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To ask what are Crocs/ what are the point of them??

80 replies

Eggsaregoodforyou · 05/08/2014 17:29

Everyone I know's kids seem to have these 'crocs' I just don't get them are they a modern sandal or a cross between wellies and sandals???

And what is the funny stuff inside!!

I feel peer pressure to purchase the DC their very own 'crocs' but need to understand them first!!! ( also they are not cheap!!)

OP posts:
MERLYPUSSEDOFF · 06/08/2014 20:36

I wore them in December when I was expecting my twins. They were the only shoes that fitted and my piggy feet still used to squish through the holes.

HappySeaTurtles · 06/08/2014 03:24

Good beach shoes. If they get dirty, you can just rinse them off. So practically speaking, they're nice.

You're doing good to buy your children crocs. It'll protect their virginity. Grin

StairsInTheNight · 06/08/2014 02:22

They make lovely flip flops, so comfortable with arch support. I wore them all over Disney.

These are my favourites.

To ask what are Crocs/ what are the point of them??
SecretWitch · 06/08/2014 01:57

Croc's make a diabetic shoe that has been terrific for my sister. She is a nurse and is on her feet for 12 hour shifts. Many nurses at her hospital wear them.

musicalendorphins2 · 06/08/2014 01:46

Dh and I wear them, dh even wears his outside of the house.
I have insoles in mine, but dh wears them as they are. They are great for gardening, as said by others, simple to hose off.

Pixel · 06/08/2014 01:09

I swore I'd never get any but then I tried some on... Yes they are hideous, but they are perfect for nipping down the garden to see to the chickens or watering the allotment, or for camping. Plus they stay on my feet even without the strap round the back. Since I gave up flip flops long ago after almost losing my autistic ds under a car because I couldn't catch up with him that's very important to me. I even played a game of football with him last week while wearing them (on campsite not real world!) and didn't do too badly for an old'un Grin.

Mine are fake ones. I find they vary. My first fake pair were so comfy I wore them out but then I got some that looked identical but rubbed my feet. I've got comfy ones again now, think they were from Brantano.

MammaTJ · 05/08/2014 23:20

Go into any hospital and look around. Many of the staff on their feet for 12 hour days will be wearing them!

hiccupgirl · 05/08/2014 23:04

I have crocs for the garden/camping but can't walk any distance in them cos they rub my feet and make my feet sweat horribly...yes they are the real ones as well.

DS aged 4 has fake ones from Next and would live in them if I let him. He usually wears them with socks but they're ok without as well. Brilliant for the beach, camping, wet grass etc and he can put them on and off himself.

steff13 · 05/08/2014 23:01

My Crocs flip flops were $35 (about 20), which I thought was A LOT for flip flops. But, I've had them for five years, and I wouldn't do without them. They are amazingly comfortable. They make lots of different styles now, not just the classic ones. The Mary Janes are quite cute.

TheCunnyFunt · 05/08/2014 22:53

I have cheapy ones from Brantano, I wouldn't be seen dead out of the house in them though, they are for garden wear only :o

SweetSummerSweetPea · 05/08/2014 22:47

soooo ugly and horrid but soo easy to slip on and go into garden with, i got fake pair - copy from spain for pebbly beach and they were fab.

cheap, cheerful....many uses, but so ugly...

MERLYPUSSEDOFF · 05/08/2014 20:59

We have about 20 pairs in our house in various states of mankyness. (and straps chewed off by my sister's dog).
I think they are (ugly but) fab.

honeybeeridiculous · 05/08/2014 20:29

A lot of nurses at work wear them, I find them too spongy and they make my thighs ache weirdo

CalamitouslyWrong · 05/08/2014 20:16

Copies destroy my DS2's feet. He loves his crocs (he's 4 so it's OK). All the small children round here wear crocs throughout the summer. I never see adults in them.

DS1 (14) would rather die than wear crocs (so he claims). He wears those wetsuit style beach shoes at the beach and/or flip flops.

Retropear · 05/08/2014 20:13

My dd has the Crocband Sandals this year and they look fab,great for skinny feet with Velcro.More stylish than the clog version.

BlackWings · 05/08/2014 20:08

Crocs are the equivalent of jelly sandals in the 80's, ugly but practical. We've spent most of the summer at the beach or paddling in streams, the one time Ds took his off he cut his foot on a broken shell.

MrsAtticus · 05/08/2014 20:05

I've been wearing crocs for years, DH and kids now also wear them. Incredibly comfortable, practical and easy to clean. In terms of kids, comfy, easy to get on and off, great for toilet training as you can rinse them under the tap if they get weed on. Some of the lookalikes are fine, but some are a bit hard.
I also have Crocs winter boots, which are suede with a water proof croc type shoe at the bottom (doesn't look like a croc but feels like it), I've had them 4 years, they still look brand new and keep my feet stylish and dry all winter!
I don't work for crocs, honest!

wanttosinglikemarycoughlan · 05/08/2014 19:58

Copies rub my DD
Crocs are the only shoes she can wear without socks and not rub
They are great for the beach

FreeWee · 05/08/2014 19:52

My DD loves hers and walks really well in them. I bought a cheaper non crocs pair but her fat feet wouldn't squeeze in. Expensive but they fit and were perfect on the stoney bit of the beach before the sea.

ouryve · 05/08/2014 19:33

They're great on the beach.
And I like to wear them as slippers, round the house, because they actually provide arch support.
And the boys wear crocs wellies because of the arch support. We all have hypermobile feet and £5 Thomas the Tank Engine wellies just aren't suitable for any amount of walking in the rain or snow.

CrohnicallyDepressed · 05/08/2014 19:32

I couldn't care less if they're out of date. If it wasn't for crocs I would hate going to the beach. As a child I would always paddy when my mum couldn't get every last grain of sand off my feet before putting my shoes on. With crocs (cheap imitation ones, anyway) I couldn't care less because the sand doesn't rub or irritate, and just drops out of the holes. And you can hose your feet off while still wearing them, which saves the hassle of hopping round trying not to get sand back on your clean foot while drying it and replacing shoes. You can wear them into the water if it's a stony beach, and they don't fill with bits like those wetsuit material shoes, or rub like jelly shoes.

DD (nearly 2) has a pair for the garden- we have gravel so she can't go barefoot. And as has been mentioned, she can go out with her nappy off, if she wees I just tip water over her feet!

TeaRex · 05/08/2014 19:30

I wear crocs! Love them!!! They're a bit crap on wet pavements but other than that they are my favourite brand of casual footwear but I've got the trainer type ones and ones that look like boat shoes. They're no different in looks to similar type shoes just 10x more comfy I think.


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BikeRunSki · 05/08/2014 19:24

I may have once accidentally worn mine to work. In an office.

MrsLindor · 05/08/2014 19:03

DD, 10, lives in them in the summer, DH wears them on campsites only, personally I prefer my toes out in the summer and live in Birkenstocks.

CouldntGiveAMonkeysToss · 05/08/2014 18:53

I bought my boys the cheapo primark ones for playing out in the garden and they love them! They wear them everywhere so next summer I'll get some slightly better quality ones.
They are perfect for children.
Seriously tempted to get myself a pair next year too Grin

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