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To think my DH is being ridiculous?

94 replies

Collectorofcookbooks · 12/12/2014 13:23

He's just announced he's going to give me a Christmas card.

Apparently I am a miserable old goat as I refuse to give him one. He did say that in an affectionate way, honest...

My face looked like this --> Shock

We live in the same house, why on earth he feels the need to give me a card is beyond me! What a waste of paper, and money...and this year we've cut right back on on cards as it was getting out of hand, so it feels a little hypocritical of him to give me one when we took a joint decision not to send as many this year!

OP posts:
Kaekae · 12/12/2014 20:26

Yes after many years together and having just got married I have great delight in finally being able to buy a "Husband card". I love writing something soppy in it. I don't find this cringe. Cringe is when couples communicate on Facebook with each other while sat in the same room just so the whole of their Facebook friends list can read the messages. Shock

DrCarolineTodd · 12/12/2014 20:36

We always give each other xmas cards. Would you like a humbug to go with your Scrooge face?

travailtotravel · 12/12/2014 20:59

My DH wrote me a card to say thank you for making his recent big birthday special - he had been dreading it a bit and apparently he's realised that if he is with me, it will be alright. Bless him. I did well up a bit.

So I think I ought to get him a Crimble card.

Collectorofcookbooks · 12/12/2014 21:26

I've got splinters in my goaty bottom from trying to decide if IABU or not...

OP posts:
LikeASoulWithoutAMind · 12/12/2014 22:16

YANBU. I find it really odd giving the person you wake up with on Christmas morning a Christmas card.

Dh's family are very into that kind of thing though. We have a big "To Our Son and Daughter-in-Law" card from MIL and FIL presumably because not even Hallmark make "Son and that Bitch he Sadly Married" cards PILs write each other cards but are horrible to each other the rest of the time. I don't get it really.

MeAndMySpoon · 12/12/2014 22:26

Nope. I cannot imagine why I'd do that. Birthday cards, anniversary cards, valentines cards - fine. A Christmas card to the person you cohabit with? WHY? Christmas cards are about reaching out to people you're not in constant contact with. To me, it would be a bit like texting him whilst sitting on the sofa next to him.

(Obviously we get about five cards each from DS1 who makes them throughout December for us. That's different.)

MeAndMySpoon · 12/12/2014 22:30

LikeASoul, we get those sorts of cards from PIL too. Grin (ditto, they clearly haven't yet found one with 'To our darling Son, apple of our eye, and the unworthy breastfeeding argumentative STRUMPET he married' on) It's something else I can't get my head around - going out and BUYING A SEPARATE card for each member of your immediate family for £3.50 a pop. SIL sends the boys a 'darling nephew' one each, or a personalised one, which is lovely for them but seems a bit odd to me.

My parents, on the other side of the extreme, will possibly (or not) bring a hastily written card with them when they turn up on Christmas Day. Grin

temporaryusername · 12/12/2014 22:55

YABU from my perspective but it is hardly a major issue so YANBU to have a different view. DP is one of my favourite people to pick a card for. It isn't a waste of money if it means something to the sender or the recipient, and if it is done with thought - picking a card they will like or that has a special significance. DP has given me some amazing Christmas cards over the years - we were reminiscing about the highlights today! To me it is more interesting than the generic send to anyone cards that are used for people you don't know so well. I suppose if you are just going to send a generic, bland card, there isn't much point for the people you live with. If your choice is going to say something though it is a sweet way of sharing your understanding of people.

Icimoi · 12/12/2014 23:05

YANBU. I think it's fairly ludicrous to spend money on wishing someone a merry Christmas when you're going to be with them all day and can not only express those wishes in person but maybe put some effort into ensuring that they do have a good Christmas.

MostHighlyFlavouredLady · 12/12/2014 23:21

I can't remember the last time I set a Christmas card. I think it was when I was in Primary School.

daisychain01 · 13/12/2014 08:57

It all began with our LDR y'see, it was "only x number of days until we're ta-getha agaaaaaaaain" and well we haven't kicked the habit since we started paying the same council tax bill [romantic, what] 2 years ago ...

And I won't buy from Clintons, ghastly cards in there urgh.

Kahlua4me · 13/12/2014 09:03

We use the same cards every year from the first Christmas we were married. We just put the date on the back and hand them to each other.

They get packed up with the decorations after Christmas.

honeybeeplusone · 13/12/2014 10:44

I 100% agree with u! :-)

NeverNic · 13/12/2014 11:05

We always buy each other Christmas cards - and yes I keep them. For the last 4/5yrs we haven't bought presents for birthday or Christmas (preferring to spend money on the flights for a family holiday) so a card is the only thing we have to open. Also a handwritten message is more personal IMO than a present I've picked, he's bought and I will use / bin /forget about a few months down the line.

Also its a bit Scrooge-y of you to shoot your DH down for a romantic festive gesture

Cooki3Monst3r · 13/12/2014 12:29

I'm so glad I'm not the only miserable old goat!

I used to buy DH xmas cards. But quite frankly I can't be arsed anymore!

I was looking at the 'husband' cards yesterday and pondering. But then I thought "how ridiculous". Instead of handing him a card that says "merry Xmas" as we lay in bed together with the kids jumping around at 6am, I think he'd much prefer I said it in person accompanied with a big old smooch!!! Xmas Grin

Cooki3Monst3r · 13/12/2014 12:30

kahula that's soooooo sweet!!!!!

Theyvallgone · 13/12/2014 12:46

LOL then you would hate us - this year we each recieved a Christmas card from the dog ;) Seriously.

Laquitar · 13/12/2014 12:51

It is not the card giving that i find odd but the fact he told you he is going togive you a card!!
It is not a holiday or a new car so imo it doesnt need discussion. Too much discussion and over-planning would ruin everything for me.

Dickorydockwhatthe · 13/12/2014 12:51

I always keep my cards and recycle them every year or add another message to it. I don't need to keep buying new. I still have cards from people who have passed and stick them out every year too

Squirrelsmum · 13/12/2014 12:54

We give each other a gift, but we don't do cards. We aim for a gift the other person wants and will use.

Protego · 13/12/2014 20:06

This is a classic ETTO situation...

moomoo1967 · 13/12/2014 21:24

No we never have done so I am not going to start now Grin


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Dancingyogi · 13/12/2014 21:39

No we don't get each other Xmas cards. I don't encourage the buying of cards at all. Dh and dcs all make daft cards from A4 paper, stick figures, nice message, job done without any need to involve Hallmark.

Spoonme · 13/12/2014 21:52

Two words come to mind - Ebeneezer Scrooge Shock

vitabrits · 13/12/2014 22:04

Oh dear, my mother is sooooo into carefully selected cards for each person, and I find it totally meaningless so can't bring myself to do it back :( But my SIL is a much nicer person than me (seriously) and gets cards for DM so that makes me feel a bit better.

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