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AIBU? hate it when a British person says..

309 replies

Primadonnagirl · 13/06/2014 20:04

..the word " movie"
...." Can I get?!"
... " dude"
... Y'all"
... "Back in the day"

V grumpy today

OP posts:
miffybun73 · 13/06/2014 20:26

I agree OP. I could not say any of those things. Just ridiculous :)

Nospringflower · 13/06/2014 20:26

Is it ok to say can you get me then? Like 'can you get me an orange juice?'. Am Scottish and don't see anything wrong with it - certainly not an Americanism!

Aliceinvodkaland · 13/06/2014 20:26

i think scotland gave it to america

daisychain01 · 13/06/2014 20:27

I have to >>sheepishly

myusernameis · 13/06/2014 20:27

I will say movie if it's part of the name - Sky Movies; South Park the Movie etc. Otherwise it is film.

squoosh · 13/06/2014 20:27

But thinking on it further doesn't 'Can I have' make one sound like an awful pleb whereas 'Can I get......a gin a dubonnet' is the kind of thing a toff would bark at their doddery old Jeeves.

Viviennemary · 13/06/2014 20:28

See you soon drives me mad. Also gotten.Also movie. Hubby and other half. both awful. And saying 'whatever'. Though I did say it to DH when he was being annoying the other day.

Canthisonebeused · 13/06/2014 20:29

I say can you get me, at home when I want someone to do something for me, can you get me the remote. Can you get me a cup of tea.

daisychain01 · 13/06/2014 20:30

Confession is good for the soul, primadonna, am I in any way forgiven or should I just jog-on and join Arya under the patio....

kim147 · 13/06/2014 20:30

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squoosh · 13/06/2014 20:31

Is 'see you soon' frowned on too?? Cripes.

What should we say? 'If I happen to find myself in your company in the near future I won't be too displeased'.


Canthisonebeused · 13/06/2014 20:31

In fact I more often say... go'n get me then remote...cup of tea etc.

squoosh · 13/06/2014 20:31

'learned me'?

That's not American, that's wrong!

Passmethecrisps · 13/06/2014 20:32

Too much vodka alice??

I have answered.

Not either. Just fizzy juice. Any juice at all.

It is a sort of west coast thing

Ludways · 13/06/2014 20:32

My df is Scottish, I'm Northern English, I've lived in the States for a number of years, I'm a complete mix of colloquialisms and I'm not bothered one jot if I annoy others with it, so long as I'm understood.

Nospringflower · 13/06/2014 20:32

Think its Ginger in the west and Irn Bru in East.

Icimoi · 13/06/2014 20:34

If I worked in a shop where people asked "Can I get?" I would be sooo tempted to say "Certainly, it's over there, go and get it".

AdoraBell · 13/06/2014 20:34

I have to fight the urge to come over all pedantic when I hear can I get.

I don't know, let's find out if you have ability to get X, shall we? Are you going to reach across or go round the counter to use the coffee machine/ whateverHmm

Oddly, I don't experience the same petty rage with- can I have. Blush

0dd · 13/06/2014 20:35

I say can I get, movie and dude.

The first two I think I can get away with as I'm Scottish.

I blame Dean Winchester for my use of dude. Grin

Oh I use awesome a lot but only in front of my family as I don't want people to know I'm an arse. My family already know I'm an arse. Wink

kim147 · 13/06/2014 20:36

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OldVikingDudeHidMyTubeSocks · 13/06/2014 20:36

What's wr9ong with saying dude??

Aliceinvodkaland · 13/06/2014 20:37

no that's just my username i am actually a methodist booze for me no siree


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Aliceinvodkaland · 13/06/2014 20:37

thankyou nospring a sensible answer

AnneElliott · 13/06/2014 20:39

I don't like 'can I get' as I think it sounds rude. I also hear my Y6 teacher saying "yes you certainly can, but the question is whether you may or may not". He had a real thing about 'can I' and even now I still say 'may I have' just in case he's nearbyGrin

OldVikingDudeHidMyTubeSocks · 13/06/2014 20:39

and does nobody say 'we're going to the pictures' anymore? Grin

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