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Work harassing me while on maternity leave

346 replies

Lilannii · 07/07/2014 10:42

I found out I was pregnant April last year and after asking the home I work in to put me down for shorter shifts was declined I took my maternity leave ASAP. Since then they have made a list of bank staff and text them with available shifts for the week, but it's every single day. My little one is 5 months old now and these bloody texts keep waking him up! I shouldn't have to silence my phone all day every day. I never opted to be on this list, I even told them late December I had quit. I get about 8 texts a day, I have called them twice last week, the first time the person in charge was supposed to call me back and never did and the second time the receptionist was supposed to pass a message on, I have called them this morning and am waiting again for the person in charge of the list to phone me back. Does this constitute harrassment?? What can I do about this? It's driving me nuts. Especially when little man has been ill and only just drifted off to sleep them to be woken by work texting

OP posts:
glasgowstevenagain · 07/07/2014 15:16

But then she wont get all her other important texts! :)

This could be solved by blocking the number!

coraltoes · 07/07/2014 15:17

no no better to do nothing and just keep waking the baby. I mean, i found that when my alarm clock went off at 5am it woke me every day. Rather than address it, i demanded somebody else resolve the problem and kept waking at 5am until they did... i'm still waking at 5am but i have my principles goddamn it.

Lilannii · 07/07/2014 15:21

Now I feel like I'm being attacked because the texts keep waking my boy, I breastfeed and he nurses for a long period of time before he drops off, I use my phone to play solitaire in and browse the net so I stay awake. Do not make this a personal attack on how my son sleeps. He does not struggle to sleep through anything, except for some reason my phone, we can have the tv on, we can talk, that doesn't wake him. He's an angel so it's not that I have had a bad day and a grumpy baby who refuses to sleep, do not jump to conclusions about my son please

OP posts:
Boudica1990 · 07/07/2014 15:22

Oh for God's sake, your child is being woken up by a phone, so instead of just blocking the number your happy for your baby to be constantly woken up because of a "principle"

The mind boggles....

Nicknacky · 07/07/2014 15:24

It's you that brought up your sons sleep. My phone is never away from my side but I have it on vibrate so I don't miss texts and it won't disturb the baby. That's why people can't understand why you won't do that, regardless of who it is that is texting you!

littlejohnnydory · 07/07/2014 15:24

put your phone on silent? It really doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

glasgowstevenagain · 07/07/2014 15:28

Her button is broken dontcha know :)

glasgowstevenagain · 07/07/2014 15:29

Now I feel like I'm being attacked because the texts keep waking my boy, I breastfeed and he nurses for a long period of time before he drops off, I use my phone to play solitaire in and browse the net so I stay awake. Do not make this a personal attack on how my son sleeps.

It is not about your son and his sleep - it is about you refusing to block the number....job done

Lilannii · 07/07/2014 15:34

I refuse to block because I would like to count how many times they are going to text, that way I can build a case against them.

OP posts:
CoffeeTea103 · 07/07/2014 15:34

Op well you do need to grow up, you sound like a child whining about something that could very easily be fixed. Do you make a drama out of everything. Maybe you're just bored.

StillFrigginRexManningDay · 07/07/2014 15:35

This is a completly non issue. Change your text alert or put your phone on vibrate while you ds goes to sleep and change it back when you are out of the room so you still get texts from your family.

And I am just going to offer a little bit of advice. Unclench and relax a bit. You are irrationally wound up over something silly and easily solved. Make your life simpler and block the number and write to HR about your payslips. Unless you enjoy making dramas out of everything.

DottyDooRidesAgain · 07/07/2014 15:37

Only scanned the thread but have I got the jist so far:

OP no longer works for the company but they still have her number on the automated list so she is receiving texts for shifts (even though she left) which are waking the baby.

Instead of blocking a number she no longer needs (easiest option and instantly effective) she is instead choosing to have a good old moan about it out of principle.

If the above is correct then you deserve to be disturbed by your phone you numpty. Just block the number instead of cutting off your nose to spite your face over some misplaced sense of principal.

Also you need to formally hand in your resignation as some computer systems (payroll/staff management) require it otherwise it will not delete you off the system. I completed all payroll for a care company in a previous life and that was how it worked with our system.

On a lighter note your baby sounds lovely. Smile

StillFrigginRexManningDay · 07/07/2014 15:37

Build a case? So you are trying to make money out of their mistake? Hmm
Go and practice your DM sad face then and here have a grip.

fawltydoge · 07/07/2014 15:37

build a case against them? What? you don't NEED a case against them. You have a problem. You have several easy soluti

fawltydoge · 07/07/2014 15:38 wtfs the problem? you sound like a bloody nutter nightmare

Boudica1990 · 07/07/2014 15:39

Build a case for what, they aren't your employers now, remeber you resigned???

So what ya gonna do, phone the police and claim harassment??

You are being deliberately awkward, and letting your child brunt the consequences of petty childish behaviour.

I get spam texts all the time I block the numbers, I also keept getting phone calls early in the morning about making pizza deliveries, I blocked the number after two wake up calls. My number must have been close to the delivery boy/girls number.

Nicknacky · 07/07/2014 15:40

Build a case in what way?

SquigglySquid · 07/07/2014 15:41

I get texts (and phone calls) all the time too. I turn my phone on silent when the baby is sleeping. It takes less than a second to do.

DottyDooRidesAgain · 07/07/2014 15:43

Build a case! Shock

I can just imagine a solicitor taking this one on Grin Grin

Pop yourself over to legal OP an ask on there if they think you have a case Confused

mercifulgibbon · 07/07/2014 15:43

This thread is bizarre. OP can't silence her phone (but she can) and she can't stop the texts (but she can).

So what's the issue?

EarthWindFire · 07/07/2014 15:44

I refuse to block because I would like to count how many times they are going to text, that way I can build a case against them.

Build a case for what exactly? Please don't tell me you are after compensation? You'd be laughed out of court.

pommedeterre · 07/07/2014 15:45

You asked if you were being unreasonable assuming a no then?

Don't ask a question if you can't take the answer.


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SquigglySquid · 07/07/2014 15:45

He does not struggle to sleep through anything, except for some reason my phone, we can have the tv on, we can talk, that doesn't wake him.

If you know this and don't silence your phone or block the number, it is 100% your fault your poor baby can't sleep. I feel sorry for him. His mother is making him suffer the consequences of her own idiocy because "it's the principle of the matter". Please fix this mentality before raising your child. He needs a mother that puts his needs before her ego, not a toxic mother that will be playing stupid games at his expense.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 07/07/2014 15:45

Just block the number.

glasgowstevenagain · 07/07/2014 15:46

Lilannii Mon 07-Jul-14 15:34:10
I refuse to block because I would like to count how many times they are going to text, that way I can build a case against them.

Build a case!

This has to be a joke!

i know people joke about a baby brain, but you need to get more to worry about OP, get a hobby, volunteer, go to a hospice and see people who have more to worry about and then think, really think if your worry and stress was worth it.

So tell me did you block the number.

I did not your honour, I wanted them to continue doing this so I could build a case against them!

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