I bet in reality you are some saddo in a raincoat tapping away in your bedsit. Bet you are not even female, bet you do not have kids, you are just a mentalist.

I did it over several posts and each post I got a warning for and then a ban.

Then the thread mysteriously disappeared. Mods would not say where it had gone and any threads discussing the thread were automatically deleted.

In other words I was correct, it was a Catfish and I got banned for stating the obvious.

OP posts:
raltheraffe · 23/12/2014 21:35

hang on I will check when I registered, one sec will look at my e-meithers

OP posts:
raltheraffe · 23/12/2014 21:37

according to my e-meithers I registered sept 20 2014

OP posts:
myotherusernameisbetter · 23/12/2014 21:37

The mind is a truly amazing thing- technically ghosts do exist, we create them in our own heads.

I have lived and been some remarkably creepy places that have made me uncomfortable but they weren't haunted other than inside my own head. It didn't make me any less scared tbh.

My OH has had a physical encounter with a "ghost" to the point that there was so much commotion that someone cam to see what was going on - it wasn't a ghost, but he really felt that the person he was play fighting with was there although he had died months previously - his grief created the encounter because ghosts don't exist any more than a god created the earth and watches every move we make. unless of course we are all part of some giant's experiment and we are watched by cctv constantly :o

OP in my Mum's house, it's wired strangely and everytime you switch on the bathroom light the kitchen goes off and vice versa - my mum lives alone so it doesn't bother her but you could get creeped out if you were in the kitchen alone and the light went out.

Namechangeyetagaintohide · 23/12/2014 21:43

I'm actually of the opinion that there may one day be a rational explanation for what we think of as ghosts.

I don't "believe" in ghosts. But the things we can't explain at the moment may one day be explainable rather than just dismissed.

There is a lot we don't understand yet.

tipsytrifle · 23/12/2014 21:46

I don't know what the "serious stuff" board is raltheraffe but you seem, after only a few months, to have been through exclusion and back into the fold ... or maybe the crinkles ... and crevasses ... and deep valley ice age gouges ... soooo welcome back. Crazy what catfish can getcha done for, eh?

myotherusernameisbetter · 23/12/2014 21:47

wish I could find the report done by some science guy when his lab was haunted - it was really good and they had all sorts of phenomena that was all rationally explained.

tipsytrifle · 23/12/2014 21:49

agreed Name .. knowing that I've seen what I've seen. There have been several credible medical articles recently about NDE and OBE which are shaking various stone pedestals atm.

EBearhug · 23/12/2014 21:52

Even if ghosts existed, why would you haunt your place of work for eternity?!

You get stories of ghost maids and coach drivers and barmen and stuff, and they're basically haunting their place of work.

You might haunt your place of work because you died in a horrific industrial accident that the owner covered up. Or because you were madly in love with a colleague, but circumstances meant it could not be, so you pined away and died from a broken heart and are forever destined to seek out the place where you saw the object of your unrequited and entirely pointless affections. Or because it was a former cleaner who mysteriously vanished one night, and no one has ever seen hide nor hair of her since...

(Sorry, OP.)

Actually, I quite like the idea of haunting my place of work and making some people's lives a misery. I only need to be there till they retire, though, and it assumes I will die prematurely, in the next couple of years or so, so I'm not actually going to take it up as a plan.

Didn't the mill threads vanish because there was a photo and with other details over the threads, it all made the OP very identifiable?

tipsytrifle · 23/12/2014 21:52

I should add that I do not mean to insult stones ...
they vibrate like everything else, just really really slower ...

tipsytrifle · 23/12/2014 21:59

When I did my bank job (ha!) I felt a presence there. I talked with it. We were fine very soon with each other. I left that job having said my goodbyes to the presence. Chance took me back for a short time. The building was empty. The presence that had welcomed me every eve for 3yrs was gone. I don't care two hoots if anyone believes me or not Xmas Smile

tipsytrifle · 23/12/2014 22:03

EBearhug that's an AMAZING post .. I would have to be sooooo bored to haunt my workplaces .. BUT then I really love one of them ... can see me visiting there just because it's so pretty and maybe I could mess with the coffee machine that the boss won't show me how to use ....

PamDooveOrangeJoof · 23/12/2014 22:09

They did an experiment recently it was in the news - they created 'ghosts' in the experiment by fiddling with different senses or something.

I'll try and find the link

PamDooveOrangeJoof · 23/12/2014 22:12
Jodie1982 · 23/12/2014 22:38

Well I've seen the Ghost of my dead sister, clear as anything. (She was killed in a Hit n Run at 13, and died in my arms) I didn't believe in Spirits/Ghosts till then. She even rubbed my foot. Scared me half to death and haven't seen her since.
I don't give a shit if anyone believes me either.

raltheraffe · 23/12/2014 22:55

Wow Jodie that is amazing

OP posts:
GarlicDrankTheChristmasSpirit · 23/12/2014 22:57

there may one day be a rational explanation for what we think of as ghosts.

There already is a rational explanation for everything we think of as ghosts :)
Love that article, Pam! Here's another interesting explanation for many ghosts. For more about it, google low frequency vibration haunting

GarlicDrankTheChristmasSpirit · 23/12/2014 23:00

Grief, Jodie. It does things to the mind. I'm very sorry to hear about your sister. What a ghastly shock, and so sad.

BlueBrightBlue · 23/12/2014 23:03

I've encountered ghosts on 4 occasions; not when I've felt spooked out or anything .
At work 30 years ago, our workshop emitted odd smells and unplugged appliances turned lights on and off .
A lady passing me on a narrow pavement vanished.
An ex boyfriends house: a woman's voice was heard and I thought it was the fish tank/neighbours etc. Several people were freaked out and would not enter the house for whatever reason.
My moms old house was ok, but saw a young man regularly walk though the shared passageway and wasn't till I stayed overnight at his house that I realised that his house was haunted too.
Woke up t find kitchen cupboards opening and closing at will.

thegreylady · 24/12/2014 07:08

I am an idiot Xmas Grin


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