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Major surgery. Christmas Eve. Ono found out tonight at 6 pm. Not sure what to think, help?

79 replies

DoItTooJulia · 12/12/2014 19:38

Never started an AIBU thread, and haven't name changed. And I'm not feeling brave, but here goes.

My mum, who lives with us, has had a really crappy year. For one reason or another, it's taken 9 months to diagnose her thyroid cancer. There have been mistakes made by the hospital and various consutants teams. I do not want to drip feed, but to sit and type them all would take up paragraphs. My mum has discussed these mistakes and issues at length with the hospital and they acknowledge that there have been issues. We haven't complained formally (we are NOT NHS bashers) but have grounds to.

My mum has been watching for the post for the letter from the consultants that was a dictated copy of the notes from her most recent appointment. The appointment was three weeks ago and were told the letter would be out straight away. She was also told that she could expect and appointment for a mini operation to check her airways, a genetic test and then after those a procedure to crack the breast bone and conduct, with another surgeon a thyroidectomy and removal of all cancerous nodes, the thymus and anything else suspect looking in 6-8 weeks. The letter hasn't arrived.

Tonight at 6 pm the consultants secretary rang her to tell her that the major surgery is due to take place on Christmas Eve!

No mention of the other stuff, the smaller procedure, the results from the bloods that they took, nothing. When my mum said she needed to think about it the secretary got quite shirty with her.

What do you think? The context here is that the mistakes have been unaccounted for delays. A 12 week delay here, a 6 week delay there by the hospital and more. If there had been no mistakes, this surgery would have been scheduled 6 months ago. It's a slow growing cancer (thank god).

Are we being churlish to need time to think about it? Would you want that on Christmas eve. She's worried about skeleton staff, the impact on her dgc who she lives with, she's waited for 9 months for this is it foolish to delay it just because it may 'ruin' christmas?

I could type so much more, but I would love to hear what you think and will try to answer questions because there is so much I haven't said.

OP posts:
vienna1981 · 25/12/2014 19:43

Good show Dolt. I am pleased the operation went well. Best wishes to your mother. Flowers

DoItTooJulia · 25/12/2014 21:18

Thanks Vienna

OP posts:
Ohfourfoxache · 26/12/2014 03:56

Fantastic news!

Wishing her a speedy recovery x

wanttosqueezeyou · 26/12/2014 21:40

Thanks for the update. Hope she's feeling better.

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