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To think these offices are haunted.

97 replies

raltheraffe · 22/12/2014 22:07

I run a commercial cleaning company which has sadly got too big for me to do the cleaning so I employ people. However there is one customer who only wants 3 hours doing once every weekend so I do it as I find it therapeutic and relaxing.
I work out of hours so I am the only person in the building. As soon as I get in the front door I lock it behind me to stop an opportunistic thief getting in behind me and robbing the place.
On my first shift last month I went into the kitchen and was cleaning the main table. The radio suddenly switches on playing Wham!. I put it down to being an old faulty radio and just unplugged it and never thought twice.
Was there last night and there is one light I never turn on because you have to squeeze past all these boxes to get to the light switch and I am not the slimmest person so I leave it.
Problems started when I heard footsteps in level above me. At the time I figured a different business must rent floor 1 so not to worry.
Next thing the light switches on. I was confused and thought I must have shimmied down by the boxes and weirdly forgotten I had done it. So carried on working and then it switched off while I was in the next room.
At this point I figured there was someone else in the building. I grabbed the metal tube on the hoover and went round all the offices armed with the pole ready to twat a burglar, but nobody there.
Then the footsteps on level 1 again. Then the light turned on and off again.
At this point I decided it was haunted and bricking it I locked up and went.
Phoned the customer today to find out what is on ground 1 and they said it is their storage area and nobody goes up there. Asked if the light was on some timer device and they said no. Asked if one of the workmen came in over the weekend and was pranking me and they said no.
So a bit confused. I do not like believing in ghosts but cannot think of another explanation.

OP posts:
CaffeLatteIceCream · 23/12/2014 15:29

These threads make me laugh.

You cannot think of a better explanation than a ghost? Seriously?

There is no such thing as ghosts, so yes, you are being very unreasonable, not to mention rather childish, but thinking the office is "haunted".

CaffeLatteIceCream · 23/12/2014 15:30


I would say, personally, that anyone who believes in any of the deities you've listed (as well as the other 10,000 or so that have been worshipped through humanity's existed) is quite idiotic.

CaffeLatteIceCream · 23/12/2014 15:31


londonrach · 23/12/2014 15:35

There are things we dont know about. I wish someone can tell me about those green eyes and that feeling of a presence of a man who appeared in my locked uni room. I work with alot if people of the older age and tbh there are things that are unexplained. Theres a thread going at the moment.

Aeroflotgirl · 23/12/2014 15:39

It's very narrow minded to say ghosts or spirits do not exist and certainly is not childish. My friend lost her dd and feels her presence everyday with her. She makes it known to her mum that she is around and is with her even though she is not in body, childish is is!

WhyYouGottaBeSoRude · 23/12/2014 15:43

Would you also be happy to say that anyone who believes in a deity is an idiot? Jesus? Vishnu? Allah? Buddha?

Yes. Its the same thing. Always baffles me why people think the response would be different because its a fairy with a different name Hmm

Nelehwelly · 23/12/2014 15:44

[off on a tangent here, but the Buddha was/is not a deity:

"Buddhism started with the Buddha. The word ‘Buddha’ is a title, which means ‘one who is awake’ — in the sense of having ‘woken up to reality’. The Buddha was born as Siddhartha Gautama in Nepal around 2,500 years ago. He did not claim to be a god or a prophet. He was a human being who became Enlightened, understanding life in the deepest way possible."]

fluffyraggies · 23/12/2014 15:48

But idiotic in what way? Do you mean they are stupid? Foolish? Unreliable? Incapable of rational thought? All religious people?

To think that would be properly 'idiotic' IMO.

Theorientcalf · 23/12/2014 16:03

A light turning on and on will just be an electrical fault surely. Why would you first think of ghosts?

LaQueenAnd3KingsOfOrientAre · 23/12/2014 16:12

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Aeroflotgirl · 23/12/2014 16:33

Riiiight why ok Xmas Hmm

taxi4ballet · 23/12/2014 16:37

"No one has come across one."

Wrong - I have. I never believed in them either, until it happened.

HolyTerror · 23/12/2014 16:49

Yes, there's a 'creepy things' thread going on, and nothing on it that couldn't be explained as coincidence, malfunctioning electrics, the ordinary noises of an old house, sleep paralysis, or a gullible person liable to string unrelated incidents together into a 'haunting'.

Apart from a possible encounter with Fred West, which is genuinely horrifying, but nothing to do with the supernatural.

londonrach · 23/12/2014 16:49

Wrong re no one has seen one i can tell you my grandad see one, ex bf seen one, i saw those green eyes and i have had too many patients in with stories and visited too many nursing homes and hospitals where you can feel something.

perplexedpirate · 23/12/2014 16:51

We've had a similar thread before.
Didn't it go ping amongst some controversy?
I would imagine the lights have another switch somewhere that you don't know about.
Someone could be sheltering in there? Someone could have called in to pick something up?
Anything could have happened.
It's not a ghost though. Would you return from the afterlife to haunt your office?!

WhyYouGottaBeSoRude · 23/12/2014 16:51

I'd say anyone who does believe in any of those things hasnt really given it much thought. Which is fine if they believe to give themselves some sort of explanation for things or comfort but if they intend to try and convince others of the existence of their fairy then a bit of logical thinking might be a good idea.

I have.

GarlicDrankTheChristmasSpirit · 23/12/2014 16:57

We've had a similar thread before. - Ral, the building isn't a converted mill, is it? Xmas Wink

I love a ghost thread but there is no such thing. Your phenomena so far sound very much like an electrical problem. It's appropriate to tell the client, yes.

HolyTerror · 23/12/2014 17:02

Perplexed Grin. In fairness, though, I'd be as likely to haunt my office as I would to drop white feathers in relatives' gardens or rock up at spiritualist churches to say I had a message for someone whose name began with M, or maybe J, about a lost ring.

AngieBolen · 23/12/2014 17:12

If ghosts don't exist, how come so many people have experience of them? Even my DM who will insist there is no such thing as ghosts has heard unexplained footsteps on more than one occasion. Confused

I think one day there will be a logical explanation to "ghosts" although I suspect in this case there was someone upstairs. But like hell I would be going in there alone again Grin

BlueBrightBlue · 23/12/2014 17:19

We have a ghost at work.

It is believed to be that of a former employee you truly loved her job.
I haven't been there very long and have yet to encounter her.

WhyYouGottaBeSoRude · 23/12/2014 17:20

If ghosts don't exist, how come so many people have experience of them?

This question can only be answered if we are accepting that ghosts exist, which defeats the purpose of asking the question Grin

oswellkettleblack · 23/12/2014 17:29

Just ask point blank! I worked in an office in an old converted house and did not believe in ghosts, said it was gubbins, until I saw for myself.


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RabidZombie · 23/12/2014 17:56

I with the posters saying you must report this to the client as there is probably an electrical issue or squatters.

You can rest assured it's not a ghost.

LaQueenAnd3KingsOfOrientAre · 23/12/2014 18:04

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WorraLiberty · 23/12/2014 18:14

YY LaQueen and why are ghosts never sporting a Nike Air tracksuit and trainers? Xmas Wink

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