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To think my DH is being ridiculous?

94 replies

Collectorofcookbooks · 12/12/2014 13:23

He's just announced he's going to give me a Christmas card.

Apparently I am a miserable old goat as I refuse to give him one. He did say that in an affectionate way, honest...

My face looked like this --> Shock

We live in the same house, why on earth he feels the need to give me a card is beyond me! What a waste of paper, and money...and this year we've cut right back on on cards as it was getting out of hand, so it feels a little hypocritical of him to give me one when we took a joint decision not to send as many this year!

OP posts:
Queenoftheworld · 12/12/2014 16:00

...feeling very grateful for forgetful husband who would never in a million years get me a card at Christmas, let alone expect one.

PrimalLass · 12/12/2014 16:03

I would die of shock if DP got me a Christmas card. We were obviously meant for each other as neither of us could be with someone soppy.

LineRunner · 12/12/2014 16:04

Gilraen, that actually sounds really sweet. Genuinely affectionate, in a pleasingly tight kind of a way Xmas Grin

Topseyt · 12/12/2014 16:12

Birthday cards are exchanged here among close family, but not Christmas cards for people we live with. Waste of time and money.

We make time for each other, have fun and give pressies. Cards not necessary at all.

WerewolfBarMitzvah · 12/12/2014 16:16

Gilraen that's a great idea.
I have nothing against cards with something special or funny written inside but the lone illegible signature is a little pointless.

I have kept alot of cards from DS birth, xmas, bday as despite being a miserable goat, I'm also a sentimental git ( you'd think they were mutually exclusive) but I'm just keeping pieces of card Confused

AlpacaLypse · 12/12/2014 16:16

DP solemnly gets a card for me, and for both dds. He knows I think it is very very silly, nevertheless he wouldn't dare call me a miserable old goat about it, no matter what tone of voice!

JohnFarleysRuskin · 12/12/2014 16:18

There are people who keep Clinton cards in business and there are people who don't...
I don't.

DontCallMeBaby · 12/12/2014 16:27

DH gives me a Christmas card, has done for 17 years. His parents give each other cards. My parents don't, and I don't give him a card. His parents are also 'Dear Son and Daughter-in-Law' card people while mine are 'card from a (nice) multipack' people, and for birthdays etc frequently send generic (but well chosen) cards instead of specific ones. Clearly my family are right.

FrenchJunebug · 12/12/2014 16:50

YANBU fine for him to give you one if he wants but he shouldn't expect one in return!

FTS123 · 12/12/2014 16:58

I've got my new DP a card but only because I've got a super cool gift voucher to put in it, otherwise I wouldn't have. I'm not expecting one from him Smile

Preciousbane · 12/12/2014 17:03

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JohnFarleysRuskin · 12/12/2014 17:07

Oh, a hand-made card! Now that would be lovely.

DH wants to open a card shop called "Say it with platitudes."

Cantaaaaaabile · 12/12/2014 17:14

No cards within the same household with exception of one for children, but adults? No.

Hand made, maybe.

Cantaaaaaabile · 12/12/2014 17:15

I'd buy cards from there, JohnFarleysRuskin Grin

NathalieM · 12/12/2014 17:32

I buy all mine from charity so I don't feel bad about any wastage! This year Leukaemia & Lymphoma had some lovely animal Christmas cards too!

Nat xo

FightingFires · 12/12/2014 17:37

who doesn't put jelly in trifle? Confused

Hatespiders · 12/12/2014 17:57

Oh we always give eachother a Christmas card. My dh writes a whole page of lovely things about me, bless him. He's very romantic. And I do the same for him. I feel these little things are what makes a marriage roll happily along.
When he leaves the loo seat up, or puts clothes in the basket inside-out, I can think back to my Christmas card and smile (well, nearly always...)

Bowlersarm · 12/12/2014 18:15

Jelly in trifle - no, no, no Shock

ToysRLuv · 12/12/2014 18:22

YANBU. Ridiculous.

Merguez · 12/12/2014 18:27


Completely ridiculous.

Postchildrenpregranny · 12/12/2014 18:30

In 32 years of marriage we have never exchanged Christmas, Birthday or Anniversary cards(in fact we often forget our anniversary ) We live together for goodness sake . Before we were married/lived together (old fashioned, no?) he did send me loving little notes all the time (we didn't live in the same town-this was before text/email)and , I think, two Valentines cards . All of which are in my Memory Box. He'd also ring me most evenings and we'd talk for two or three hours.
I like Gilraen and Preciousbane's 'customs' though .

Do you put them on display for all to read the messages? I'd find that toe curling ....

When mine does the toilet seat/laundry thing I remind myself he brings me a cup of tea in bed every morning and has done so all our married life ( I am so not a morning person)

Postchildrenpregranny · 12/12/2014 18:35

PS DDs always send me birthday and Mothers Day cards though (often hand made). They don't live at home and are rarely here on my actual birthday . But wouldn't send us Christmas cards unless they weren't going to see us .
I don't give friends I see shortly before Christmas cards either . And last year did electronic charity cards for everyone I could, and will do the same this year-the donation to charity 'in lieu' is considerable and you can print them off and display them if you want to .


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JohnFarleysRuskin · 12/12/2014 19:11

Aw hatespiders, a love letter is different tho! A love letter is lovely.

Collectorofcookbooks · 12/12/2014 19:32

See, he's not the sort to write a long loving note inside! Perhaps one sentence...he shows he loves me in many small ways, he doesn't need to put it in a card!! MIL is the sort of person who sends son/DIL cards which I find profoundly depressing for some reason.

Funnily enough we bought each other exactly the same card for our anniversary this year too.

I'm only 35...

OP posts:
Collectorofcookbooks · 12/12/2014 19:35

And yes, we do birthday and anniversary cards! I think hand drawn is lovely, of course I would appreciate that! I've kept various Valentine's cards and our first anniversary cards, I'm not completely unsentimental!

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