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Work harassing me while on maternity leave

346 replies

Lilannii · 07/07/2014 10:42

I found out I was pregnant April last year and after asking the home I work in to put me down for shorter shifts was declined I took my maternity leave ASAP. Since then they have made a list of bank staff and text them with available shifts for the week, but it's every single day. My little one is 5 months old now and these bloody texts keep waking him up! I shouldn't have to silence my phone all day every day. I never opted to be on this list, I even told them late December I had quit. I get about 8 texts a day, I have called them twice last week, the first time the person in charge was supposed to call me back and never did and the second time the receptionist was supposed to pass a message on, I have called them this morning and am waiting again for the person in charge of the list to phone me back. Does this constitute harrassment?? What can I do about this? It's driving me nuts. Especially when little man has been ill and only just drifted off to sleep them to be woken by work texting

OP posts:
Nicknacky · 07/07/2014 14:22

By the time you write a letter, send it and someone paying attention to it, you could have another five days of texts!

Jeez this is a non event.

Nicknacky · 07/07/2014 14:23

Dawn, it's not illegal for a company to contact a person like this. It's an admin error, not illegal.

Lilannii · 07/07/2014 14:25

My husband said I reply yes to all the shifts and not turn up, when they question is just say ohhh sorry baby got hold of my phone. Lmao!!

OP posts:
Monopolice · 07/07/2014 14:28

You have a marvel of technology in your hand.

You could block the number entirely. You could mute your phone. You could put it on vibrate. You could mute it for calls from that number, and not from anyone else. You could use it to text the number back and tell them to take you off the list. There are eleventy billion things you could be doing other than using it to complain on MN Grin

Flipflops7 · 07/07/2014 14:30

I am also puzzled as you say they are still sending you payslips every month??

fawltydoge · 07/07/2014 14:31

you can't turn your phone on silent cos the button is broken? Confused

you're being deliberately awkward and you know it. grow up

StoorieHoose · 07/07/2014 14:31

I would be more worried that they are still sending you payslips! Write to head of HR with your resignation. you need a P45 from them

glasgowstevenagain · 07/07/2014 14:33

My husband said I reply yes to all the shifts and not turn up, when they question is just say ohhh sorry baby got hold of my phone. Lmao!!

or you could say nothing as you are not obliged to..

but what a PP said - your phone is not broken

I agree it would get annoying.. but you need a quick fix

Flipflops7 · 07/07/2014 14:37

Still needing to know is she or isn't she their employee :) All advice is irrelevant without this clarification.

Lilannii · 07/07/2014 14:42

You will know if you have had an iPhone the the silent button on them are nearly always dodgy, this is my third and all three if them Iv had problems with the silent button. So before you start telling people to grow up, maybe you should think what if they are actually telling the truth!! I have texte the number also, it is an automated system and therefore won't recognise the message.

OP posts:
EarthWindFire · 07/07/2014 14:44

You haven't confirmed your resignation in writing? So where is the proof that you have actually resigned?

Put it in writing that you have resigned and the texts will probably stop!!!!

Nicknacky · 07/07/2014 14:45

But you are making this a problem. You have to have your phone near the baby, you can't turn it on to silent, why should you block etc?

Do you always make things harder than they need to be?

And this wasn't what harassment legislation was introduced for.

EarthWindFire · 07/07/2014 14:46

most people would rather criticise than help

No, people have given opinions/ solutions that you don't agree with or don't want to do. There is a difference.

MiscellaneousAssortment · 07/07/2014 14:47

I can imagine how irritating the texts are.

But you sound confused about your employment status, and I wonder if they are too?

Are you on maternity leave or do you no longer work for them?

I think you need to write to them and email them, and spell it out, asking to be taken off the list for work.

After you've done that, then you can get really grumpy about the texts - which look like an admin error, not harassment directed at you, no matter how irritating they are to receive. But after you've done everything you can toile them stop, and they don't, I think that changes the situation.

glasgowstevenagain · 07/07/2014 14:48

The way to solve this problem - for ever - would take one minute

Block the number

Write to HR and request a P45

You're welcome

Flipflops7 · 07/07/2014 14:52

I want to know what's happening to these monthly payslips! If OP is spending their money she is still their employee.

Jesaya · 07/07/2014 14:52

There is more than one way to silence an iPhone so "button broken" doesn't really make sense but anyway, block the number. Write to them requesting they remove your number from their text system and keep your phone away from your sleeping kid of it wakes him Confused

slithytove · 07/07/2014 14:52

Under the rules of maternity, as pp posted, this is harassment.

It is not up to OP to find a solution, of course she can if she wants but far better that the company catch a grip of themselves.

Ring acas OP, see what they say.

I think it's a great idea to start accepting all the shifts!

slithytove · 07/07/2014 14:53

OP might still be getting payslips because she qualified for mat pay which would still be paid even once she had resigned.

Lilannii · 07/07/2014 14:55

Flipflops7 I do not get any money from, my maternity money is paid by government as I didn't qualify for maternity pay from work. Will go down the letter route definetly.thanks

OP posts:
coraltoes · 07/07/2014 15:03

ok i get the principle bothers you, it would bother me. But considering they are not doing anything, you really ought to take some preventitive action to avoid your kid waking from texts.

  1. blocking the number is a start, dont get why you would rather your kid woke, than do this, all because of principle?!
  2. maybe put kid to sleep where you phone is not also located?
  3. turn the ring tone a bit quieter (not silent)

    keep badgering them to stop texting. everytime they text, drop them an email, every single time. have it on template. send.

    it really isnt chuffing rocket science.

    BUT BUT BUT if you like having something to moan about, you could just do nothing.
glasgowstevenagain · 07/07/2014 15:04

BristolRover Mon 07-Jul-14 13:40:13
data protection issues? to her own employer? yeah, good on

Not her employer she has resiigned...


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glasgowstevenagain · 07/07/2014 15:05

I agree with PP - do nothing and keep moaning about it.

A tired grumpy baby is worth your principle eh!

EarthWindFire · 07/07/2014 15:09

Not her employer she has resiigned...

They have no proof of that as the OP never put it in writing.

fawltydoge · 07/07/2014 15:10

YOU CAN PUT IT ON SILENT VIA THE SETTINGS>SOUNDS MENU. Bloody hell I doubt you didn't know that

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